Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2077

In full view of the public, the servants of the Fang family overturned the carriage of the two uncles and nephews. One broke his leg and one was injured in many places.

The people of the five cities army and horses department didn\'t take care of it, because the uncles and nephews insisted that their carriage frightened the horse and had nothing to do with others.

——This is lying!

——This is power!

The censor is sarcastic.

People all over the street saw Xing and Bofang wake up.

Everyone saw that it was the servants of the Fang family who started, and the brave Xin Laoqi was the first.

This is not a lie. What is it?

This is not bullying. What is it?

In the excitement of the crowd, the important ministers did not follow up, but watched the imperial governors send the memorials to the palace like chicken blood.

In the hospital, Li Ermo was thinking about things. It was noisy outside.

Today\'s Daming Dynasty can be regarded as the most prosperous period. One of the characteristics of the prosperous period is that the officials are relatively excellent, so the role of the censor is not so obvious.

Some people say that the censor is the one who invites fame. Li Ermo thinks that there is half the truth.

Therefore, the censor needs to be the focus and focus events.

And the uncle and nephew were almost killed by the servant who woke up in the street. Is this a focus event?


So the hospital investigation was boiling.

It\'s cold outside, but it\'s Carnival inside the hospital.

Whether it\'s lengtouqing or scheming, whether it\'s honest or corrupt, whether it\'s right and evil... All the Royal historians are thinking about it.

From time to time, some people are reciting the memorials they have just written, elated.

No, it\'s impassioned!

Li Er Mao was still thinking quietly without any panic.

"Lord Li, let\'s play a memorial together?"

Tao Zhiyuan, the censor, came in and asked with a smile, but his eyes turned on the table. When he saw that there was no Memorial, his smile deepened.

Li Er Mao turned slightly and said, "what memorials?"

Tao Zhiyuan exaggerated to open his mouth and said in surprise: "that thing!"

Li Ermo frowned and said, "what\'s the matter?"

The smile on Tao Zhiyuan\'s face dissipated, hesitated and said, "xinghebo... Smashed someone else\'s carriage in the street..."


Li Ermo was about to stop talking. Tao Zhiyuan sighed, "it\'s really... In broad daylight! Everyone is full of eyes..."

Li Er Mao also sighed, "but your majesty didn\'t say anything?"

Tao Zhiyuan looked at Li Ermo in disbelief and murmured, "we are the censor! We are the censor... Dignitaries... How can dignitaries make us yield..."

He said and walked out, but his eyes remained on Li Ermo.

It is an exception and a profound meaning that the imperial historian took the post of Zuo zhongyun in Zhan Shi\'s house.

As long as the emperor thinks that Li Er Mao can be used, he can start from zhengwupin.

Li Er Mao didn\'t notice him at all. He just frowned slightly, as if he were thinking about something.

Tao Zhiyuan sneered and said, "arrogant and domineering, the hospital is going to fry."

Li Er Mao shook his head slightly, as if he had been disturbed by a fly in his ear.


"Second uncle, why don\'t you say it was Fang Xinggan?"

After returning from the medical school, the uncles and nephews who wanted to go back immediately are going to settle down in Peiping.

The sharp pain after bone grafting made the middle-aged man moan, but when he heard this, he couldn\'t help crying out in bed: "what if he said it? Can he cure him? Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!"

He beat the bed board, and his face turned red, half painful and half angry.

"Second uncle, you can\'t cure him, but you can also be widely known to show others his arrogance and cruelty..."

The middle-aged man breathed coldly and scolded, "fool! So many people saw it at that time. Who can stop it?"

The man in royal clothes touched the bruise on his face and hissed: "second uncle, do you want people to know his domineering? Then our family will close the door immediately and ignore foreign affairs. Outsiders will certainly say that our family dare not provoke your Majesty\'s favorite minister... Yes! This is a stroke of genius. Just wake up the opportunity to give it to yourself!"

Even if it was the pain of breaking a bone, the middle-aged man inevitably said with some small complacency: "bear, we just have to bear it. After the door is closed, those people... My family are afraid. They are afraid?"

The man in royal clothes nodded and said excitedly, "second uncle, they must be afraid!"

"Be afraid!"

The middle-aged man said proudly, "everyone is afraid, but who wants their benefits to be taken and robbed? Then they will naturally wake up... Besides, those adults in the court will not be afraid. On the contrary, they will feel... Rabbit death and fox sorrow! Lips and teeth are cold!"

The man in royal clothes said with a smile, "so my family will get away from the incident and sit and watch them make trouble. Good!"

At this time, a servant came in and said, "second master, someone has come to send a message."

"What letter?"

The servant didn\'t have an envelope, but said, "the man said that the people who visited here a few days ago have records in East Hall and royal guards..."

The man in royal clothes waved his hand unsightly. After the servant went down, he frowned and said, "second uncle, what does this mean? Does your majesty want to protect Fang Xing?"

The middle-aged man closed his eyes and said, "those people just came to meet and greet. Is this also a party for personal gain? Your majesty is really dissatisfied with my family!"


After entering the palace, a message came from the palace.

——Your majesty asked the important officials, whose world is this?

It is said that the emperor was very angry and immediately sent people to Shandong.

This is the beginning!

After Fang woke up and returned, the clean-up and dedication has actually been suspended, so everyone is enjoying this rare peace.

Peace is suddenly broken, which is what Wanfu refers to.


A saying soon spread in Beiping city.

"It\'s said that after the two men went to Beijing, so many people visited them... Some people think they are dissatisfied with Jinan and planning..."

Yang Pu\'s eyes lifted slightly, with unclear meaning.

Jin Youzi said disdainfully: "I don\'t despise them. They don\'t have the courage at all. So this is a guide to help Fang Xing get away... Eh! Fang Xing doesn\'t need such an excuse since he deliberately does it during the day. What do you mean..."

Yang Pu lowered his head and rubbed his eyes. He also rubbed the helplessness into his eyes.

This is an active attack!

Yang Rong and Yang Shiqi are walking outside.

As a Bachelor of assistant politics, although they do not have the pleasure of each Shangshu in their own department, they also hold great power.

Walking is Yang Rong\'s favorite way to eliminate fatigue.

And today, there is Yang Shiqi around him.

"Your Majesty has been impatient for a long time, but he is not easy to move. Xing Hebo is also impatient. No, he is more eager than your majesty, so he starts in the street. It\'s ridiculous that the two people probably don\'t know the reason."

Yang Rong said sarcastically, "since you want to shut the door and ignore foreign affairs, don\'t go to Beijing. Make a gesture to... But these tricks are useful to scholars. Xinghe Bo is the most skilled martial artist. Naturally, he won\'t follow the rules... Forget the fence!"

Although no one was caught in the fence incident that year, according to the itinerary, Fang Xing, who was in Shandong at that time, was the most suspected.

Yang Shiqi couldn\'t help laughing and said, "they are too proud, but they don\'t know that xinghebo can\'t bear it for a long time. The longer it takes to clean up the fields, the more difficult it will be to come back in the future..."

"This is unreasonable!"

Yang Rong looked at the ridge opposite and said with a headache: "I found an excuse this time. It will probably sweep the whole Shandong, and then the whole North..."

At this time, someone in the palace came and said loudly, "Your Majesty has ordered that all preferential treatment in Shandong be abolished..."

Yang Rong and Yang Shiqi bowed their hands in awe, and the news began to spread.

The capital is in awe!