Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2071

"What\'s that?"

The carriage went all the way to the city. When I saw a building under construction, I asked curiously.

The woman whispered, "girl, there are many people."

The bird tongue looked through the gap on the side of the car curtain and saw a group of sergeants standing on the side of the building under construction and watching silently.

"That\'s the martyrs\' temple. It\'s dedicated to the martyrs of the Ming Dynasty. After it\'s built, many memorial tablets will be built. At that time, those carpenters will have a good business."

The coachman in front said casually, and the woman said with a smile: "no wonder those sergeants want to watch. After this, ah! Maybe those who died in the war can go in!"

The carriage went all the way. The old woman looked at it all the way, looked for the inn, and finally found a house close to sanfasi.

After staying, the woman went to inquire about the news every day and asked Fang Xing about it.

"Girl, Xing Hebo has gone to war. I heard that he won the war and hasn\'t come back yet!"

The woman brought back a message that made the bird tongue despair.

Life is like this. When you feel desperate, desperate enough and can\'t despair any more, God will often lower the difficulties again and let you experience what real despair is.

A few days later, the woman finally bought the truth with money in the Ministry of punishment.

"Girl, young master Yang... I\'m afraid he won\'t succeed. People inside said that his business is tantamount to treason... Treason! No one can save him unless his majesty is willing to forgive him."

The bird tongue was in despair. The tanned woman advised him, "girl, I\'m not talkative. Young master Yang is not a lover. You have to follow him stubbornly, alas!"

Seeing that the freckles were still indifferent, the woman raised her voice: "girl, that person wants you to die. Aren\'t you... Xinghe Bo still left words so that you can get rid of your nationality and find someone to marry and have another child in the future? Who remembers who at that time? Those who love can\'t be eaten, right!"

The weather is hot, so there is no ice basin in the inn.

The sparrow tongue looked at the window quietly and said, "xinghebo... I traded that man\'s secret for getting rid of my nationality."

The woman went to the door to listen to the outside, then came over with a dignified face and whispered, "girl, it\'s not that my old woman is not sensible, but you\'re too lonely."

The bird tongue stared at her.

"Girl, it\'s hard to say. Xinghe Bo really wants news. He just needs to get you and Yang Yan together. Can you really survive under the severe punishment?"

I know, but I can\'t help hating him

The woman shook her head and said, "you\'re stunned! Yang Yan\'s crime is the same as conspiracy. No one can spare him!"

"That man... I don\'t know."

"He lied to me and attacked me twice. It\'s reasonable... I should hate him and hate him, but... I just can\'t forget him and eliminate those two times for him in my heart..."


When Fang woke up and went to Beijing, he was already tanned.

This time he left home for a long time, and worried about the internal affairs of Daming, so he ran all the way.

The sun was very big. He wore a hat and went slowly all the way to the imperial city.

Zhu gaoxu was still behind. He didn\'t want to hurry, let alone return to Beijing early, so he escorted the generals among the prisoners behind.


When Fang woke up and looked at the sound, he saw a woman wearing a veil coming.

The knife stopped the woman, whispered a few words with the woman, and saw her lift her veil. Then he came back to report.

"Master, it\'s the bird tongue in Jinan."

Fang woke up and said, "let her talk about something tomorrow."

The knife went to explain. Fang woke up and glanced at it. He just saw the sparrow tongue falling down the gauze.

The delicate face was full of confusion, and then brought some joy.

Fang Xing just saw a passer-by and took him into the imperial city. All the people he met along the way were smiling and bowing.

Yu Jia came to meet him and Yang Rong.

"Xinghebo worked hard."

It was a regular greeting. Fang woke up, just nodded, and then went all the way into the Qianqing palace.

Zhu Zhanji and his officials were already waiting.

After saluting, Zhu Zhanji asked about the war.

"... His Highness the king of Han successfully raided Turpan, and then went straight to don\'t lose eight miles. He was found by the enemy\'s Rangers..."

"When the minister led the army behind, Fugu and Wuen broke through the siege rashly, and his Highness the king of Han besieged him. The minister immediately led the army to besiege him, annihilate the enemy and capture fugu."

The words are simple, simpler than the sergeant who reported the victory.

But the long-distance attack is the most difficult, and we have to worry about the interruption of supplies. Therefore, we believe that this war should not be so simple.

"Many prisoners were captured in this war. Fugu is a meat fan. His officials were killed. He cast the Beijing Temple at the edge of the city to frighten meiergan. Wu en died at the hands of Fugu. His officials secretly released several prisoners and tried to alienate him, but most of them didn\'t work."

"Xinghebo worked hard."

Zhu Zhanji said faintly, "mei\'er wants to compete with Daming. No separation plan works, but it\'s also a good thing to give him a headache."

The emperor is now more and more sharp, and immediately pointed out the key point of the matter.

"This battle cut off the eyes staring at Daming at one fell swoop. In addition to being shocked, mei\'er\'s work will speed up the speed of unifying ha lie. In addition, it will also speed up the contact with meat fans. It\'s not worth mentioning that Fu Gu killed Wu en. Under the big strategy, let alone Wu en, even if mei\'er\'s work died in the charming hands of meat, it\'s just a small matter!"

It has been two years since Xuande was proclaimed, and Zhu Zhanji\'s vision has gradually begun to change, mostly from the perspective of the emperor.

Fang Xing said with satisfaction: "yes, Meier dry... Even if it is the integration of HA lie, it is still not enough. As long as Daming makes up his mind, he can still completely destroy ha lie. Therefore, I think meat fans are the goal of Meier dry."

Zhang Fu asked out of class, "why don\'t you leave servant Gu?"

Fang Xing makes people kill fugu. There are some taboos about this.

That\'s a general of an unknown enemy. You killed him privately. Where did you put the king?

Zhang Fu asked at the moment, which was much more relaxed than that of civil servants, giving Fang a buffer time to wake up.

Fang woke up without hesitation and said, "servant Gu will ask for death! He began to panic. He took the opportunity to be tortured and got a lot of useful news. Later, he gradually calmed down, but he had the heart to die. The minister wanted to frighten Meier, and there was no leader in Jingguan..."

This reason is really far fetched, but the civil servants did not ask.

Meat fans are too far away for Daming. Even if the two countries want to be enemies, they must have a buffer time of at least four or five years.

For such a long time, what\'s the point of tossing now?

If Fang Xing takes the opportunity to make trouble and Daming focuses on the meat fan at that time, it is putting the cart before the horse.

Zhu Zhanji was very satisfied with the atmosphere and immediately called people away.

Fang Xing was worried about his family and walked quickly out of the hall.


Zhang Fu caught up and whispered, "the harem... Pregnant."

Fang woke up and was stunned. Zhang Fu nodded, indicating that it was the man.

"No matter she, Zhonggong has a son, no one can shake her!"

The unexpected news didn\'t surprise and worry Fang Xing. He smiled and said, "brother, Shuhui wrote and said... My sister-in-law is pregnant? It\'s a great joy!"

Zhang Fu said proudly, "where, where! I\'ve been born. I\'m a boy. It\'s just luck..."

Before he finished, Zhang Fu felt something was wrong, and Fang Xing joked: "brother, children have nothing to do with luck."

Zhang Fu couldn\'t help laughing. When the civil and military officials behind saw that they were happy, someone said coldly, "Daming... I\'m afraid there will be more things."

The Sun continues to shine high. Some people feel dry and hot, while others feel cool