Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2073

The atmosphere is a little cold, but it\'s not disharmonious. It\'s just a feeling of disheartened.

Meng Ying Muran said, "Meier doesn\'t dare to attack. Meat fans haven\'t joined the battle group, and there are basically no eager enemies on the grassland..."

Xue Lu\'s mood was a little better. He comforted: "there is no enemy in the north. Isn\'t it still possible to go to sea? Zheng He said who will explore the route and have a look. At least when there is no enemy on the sea, we can also leave our armor and go home and enjoy our grandchildren!"

"Ha lie and meat fans will have a war sooner or later!"

Fang Xing analyzed and said, "what meat charmer is most worried about is that we take down Harley, and then he has to take care of his head and feet. Mier\'s action tells us that he now wants to use meat charmer\'s idea to earn more benefits in the alliance on both sides, that\'s all. His belief is unswerving, that is to unite meat fans to resist the biggest threat..... Daming!"

"I\'m afraid I can\'t wait..."

Xue Lu mocked himself: "I feel heavy these years. If I can live for five years... I have to..."

Everyone hurried to comfort a few words, but they were still sad after all.

Since ancient times, famous generals are like beautiful women. White heads are not allowed in the world.

There will eventually be a war on the grassland, but not now.

When their eyes turned, the martial arts people suddenly found that they were very lonely, and there was no opponent\'s loneliness.

Taking the initiative to attack ha lie and meat fans is what madmen think at present, so they can only turn their eyes to the sea

Several pairs of eyes stared at Fang Xing with ferocity, even Zhang Fu\'s brother-in-law was no exception.

In the sea, those present just woke up and went to many places, and there were many expeditions.

The land has no enemy... What about the sea?

Fang Xing said, "Zheng He..."

The largest fleet belongs to the emperor. If you go out to visit, you have to ask the emperor\'s approval. The military

Meng Ying said faintly, "Zheng He is old. It\'s time to raise him."

Xue Lu smiled. A little decadence had dissipated: "if we are the leader, we still need to come!"

Zhang Fu coughed and pretended to be serious: "there were many moves of land and water in the previous dynasty, and Daming should not fall behind... Dehua, what do you think?"

Fang Xing said awkwardly, "elder brother, and Wang Jinghong... Their credit is not small! Your majesty is afraid it\'s not cold."

Zhu Yong snorted and said disdainfully, "those are just your Majesty\'s domestic slaves. Do you dare to argue with us?"

Xue Lu coughed and said, "that... Is also your Majesty\'s slave!"

Zhu Yong found that he had said something wrong. He immediately sat up straight and said with a straight face, "we are loyal to your majesty and will go through fire and water, not to mention going to sea?"

Meng Ying also said, "Meng is willing to learn from ships and water Warfare!"

These are shameless!

That is, Zhang Fu is better!

When Fang woke up with a headache, Zhang Fu said faintly, "I\'ve heard that there are many mines overseas. Don\'t the household think there is not enough gold and silver?"

Zhu Zhanji will not be at peace if this matter is brought into collective trouble.

The army wants to eat meat!

This was what Fang Xing said to Zhu Zhanji in those years, and now it has been verified.

If you don\'t give meat to the army, the tiger of the army will soon become a wolf and a sheep to be slaughtered.


Several people were muttering about the emperor\'s plan for the future of the army. Almost at dinner time, worry free was brought in.

Seeing her red face and good spirit, Fang woke up and said, "excuse me, brother, can I have good wine?"


After dinner, Fang woke up slightly drunk and took his wife and daughter home.

The weather was too hot. Worry free shouted to eat ice cheese, but Zhang Shuhui was afraid that she would eat bad stomach, so she was not allowed to eat.

The two women were making noise in the carriage, but Fang woke up without interest.

Because right ahead, a beautiful woman is blessed.

Is it nice to drink cold water when a pretty girl salutes you in the sun?

But Fang woke up with a bag full of wine.

He felt that this woman was a little uninteresting: I helped you with everything I could. As a good citizen, I still have money in my hand. Don\'t stop me for what you want!

"Husband, this is..."

When Zhang Shuhui got a secret message from the driver, she opened the curtain, looked at the chatter gently, but asked Fang Xing.

The appearance of the virtuous wife was naturally full, but a small head emerging from her made the atmosphere more embarrassing.


This girl just likes to make trouble!

Fang woke up and said, "this is about Jinan. Shuhui, you go back with worry free first. I\'ll be fine later."

The bird tongue also felt that it was not right, so she blessed herself and said, "I\'ve seen your wife. I just asked Uncle for help. It\'s presumptuous."

She said calmly, but her eyes were frightened.

Zhang Shuhui and the queen are good friends. If she wants to get a former singer like her, she can only think about how to die and less pain.

Zhang Shuhui said with a smile, "husband, since it\'s something, my concubine is disrespectful. I\'ll go back first."

This woman won\'t make an alliance with several women when she comes home, will she?

Fang Xing thought about how to break the alliance of women when he went home. When the carriage went away, he said, "go to the teahouse."

After asking for a room in the teahouse, Fang woke up and asked for an ice towel to wipe his face. Then he asked comfortably, "do you still want to ask Yang Yan? No, it\'s bad luck together."

The bird tongue\'s eyes were a little confused, and finally turned firm and said, "uncle, little girl... After you rescued her from the lake, she has given up her heart, but later..."

"It\'s rare to get emotional. In addition, I don\'t know my future. I\'m terrified. I\'d rather go overseas..."

Freckles\' body shook for a while, and then said bitterly, "uncle\'s magic eye is the same. The little girl is really... At a loss."

After Fang Xing refused to recommend herself as a pillow last time, she didn\'t dare to mention it again. Today, I saw Zhang Shuhui. She was glad Fang woke up and didn\'t take her back. Otherwise, she estimated that her bones were cold.

You scare yourself, you always scare yourself deeply.

Fang Xing covered his mouth, yawned and said, "Yang Yan will not die..."

The bird\'s tongue immediately brightened.

Fang woke up and glanced at her, sighed slightly and said, "he didn\'t avoid death because his crime is not enough, but because Daming wants to develop overseas and urgently needs population immigration, and overseas... Can you imagine the experience of Yang Yan and others abroad?"

His face was pale and his eyes were frightened.

Overseas was a wild place for the Daming people at this time.

Due to the lack of official publicity, relying on those street rumors, people\'s impression of overseas is that they would rather starve to death in their hometown than go.


Hometown is just a symbol for the bird tongue. Sometimes I think about it when I dream back in the middle of the night, and then hide there quietly like a stone sinking into the water.

What you can\'t go back... Is your hometown


The stone was suddenly stirred by the undercurrent.

Fang Xing sighed, "when he went there, it was coolies, and he had to keep seeds... Understand? Daming needs more people."

His tongue shrank back and asked timidly, "uncle, what if I marry him?"

"Then men plough and women weave?"

Fang Xing smiled and was very kind. "Don\'t think too much. He should die, but Daming needs him to live, but he doesn\'t want to live a normal life in his life. You... If you like, Benbo arranges for you, it\'s also a reward."

In Jinan, Frege took the initiative to say a lot of personnel relations, so that Fang Xing could directly cut into the core of the problem and help a lot.

But Fang Xing has done her utmost. If she is stubborn, Fang Xing will not force her.