Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2067

The air in the hall was almost frozen. A civil servant asked, "where is the demon God? Where is he?"

Mei\'er turned slowly and turned his eyes to the generals.

"Still there, they are still there. Don\'t lose eight mile city..."

Mei\'er held her hand tightly on her back and said in a deep voice, "send someone to investigate immediately and send more!"

But it was summer when the news came back.

Mieergan waved away the civil and military officials, and then stood there quietly.

He thought of his father, the king who had been dormant and observing the changes between the East and the West.

What a good time!

The meat in the west is charming and decadent. The Ming emperor in the East is old and has many domestic contradictions. It is the time for HA lie to come out.

At that time, as long as the Ming army was defeated, according to Lao Wang\'s strategy, the best situation of Daming was to shiver in the Great Wall. If it was bad

It is the deepest wish in everyone\'s heart to trample on the colorful world with horseshoes again.

What a pity!

Mier\'s eyes were dim.

Zhu Di, that old madman, even enlisted himself, even rushed into the array and defeated the army of HA lie!

That\'s the best chance!

But meiergan believes it\'s not the last chance!

He turned back and said confidently, "Ming people won\'t go on an expedition!"

He looked at Ye Siya, "you show that the contradictions in China are becoming more and more intense... You are my brother and miss ya, even if we are not a mother, but the blood is contacting us... Tell me the truth, how is Mingren now?"

Also Siya\'s forehead was full of cold sweat. He looked at mi\'er.

The four eyes were opposite, and the killing flashed in those seemingly plain eyes.

Also Siya blurted out: "yes, Fang Xing guided him. He has great courage. Scholars in the Ming Dynasty hate him deeply, while literati are the foundation of the Ming Dynasty..."

Mei\'er nodded, raised his voice and said, "Ming people dare not go on an expedition! At least not now! So get ready and tell my brothers that I will be king!"

Everyone in the hall knelt down and bowed piously.

After the last big defeat, Haley will have his own king again!

These people raised their heads with mixed feelings, looked at mei\'er dry, and then burst into tears.

With his left hand holding the short sword around his waist, mei\'er leaned back slightly and looked at the dome with some pride.

An old minister rubbed his eyes and choked: "like Lao Wang, your highness and Lao Wang came out in the same mold..."

This is loyalty!

Suddenly, several pairs of malicious eyes stared at the old minister.

old fool! You flatter well!

Also Siya hesitated, finally bowed down and said, "brother, your reputation will be heard all over the earth, and ha lie will rise again because of you..."

Meier Gan slowly lowered his head and said, "go and tell them that those who come will be friends and those who don\'t come..."

He looked at the gate and said coldly, "that\'s the enemy!"

His voice slowly spread out, and a group of elite cavalry mounted one after another, and then rushed to all sides.

The atmosphere of pessimism originally caused by the collapse of Yili has gradually changed.


Meiergan stood on the steps outside the palace, just like the dusk of that day, and the sunset was red.

But the Ming man who was surrounded and killed is missing in front

"Ha lie will rise again, no one can stop! Who is blocking our way..."

Meiergan on the steps pulled out his dagger, raised it and shouted, "then kill him!"

"Kill him!"

"Kill him!"

After a long time of confusion, people\'s minds are fixed.

This is where mieergan became king!

The general trend is like a tide, Shunchang goes against death!

"Long live!"

"Long live!"


In the cheers, Mier Gan slowly turned his face and looked to the East in the direction of Daming.

At this moment, he was full of confidence.

At this moment, he felt that all the good fortune between heaven and earth had been instilled into his body.

"Ha lie..."

He murmured the name that haunted him all the time.

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

Countless cheers made mei\'er dry, slightly sour and swollen.


The last bloody sunset flitted across Mier\'s dry face


Masu doesn\'t like the sunset. Since his father died early, he felt that the sunset represented taboo and darkness.

So he stood in the sunset, looking at the blood red in the distance, and said faintly, "this promotion, you and I are some eye-catching, especially you, Zuo zhongyun of Zhan Shifu, which is hated."

Li Er Mao was ready to mount his horse and said, "elder martial brother, your is not good either. There was only one doctor in the past. Now there are more main affairs. Jian Yi may not sleep well."

Masu smiled and said, "hurry up, or you\'ll have to sleep here tonight."

Li Ermo got on his horse and said with a smile, "elder martial brother, the daughter-in-law at home is tough enough. If you don\'t go back tonight, I\'m afraid you\'ll be carefully checked tomorrow. Let\'s go!"

"Be careful on the road!"

Masu watched him go away, and then went to find Jin.

"How do you feel about being promoted?"

Xie Jin joked when he saw him.

Ma Su arched his hands in embarrassment, and then said, "as soon as he was lowered to the official department, his Majesty was a little anxious. I\'m afraid it\'s on Mr. Jian\'s side..."

There was a stir fry in the kitchen. Everyone was too ripe to cook any more. Xie Jin smiled and said, "I\'ll have a drink with me today."

Ma Su answered. When the food was ready, together with Xie Zhenliang, the three sat at a table chatting and drinking.

"The examination of the Ministry of officials, the Qing official department has more main affairs, coupled with your identity, at this moment, you rise again."

Xie Jin analyzed and said: "this is the trouble caused by Jinan. Your majesty feels that many people are secretly opposed and wants you to move. However, this is not a big deal. I\'m worried that your majesty will enlarge the Academy. Then... Wait for Dehua to come back."


On the first day, Ma Su went to visit his boss, Yao mu, the doctor of the official Department of the Qing Dynasty.

Yao Mu\'s spirit is very good, but he frowned slightly after seeing Ma su.

After saluting, seeing that Ma Su was very regular, Yao Mu said, "you have been in the household department before. I heard that you are calm, but the official department is different. In particular, if you make a mistake in the exam, you may have wronged someone or indulged evil. You should be careful."

He spoke this passage quickly, but it contained a lot of meaning.

Masu bowed his hand and said a few words for your guidance.

"I have many affairs. You can come if you need anything."

Yao Mu then took a booklet to see, as if to confirm that he had a wide range of affairs, but he meant to chase customers.

Masu left and went to his duty room.

After a while, two small officials came, quickly cleaned the duty room, made tea for Ma Su, and apologized with a smile.

It should have been cleaned here yesterday

Ma Su just smiled and praised a few words. After waiting for him to leave, he slowly thought about Yao Mugang\'s words.

If you make a mistake, you may be wronged or indulge in evil. You should be careful!

It\'s clear, but it has a strong warning smell.

When an officer meets his subordinates for the first time, he usually encourages them first, and then strikes a warning.

Yao Mu also encouraged - I heard that you are calm in the household!

Jian Yi, the leader of the official department, never liked science, and the other party woke up with disgust. Therefore, as Fang Xing\'s disciple, masu felt that Zhu Zhanji wanted to sharpen himself.

The grindstone, of course, is up and down the official department!

Thinking of Li Ermao, who was still serving as the imperial censor in Zhan Shi\'s house, masu felt that the emperor was cooking eagles.

Masu is calm and naturally wants to get a dangerous environment to stimulate his potential.

Li Er Mao had some city officials and cruel means. Zhu Zhanji asked him to stay in the ducha hospital and grind to see what he could grind into.

You and your ministers are grinding!

Ma Su moved a pile of materials, thought about it before reading it, and murmured, "what is a teacher?"