Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2075

Huang Zhong came back after learning that a guest of the family asked for a meeting.

As soon as he got outside the study, he heard the sound of awakening inside.

"... is your family involved in assassinating Chang Yu and intercepting Ben Bo?"

The room was quiet for a moment, and a strange voice said with a little shame: "Xing Hebo, this nonsense also came out and said, this is humiliation!"

Huang Zhong is slightly troubled.

The family is a memorial tablet. Fang Xing\'s tone of questioning and pressing questions is inevitable. If it gets noisy, those people in the capital are waiting for an excuse!

When there is trouble in the capital, the north will certainly follow suit everywhere. Those scholars and gentry who have long been depressed and dissatisfied will

Will you clear the king\'s side again?

Huang Zhong suddenly had a strange idea in his mind. He couldn\'t help thinking all the way

"... humiliation... What about humiliation when you dare to reach in?"

"What worries your family most is to cancel the preferential treatment of gentry, and then study hard. There is only one dream left, that is... To be an official. But the imperial examination is a single wooden bridge. How many people can get there? Your family panicked and worried..."

"You\'re cracking down on Confucianism for science! You can\'t hide it from anyone and everyone in full view!"

"That\'s the same sentence. If you are positive, you have no fear!"

After a silence inside, the man asked inexplicably, "can\'t you?"

Fang Xing said inexplicably, "No."


"Whatever, if you want to hibernate, you can hibernate. If you want to raise a flag, you can raise a flag. It\'s nothing more than soldiers to block it and cover it with water and earth!"

Fang Xing\'s voice sounded a little... Enthusiastic.

With encouraging enthusiasm.

Go ahead and make a bold noise!

Go ahead and be bold!

Huang Zhong wiped the sweat on his forehead. I really hope the one inside is not stupid.

"My family... Naturally wants to study knowledge, Xinghe Bo. Take care of yourself and leave."

Huang Zhong walked slowly to the front of the gate. He knew Fang Xing would not see off the guests.

When the middle-aged man came out and saw Huang Zhong, he nodded and said with excellent demeanor, "please send me off."

Huang Zhong looked inside.

Fang Xing has sat up straight, looked at the man\'s back, and then nodded slightly.


Huang Zhong took the man all the way out, and there was silence between them.

Outside the gate, the man arched his hand and said, "thank you. Please come back."

Huang Zhong saw the man in royal clothes. He didn\'t dare to enter Fang\'s house and waited outside with an umbrella.

"Second uncle."

Seeing that the middle-aged man came out with all his beard and tail, the man in royal clothes was relieved. Then they got on the carriage and slowly left the villa.

Huang Zhong turned around and saw Fang Xing and


"Second uncle, we don\'t need to see him."

The man in royal clothes picked up the folding fan and said, "naturally, there will be less disputes after going home. Things outside... People will reach out after all."

The carriage was slow and hot outside, but the carriage was very cool under the action of a basin of ice.

The middle-aged man frowned and said, "our family has offended him a lot. Since the family decided to hibernate, it\'s necessary to be weak and have less trouble."

The man in royal clothes bowed his head slightly and said reluctantly, "second uncle, he didn\'t catch my nephew\'s handle..."

"Although our family has no real power, since we have decided to be tolerant for the time being, both your majesty and people all over the world will respect our family..."

"Fang Xing is not an ordinary person!"

The middle-aged man said unswervingly: "you still have less experience. When you wake up early, your parents will die. After a serious illness, you wake up like a reborn person. You no longer seek an official career, but try your best to teach students..."

Perhaps he was extremely disappointed. The man in royal clothes dared to interrupt his second uncle and said, "second uncle, he was fishing. When he caught his highness at that time, he became prosperous all the way... There is nothing more cunning than this!"

"He\'s just lucky. No, he\'s deep in the city. I\'ve never seen such a deep planning as him..."


There was a crisp sound in the carriage. The middle-aged man withdrew his hand, looked at the Royal man kneeling with his face covered, and said in a deep voice, "my family has been inherited for many years. What is it?"

The man in royal clothes thought of his family motto and said, "second uncle, my nephew Meng Lang is gone."

"You are Meng Lang!"

The middle-aged man lifted a little curtain, looked at the wall not far away and said, "what do you think my home is? It\'s just a little fear and scruples. The emperor\'s scruples, can you wake up? Have you forgotten the collapse of our wall..."

"When Emperor Wen was still there, he was so bold. Now his majesty is very close to him. Do you say he dares to do it?"

The man in royal clothes whispered, "second uncle, he didn\'t dare to attack my nephew in Jinan!"

"Just slapped you in the face?"

The words of the middle-aged man made the man in royal guards blush.

He told those people not to tell others at that time, but... Today, the scar was uncovered.

The middle-aged man joked: "who dares to hide? You know everything at home in Jinan, so you decided to avoid the plan temporarily and let others compete."

"The advantages and disadvantages belong to those people. They all like to hide behind and watch others do it. If they become a drowning dog, they will pretend to be stupid. But there are so many good things in the world. They want to get benefits without contributing. Wait and see. After our house is closed, those people will be in chaos."

"Fang Xing\'s anger has not dissipated. Let\'s come to the door and make a gesture. It\'s natural to say magnanimous outside. What can he do?"

After a burst of relaxed laughter, the carriage slowly entered Peiping city.

From the sunshine outside the city gate to the shade in the city gate, and then to the city, the sun is still shining

Three people dismounted and slowly entered the city.

The carriage ahead slowed down. If the carriage in the city doesn\'t slow down and is seen by the people of the five cities army and Horse Department, first verify the identity. If it\'s not the official Xun Qi\'s family, detain it with people and cars.

"Sir, they live not far ahead. They just arrived the day before yesterday. Then some people came to visit, but they didn\'t dare to stay more."

Fang woke up, nodded, turned back and waved. Behind him, potato and Ping\'an, surrounded by servants, came over.

"What would you like to eat?"

Fang Xing and an ordinary father pointed to the shops on the street and asked.

There are ice drinks and ice cheese on the street.

These are children\'s favorite summer food, but the potato shook his head and said, "Dad, Ping An and I won\'t eat this."

Fang Xing was stunned and remembered that he used to instill some words into his two sons to eat less sweets, while the drinks with ice were mostly sweet.

But the child refuses cold drinks. Isn\'t that normal?

Fang woke up and saw Tudou and Ping\'an looking at the carriage in front of him. He asked, "what are you looking at?"

Ping An seemed to be dull and asked, "Dad, did they offend our family?"

Fang woke up and blinked. Seeing that the potato was also suspicious, he asked, "why do you ask?"

The potato said to Nunu over there, "Dad, the servants are staring at the carriage!"

"All the more restrained, the more unruly!"

Xin Laoqi whispered, and the servants all blushed. They just wanted to find a way to get in.

The two young masters found out who they were with. It\'s really a big loss of face.

Fang Xing took them to the street. It was called going to the street, but in fact he still wanted his two older sons to experience it.

"Yes, I\'m staring."

Fang Xing walked slowly forward with his two sons, followed closely by the servants behind him, and then began to disperse. Someone went forward.