Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2074


Fang woke up and said, "fear can\'t be an obstacle to your prospect of a new life. It\'s digging a hole for yourself."

The bird tongue got up in panic and said, "uncle, little girl... I feel like a duckweed on the lake and I don\'t know where to go..."

"Then go find a job. Now Beiping city... Is still stable. You can do something at will and slowly settle down. As for the future, look at yourself... Buddha, you don\'t have no luck!"

Fang Xing turned and left. When he got home, he took the initiative to explain the chatter without waiting to ask.

"That\'s also a poor man, infatuation!"

Zhang Shuhui held worry free in her arms, then glanced at Xiaobai, who was tired of waking up around Fang, and said, "husband, is Yang Yan really dead?"


Yang Yan really can\'t do it. In the prison of the Ministry of punishment, the most serious criminals brought back from Jinan are his "treatment".

In the single room, Yang Yan sat on the ragged straw mat, listening to someone shouting nearby.

"... I want to see your majesty, please, please see your majesty..."

This is Jiang xuze\'s voice. He has become so manic since he was sentenced to exile in Sumatra by the emperor.

Zheng He is back. The next time a small boat team goes to sea, it is when they go overseas.

As for the location, some prison guards don\'t know whether it is intentional or unintentional. They often talk about the wild state of Sumatra and the big island that the king of Han wants, which is like hell


For this reason, some people look for life and death and hit the fence with their heads. Unfortunately, they only add a few bags and pain to themselves, which is useless.

As for the hunger strike

Yang Yan tried, but he was hungry for two days. His stomach was like being burned by fire, but the prison guards just came to see if he was hungry every day.

I don\'t care!

So the hunger strike failed!

"... your majesty, I was killed by Qian Hui! Chang Yu was assassinated, i... it must have been Qian Hui, it must have been..."

"Ha ha ha!"

Jiang xuze suddenly laughed, crazy and wanton.

Yang Yan took a look at the corridor outside, listened, and then hurried back.

"Your Majesty, you are loyal, your majesty! Those disorderly officials and thieves, that family... Ah!"

After the rapid footsteps, the sound of beating with wooden sticks and the scream of Jiang xuze spread everywhere in this relatively closed space.

"Shut your mouth! Next time you hear that, break your leg!"

When the jailer was tired, he gasped and yelled.

Then there was a sob.

"Your Majesty... I\'m guilty... I\'m willing to do meritorious service..."

The thin voice came out slowly, with some strange and creepy.

"Sooner or later it will be a madman!"

The jailer\'s curse was still in his ears, and a man came slowly.

"At the bottom of the yellow bell, the documents of Xinghe Bo\'s house."

The visitor leaned over slightly and looked at Yang Yan, who was full of panic, and said, "I want to ask you something..."

"I don\'t know! I don\'t know..."

Yang Yan put his hands around his head and screamed, "don\'t kill me! I don\'t know anything. Don\'t kill me..."

The jailer far behind heard the sound and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Huang, do you want to clean him up?"

Huang Zhong shook his head, and the jailer retreated with a smile.

He didn\'t dare to be here, otherwise he heard what he shouldn\'t listen to. He was afraid that he would become the cannon fodder of the struggle between the two sides.

"Don\'t kill me, I don\'t know anything..."

Huang Zhong frowned at the hysterical Yang Yan inside and said, "if you\'re crazy, you must get a knife, so... You\'ve figured it out?"


Yang Yan stopped shouting, and Huang Zhong whispered, "do you remember what the family said to you?"

Yang Yan gave him a timid look and said, "think about some..."

There is a small table and chair in the cell. There are four treasures of study.

Huang Zhong looked at it, turned cold, stood up straight and asked, "you... Didn\'t write?"

Yang Yan said with a strong smile: "Mr. Huang, i... I have some wrists..."

"Are you waiting for a price?"

Huang Zhong\'s eyes were colder and said sarcastically, "you think too much."

Yang Yan bowed his head and suddenly laughed.

He tried his best to raise his eyes, looked at Huang Zhong and said, "Mr. Huang, Xinghe Bo is cruel and cruel. If there is no guarantee, I dare not... Otherwise, it will follow naturally."

"You didn\'t!"

Huang Zhong said regretfully, "it\'s a pity that the handle of the family is really hard to grasp."

He turned and nodded to the jailer, then left.

The sound of footsteps was very steady, which made Yang Yan\'s heart more and more flustered looking forward to the miracle.

The footsteps gradually went away. Yang Yan slowly bent over to the fence and suddenly looked at it.

Just as Huang Zhong was turning, he caught a glimpse of Yang Yan\'s action from the corner of his eye. He shook his head slightly, and then stopped.

Yang Yan\'s cheeks were trembling, and his lips opened and trembled: "say, I\'d like to say..."

The thin voice was almost audible only to him.

He suddenly grabbed the fence, shook it hard, and shouted, "Mr. Huang, I\'d like to say it now..."

The shouts echoed in the prison, but there was no response.

Yang Yan desperately shouted over there, "Mr. Huang, I\'m wrong. I\'m willing to say anything..."

"Ho ho ho!"

Jiang xuze heard a laugh of schadenfreude. Shaoqing heard him say, "you deserve to know about the family? I don\'t know. Who are you?"

When the footsteps came, Yang Yan quickly became reserved and even arranged his hair.

The sound of footsteps was rapid, but what first came into Yang Yan\'s eyes was a wooden stick



"Uncle, Yang Yan really seems to be just a dog."

There are two pots of ice in the study. After closing the door, the temperature is pleasant.

Fang woke up and took a sip of tea, smiled and said, "is it a big show?"

Huang nodded and said, "yes, I went in and reported my name. When I talked with Yang Yan, I let him shout loudly."

"Very good."

After Huang Zhong left, Fang woke up and took a nap in his study.

"Master, someone asked for a meeting and said it was... The old Jinan."

"Let him in."

Fang woke up and sat on the couch, lying 45 degrees, and then narrowed his eyes to refresh himself.

Shaoqing Xiaodao brought a middle-aged man in.

"As soon as Jinan leaves, Xinghe Bo has made great contributions to the expedition. I admire him."

The visitor was the second uncle of the man in royal clothes. He bowed and smiled gently.

Fang Xing frowned and said, "what do you want to say when you come to see Ben Bo?"

The middle-aged man arched his hands and said, "I\'m good at teaching. Xinghe learned that my family has focused on learning and ignored all external affairs."

"It\'s hard..."

Fang Xing felt that the family should be afraid. He was afraid of being slapped down by Zhu Zhanji, and then he could not turn over for a hundred years.

The middle-aged man thought it was ironic and said, "Xinghe Bo should have been happy when he came back from victory, but I know that at the moment, both north and south of Daming are... Disappointed, no, it\'s despair..."

Fang Xing was still lying. He said faintly, "it is impossible for everyone to be happy when a country makes a decision. As long as most people are happy, it is enough. As for what those desperate people think and do, it is good to be free."

The middle-aged man laughed and said, "now there are no foreign enemies. It\'s time for Xinghe Bo to show his skills. I\'ve been ordered to congratulate you."

"You... Came to see ben to say these sour words?"

The middle-aged man said awkwardly, "my family asked me to congratulate you."

Fang woke up and nodded, "Benbo knows. Let\'s go."