Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2066

When spring\'s tail was quietly dragged away, news came from the imperial city.

"Did he go to Yili?"

Jin Youzi said in surprise, "does your majesty really want to cut off the outstretched hand of Meier Gan? But he will be alert to Meier Gan..."

"Fu Gu... Mei\'er killed the people in the East Hall. It\'s hard to turn back, but he probably doesn\'t want to turn back."

Huang Huai thought that barbarians were barbarians and didn\'t understand any tricks.

Yang Rong looked at these colleagues and suddenly felt a little funny.

Others may not know where Fang woke up, but as close officials of the emperor, they have long guessed that it is Yili.

So they were just pretending!

Yang Shiqi put his arm on the back of the chair, rubbed his eyebrows and said, "Shandong is a little more stable. Take your time."

Yang Rong smiled, but said something irrelevant: "Your Highness the king of Han is brave, Xinghe Bo is safe, and you can\'t keep it. What will Meier do next?"

Yang Pu was studying this recently. When he heard the speech, he said, "Mier is ambitious, but if he wants to fight against Daming independently, even if he integrates Haley, he has no confidence, so he has to look at the meat fans."

"Meat fans and Haley are separated. If the two go hand in hand, it\'s not difficult to get through the past."

Strike violently, Yang Shiqi has analyzed: "once they are connected, who has the final say? Since ancient times, there is no reason for the two countries to be intimate. Finally, they must guard against each other. If they fail to do well, they will fight for a big fight. Daming will be able to pick up a bargain if they are on the right track."

"It\'s too cheap to pick up!"

Yang Pu said in a deep voice: "the meat fan country has a great enemy in the West. If you get through with HA lie, the meat fan will certainly rely on him and will not oppress ha lie, otherwise things will attack..."

"It\'s still early."

Among the Bachelor of assistant politics, Jin Youzi and Yang Rong probably have the deepest military attainments. He said faintly: "it must be a raid, so according to the time, they should return."

Yang Rong looked at the door and said calmly, "it\'s time for me to know what I\'m doing."

Jin Youzi sighed, "it\'s very stable recently."

Huang Huai looked at them and advised them, "both inside and outside are stable. That\'s really stable."

Jin Youzi sneered: "Fang Xing is coming back. How many people thought he was demoted by his majesty. When the news came back, how many people would beat their hearts and feet? They were in pain."


Meiergan has been full of ambition.

The reconstruction of Samarkand has achieved initial results, and a huge empire is taking shape.

Yes, meiergan has always believed that a great country must be set off with great buildings.

So even if he spent a lot of resources and time on reconstruction, he still doesn\'t regret it.

He lives in a new palace, surrounded by countless beautiful women, but he can\'t take care of him more.

He either discussed development plans with important officials or studied the situation with generals.

In the spacious palace, I also looked at mei\'er\'s work numbly.

He knew he was in trouble.

Since the people of the East Hall died in Samarkand, he knew he couldn\'t go back.

He thought of the girl and was blue.

"... the meat is charming and feels that they have begun to be strong, so they are eyeing the two sheep. Shall we attack each other or what?"

"Why attack? Meat charming was a big enemy with us. Even if we have a common enemy now, who dares to guarantee that they won\'t do it behind their back?"

"The Ming people are here. If they dare to fight behind their backs, the Ming people are not fools, and they will certainly embark on an expedition."

"When the Ming people arrive, they will have finished it long ago!"

"Fool! There is only one possibility for the meat fan army to come, that is the Ming Dynasty expedition! Before that, what you said was nonsense!"

Meiergan thought his generals were too stupid, but the civil servants were too smart. If only the two sides combined.

He is very clear about his position: to become a pioneer against Ming people!

Of course, he can also choose to escape and then escape with people and horses.

But also Siya can see the clue from his act of rebuilding Samarkand.

This man is iron hearted and doesn\'t want to submit to Daming!

He wouldn\'t even surrender in name!

The reason why he dared to be tough was to conclude that Ming people would not go on an expedition!

If he really wanted to go on a national expedition, meiergan thought that meat was charming and would not sit idly by, otherwise he would dare to surrender to the Ming people and destroy the meat fans.

So he felt that the odds were on his own side. As long as he could take advantage of the mutual restraint between Ming people and meat fans, ha lie would live well, better than Lao Wang.

The generals bowed their heads and trained, and none of the civil servants dared to interrupt.

This is his moment!

Mei\'er glanced at the dazed and missed his teeth, and asked, "what\'s going on inside Ming people?"

He had already privately asked yisiya to tell his subordinates what civil and military meant.

Also Siya said with a strong smile, "the Ming people are busy building roads. There is some confusion inside and killed many people. It is said that the emperor\'s authority has been challenged by those literati."

"Their army has not experienced battle for a long time, and the literati obviously despise the martial arts......"

"They are very rich..."

Meier Gan nodded slightly and then said to his subordinates, "let\'s not harass them. At most, scouts go to investigate. It\'s best if there\'s nothing on both sides."

This is the tone of peace!

The ministers listened attentively.

"Meat fans are in a hurry. We can\'t go east..."

Mei\'er\'s eyes drifted. A civil servant came out and said vaguely for him: "in the East, unless Ming people are the same as before, they will gradually decline after decades, otherwise we won\'t go. As for the other side..."

No fool should have heard the meaning of this.

So the generals looked ferocious and rubbed their hands. They wished they could unify ha lie immediately and then swing to expand.

Meiergan liked the spirit of the martial arts people. He said with satisfaction, "take your time. Now you have to unify Haley first!"

Those princes have been frightened by the momentum of Mier\'s work. Recently, they sent envoys to test their resettlement methods after Mier\'s work.

Mei\'er said coldly, "what are you looking at? You\'re thinking about luck!"

He had lost his patience, so someone suggested murderously, "Wang, wipe out one first!"

The principle of making an example of others is common at all times, at home and abroad. Everyone didn\'t pay attention to this, but was a little surprised at the king.

It\'s a little early for Hari to become king before he is unified!

Meier Gan also felt early and was preparing to fool him. Someone came in and reported outside.

"Your Highness, there is a rout in Yili."

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly tightened. Mei\'er nodded and soon someone was brought in.

The man was unkempt and looked frightened. When he saw that Mier was dry, he burst into tears.

Mei\'er turned around. Naturally, a bodyguard slapped him and woke him up.

"Your Highness... Fugu killed our highness..."

Mei\'er\'s heart is loose. Wu en\'s death is not terrible, but why did Pu Gu do it? Unless the Ming man showed a flaw in the grassland, he felt he could get a big one without Wuen.

"... the demon God came in person. He hid behind the Han king of the Ming Dynasty and came out when we wanted to break through, and then..."

Mei\'er\'s body was stiff and asked, "what happened later?"

"Your Highness, the Ming people besieged the city. Fugu killed our highness, and then let us rush. He ran from behind with people and was stopped by the demon God..."

"Fugu was killed, and the demon God cast the Jingguan again..."

The atmosphere in the hall solidified, and the previous excitement disappeared.

Everyone felt a chill coming in from above, and then it was cold all over