Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2072


Zhang Fu\'s enthusiasm made Fang Xing unable to refuse, so he had to go to his house to see his son first.

"Zhang Mao..."

Zhang fuhen can\'t let everyone know that he finally has a son. If Fang xingcai hadn\'t returned to Beijing, he would have been kept drunk.

Back home, Fang Xing was welcomed by his wife and children. Even Huanhuan was reluctantly led by peace and greeted with an unhappy face.

Potatoes are very serious in waking up to Fang. It\'s hard, rigid and interesting.

Ping An took Huanhuan and said a few hard words. Worry free happily took Fang Xing\'s sleeve and asked East and West.

Fang Xing answered her daughter\'s question and walked in with a smile.

When the owner came back, everyone in the villa was happy.

Take a bath, ask your sons about their lessons and experiences, and then make out with Huanhuan. Finally, worry free.

Daughters are always loved by their father. Their whispers seem to be the singing of birds. Their smiling faces are warmer than the winter sunshine.

"... dad, big bug doesn\'t like little bug now. He often dislikes it..."

"... my brother doesn\'t like to be clean. He often makes his face gray and laughs foolishly..."

The topic was trivial and scattered, but Fang Xing still listened very carefully.

Later, he and Huang Zhong talked quietly in the study. Outside stood knife and Fang Wu. No one could get close to them.

Huang Zhong looks fat again, but his temperament is more calm.

"There was a crackdown by dingguogong in Jinan, and some people began to make a fuss. Dingguogong took all the people directly regardless of the reason, and then said that they were exiled overseas, which frightened many people."

"The family is very honest and closed. There was some chaos in Shandong a while ago, and the family didn\'t move."

"What is the response of the first tax system?"

Fang Xing asked casually. Huang Zhong was stunned and said strangely, "it\'s really a good way for the royal guards and east hall people to spread. At first, someone stopped them. As soon as they showed their identity, they took it directly. They scared many people and were honest for a while."

"Ming Pao has also publicized some things about the tax system. There is a lot of noise! Those people are happy, but if there is no news for a few years, no matter how much happiness they will be indifferent."

Huang Zhong is obviously not optimistic about the prospect of a tax system: "uncle, a clean-up investment and the abolition of the preferential treatment of gentry is enough to last for more than ten years. A tax system is just adding fuel to the fire. I think it is not suitable for implementation within 20 years."

Fang Xing rubbed a jade pendant, which Xiaobai bought for him with private money.

The jade pendant is slightly icy. It feels good to rub your fingers.

The sun was blazing outside the window, and the two pots of ice in the room were melting slowly.

Fang woke up suddenly and said, "I\'m a little distracted."

Seeing that Fang woke up tired, Huang Zhong said, "uncle, let\'s have a rest for a few days."

"It\'s all right. I was cold in Jinan and then went all the way north. However, I ate a lot of cold expelling things. It should be all right."

Fang woke up and said, "the first tax system is only a tool to clean up the preferential treatment of gentry, but it will be implemented sooner or later. It is certain and inevitable that it will be implemented, otherwise the problem of Daming is still deep-rooted!"

Huang Zhong\'s heart sank slightly. Knowing that Fang Xing and the emperor were still under great pressure, he turned off the topic to make him relax.

"Uncle, over at the residence newspaper, Mr. Bai Lian is an enemy of a hundred. Luoyang paper is expensive!"

Huang Zhong found several residence reports for Fang Xing to see, and then explained the reaction of all classes in the Ming Dynasty.

"... Mr. Bai Lian said that since he has no virtue, he should take less virtue to oppress others. Restraint is restraint. Don\'t make restraint a unique thing of Confucianism, but he stayed out of it and didn\'t have a bad face..."

Fang woke up with a smile and said, "the old man is very sleepy. He has no relationship with the current scholar Lin and is enemies of each other. With my intervention and non-interference, he will naturally scold those unhappy things in the past. Good things can at least make those things he was afraid of published in the world."

Huang Zhong said regretfully, "after several disputes, someone attacked Mr. Bailian\'s house."

"What did you do?"

Fang wakes up with a faint voice, but hides the killing.

"Throw things, stones, rotten eggs, shoes..."

Huang Zhong shook his head slightly and said, "at first, it didn\'t matter. Mr. Bailian said it was all right. Those things couldn\'t kill people, but later someone threw feces... It\'s all on the gate."

"Did you take it?"

Fang Xing feels that this method is really disgusting, insulting and unlucky.

"Got it."

Huang Zhong also despised this dirty behavior: "Ding Guogong was very angry and immediately searched the city. He took all the scholars outside Jinan and sent them to the military camp for practice. On the tenth day, almost everyone shed a layer of skin, and then drove them out of Jinan."

With Fang Xing\'s departure, the atmosphere in Jinan city gradually eased. Looking for trouble at this time is death. Xu Jingchang will not let go easily.

If it were not estimated that large-scale operations would lead to chaos in Shandong, Xu Jingchang would probably take all the foreign scholars and emigrate overseas.

Xu Jingchang was sitting in Jinan under the name of a dandy. He just suppressed all kinds of resistance and tossing. He was praised by Zhu Zhanji several times and rewarded a lot of things.

The situation is gradually slowing down. Those people are staring at Jinan. As long as it doesn\'t spread, they won\'t resist.

In this atmosphere, Fang woke up.


Then came the reception banquet, which was organized by the British government.

Everyone knows that Zhang Fuxi has a noble son, and the whole person is almost crazy, so after he got the post, he naturally brought his family.

Fang Xing rested at home for a day. The next day he took Zhang Shuhui and worry free to the British government.

The British government is the top residence in the capital. Outside the government, Xue Huamin is already waiting.

"Uncle, the Duke of the state is accompanying several Wu Xun in the house..."

Fang Xing led worry free, turned back to look at the carriage and said, "what taboos do you have at home?"

Xue Huamin said with a smile, "there are no taboos. My uncle can do anything at will."

The old lady has gone, and there is more activity in the government at the moment.

"Take a car with your mother."

Fang Xing leaned over and said.

Worry free shook his head and said with a sad face: "Dad, mom, they will say sewing. What else is this daughter-in-law and that girl? It\'s so boring."

Fang Xing and Xue Huamin smiled at each other, and then said to the car, "Shuhui, go to the front with worry free for her husband."

Zhang Shuhui\'s voice came from the car: "that girl hates going to the backyard with my concubine. It\'s not lively? Husband, there\'s something to avoid in front?"

Fang Xing said, "just a few Wu Xun, all of them belong to Uncle generation. It\'s OK."

"This girl..."

Zhang Shuhui drove in. Fang Xing led worry free and went all the way to the study.

In the study, several people were happy to see Fang Xing leading worry free in.

Zhu Yong smiled and said, "worry free, this is to talk to us about state affairs?"

Worry free gave a decent salute, and then said crisply, "worry free has seen your uncles."

Fang woke up and said proudly, "where are the gifts, everyone?"

Zhu Yong was stunned, then took out a jade pendant and muttered, "fortunately, brother Wen Bi brought something with him, otherwise he would be ashamed today."

Xue Lu, Meng Ying and others smiled and took out some jade articles. Worry free didn\'t answer them, but hid behind Fang Xing.

Fang woke up and coughed, "they are all gifts from uncles. Take them."

Worry free came out from behind him to receive gifts and thank them one by one.

Zhang Fu called a servant girl, and then made people take a lot of things and play outside with worry free.

"How long will it be after this?"