Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2076

It\'s hot, there are few pedestrians on the street, and they are in a hurry. They just want to get out of the sun exposure earlier.

The carriage walked slowly and looked particularly calm in this hot afternoon.

Fang Xing followed slowly with his two children, just like father and son who came out to relieve sleepiness in the afternoon.

"You must have something to do when you come out at this time. You are either working or on the way to work, or you have urgent things to deal with..."

"Dad, that is to say, if it\'s all right at this time, you won\'t come out to bask in the sun."

Fang woke up embarrassed, patted the potato and said, "smelly boy, you know how to show off."

"Do you want to... Just let you know today what is the unexpected situation. Remember, don\'t say it when you go home."

In the future, the two sons will start their own government and take charge of their own affairs. So Fang Xing abandoned the traditional educational methods and decided to let them touch the dark side.

Tudou and Ping\'an nodded, and both children looked forward with some excitement.

There, four masters Ding were slowly approaching the carriage.

Xin Laoqi was on the left and Fang Wu was on the right. They separated and went to the left and right sides of the carriage with a family member.

"One look is enough..."

The streets were still deserted, and everything seemed to stagnate under the almost white light.

Those shopkeepers didn\'t show up at all. Occasionally, a man came out, looked around listlessly, and then ran into it like he was running for his life.

The extreme heat is hell.

For that carriage, it was the coachman and the horse who could feel the heat of hell

The coachman was numb and his pores were closed without sweating.

He let the horse go along the street without expression. He felt some cool from the carriage behind him. He wished he could kick the two people out and enjoy themselves.

Even the horse seemed to agree with him and suddenly tilted.

Happy skew, as if all the weight had disappeared.

The heat slows people\'s mind. When the coachman thinks of something, he feels that his body is rising.

Very comfortable feeling!

In the eyes of Tudou and Ping\'an, the carriage has become their toy car as a child.

Xin Laoqi and Fang Wu, together with two other servants, stood on both sides of the carriage and worked together.

The four big men suddenly worked hard, their muscles were open, their necks swelled suddenly, and their faces turned red

The carriage was suddenly lifted up, and the horse was suddenly relaxed. He couldn\'t help hissing all over, and then struggled hard.

The coachman jumped out of the car subconsciously and shouted, "there\'s a ghost!"

The uncle and nephew in the carriage were talking and laughing. When they felt that the carriage suddenly took off, the man in royal clothes blurted out and scolded: "Wang Er, you..."

The middle-aged man heard someone exhale around him. He subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab it, and shouted, "wake up, you..."

When people on both sides of the street heard the sound and looked, they saw four big men working together to lift the carriage.

In the scream of the carriage, the four people acted together and threw the carriage to the side in front.

The sparrow tongue stood in front. She first looked at Fang with her two sons, looked coldly at the carriage, and then looked at Xin Laoqi and others. She only felt a cold rising from her back, and then she was cold all over.


The car hit the ground with a loud noise.

Two screams came from the flying smoke.

Freckles looked again and saw Fang Xing bend over and say something to the two children, looking calm.

Xin Laoqi and others stared at the carriage coldly, and then retreated slowly.

Fang Wu took a look at freckles when he retreated. The coldness in his eyes made freckles scream.

She remembered Fang Xing\'s calm when he was in Jinan. Even if he did it, he just ordered his subordinates to catch those riotous gentry. As for rebellion and interception on a rainy night, she didn\'t know the specific situation.

But Fang Wu just looked at her, and the killing in her eyes made her fall into an ice cellar.

This is the servant under Xinghe Bo who has made great achievements in the war!

She remembered that she begged Fang to wake up several times, and some didn\'t know the height of the earth. Suddenly, the pores were like a washed dam, and fine beads of sweat poured out one after another

The carriages had fallen apart. In the chaos, the coachman rushed over.

He pulled open the wooden blocks and pillars, then took out the howling uncle and nephew, turned back and shouted, "kill..."

He saw Fang Xing walking sideways with his two children.

The middle-aged man in the scream looked at Fang Xing and happened to have Fang Xing\'s side face. They looked at each other.

Fang Xing nodded slightly, then turned his face back and walked slowly forward.

The sharp pain from his legs immediately made the middle-aged man close his eyes and bite his teeth.

His nephew didn\'t have a fracture, but his face was bruised, but he screamed annoyingly.

He saw the bird tongue and looked respectfully at Fang Xingfu\'s bird tongue.

He finally couldn\'t help it anymore. He opened his mouth. First, he gave a low, miserable hum. Then he felt very good and shouted loudly.


In the severe pain, he saw the people of the five cities army and horse division running.

He saw those people running to Fang Xing\'s side and flattering greetings. Then Fang Xing returned with a smile and dispersed.

The sergeants ran over and someone shouted, "what\'s the matter?"


The man in royal clothes just said one word and was covered by the middle-aged man.

He gasped and said painfully, "yes... It\'s startling the horse!"

The man in royal clothes looked at his second uncle in disbelief and closed his eyes in pain.

The onlookers didn\'t know their identity, but they saw Fang Xing\'s servant fight, so they thought it was an enemy.

An enemy who can wake Fang up in the daytime must be a big enemy.

So everyone was smiling. No one reported to the people of the five cities army and horse department.

The bird tongue recognized their uncle and nephew. On the Bank of Daming Lake, she saw those two pairs of inexplicable smiling eyes.

Fang Xing didn\'t explain anything. He took his two children all the way, and finally bought ice cheese for them.

Back home, Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai found that the two children\'s emotions were abnormal, so they asked Fang Xing.

"This is a topic between men."

Fang Xing used this answer to prevaricate the doubts of his wife and concubine, but made the two sons feel that they have become real men, and they are not in a high mood.

After taking a bath, there were two more children outside the bathroom, looking hesitant.

Fang Xing smiled and took them to the study.

Fang Xing\'s study is a forbidden area, and the two children can\'t come in without permission.

"Sit down."

Fang woke up and took a sip of tea. When he saw his two sons looking curiously at the map on the wall, he said, "these academies have them, but here are more detailed. If you want to see them later... Remember, don\'t move if you shouldn\'t move, don\'t look if you shouldn\'t."

This is the meaning of allowing them to come to the study in the future. The two children were so happy that they cursed and swore to abide by the rules.

"What\'s the problem? Go ahead."

Fang Xing kept holding them, just to see the temperament of the two children.

Tudou said timidly, "Dad, who are those two? The child noticed that the seventh uncle let go of the coachman... Is it related to the government?"

Fang woke up and looked at Ping An.

Ping An said, "Dad, the servants can do it secretly, but you let them do it in broad daylight. Those two must have a fight with you, and it involves a lot."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "those two are uncles and nephews. They are the children of a very famous family. They fought secretly with their father in Jinan for a long time..."

"Dad, is it about cleaning up the offering?"
