Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2068

In the palace of tranquility, Zhu Zhanji was walking around with corn in his arms.

Behind him were two mammies and two nannies of corn, while Hu Shanxiang was still sitting making diapers for corn.

The old cotton cloth was cleaned and smelled of the sun.

Cut the cotton cloth into pieces according to the size and deal with the edges and corners

Hu Shanxiang lowered his head slightly, moving slowly and accurately.

Zhu Zhanji held corn in his arms and listened to his babbling self talk. He rarely smiled.

The sun outside was a little dazzling. Zhu Zhanji turned around and blocked the light.

A eunuch hurried to Yu Jia and whispered something.

Yu Jia looked inside, shook her head and said, "Your Majesty, it\'s rare to relax. We\'ll talk later."

Zhu Zhanji was in a trance. He felt as if he had left the palace and become the head of an ordinary family.

The wife is sewing, the husband is holding the child, the atmosphere is full of pulse, only the baby\'s babbling.

That\'s good!

Take care of the children every day, teach him when he is older, and then watch him all the way

Zhu Zhanji\'s reverie was interrupted here, and he thought of a problem.

If it is an ordinary family, what does he rely on to support his wife and children?

There was a thin anger in his eyes and he sighed immediately.

"Ah ah!"

He stopped walking. The comfortable corn was not happy, so he shouted at him.

"You still call me?"

Zhu Zhanji frowned and asked. Hu Shanxiang looked up and frowned.

Yi\'an jumped in her heart and glanced at Zhu Zhanji.

Slightly cold, followed by helplessness.

"Naturally someone will do the sewing, you..."

Those words couldn\'t be said after all. Zhu Zhanji handed the child over to the nanny and took people away.

The slight melancholy dissipated slowly in the sun.

"Your Majesty, some people in Suzhou hurt themselves..."

Zhu Zhanji stood on the path, looked at several eunuchs who hurriedly avoided him, stopped, looked at the sky and asked, "why?"

The sun radiates heat, making people feel warm on their backs, and then on their heads and faces, as if they were soaking in hot water.

"... the gentleman was hysterical. He was worried that all his fields would be taken away, so he yelled and scolded all day, and no one took care of it. Later, his hysteria became more and more serious. He stopped outside the government office and scolded, was imprisoned several times, and finally... Took a knife... Cut..."

Yu Jia looked a little strange, with some luck and joy: "later, the Suzhou government was so angry that it directly copied his home and found out that many of his concubines were the daughters of the tenant farmer\'s family... Scolded him for insulting his manners."

Zhu Zhanji frowned at the sky and felt that there was no pure land in the world after all.

"The disposal is good."

Zhu Zhanji strode forward, and all the eunuchs and maids on the way flashed aside and bowed their heads one after another.

"... gentle scum..."

A word floated in front, some disdain and relaxed.


"If those people have integrity and are not greedy, no matter how eager your majesty is and how fierce Fang wakes up, no one dare to touch them."

"That man is hysterical. He actually cut his own... His own guy\'s business and ran outside the government office with blood. What\'s this? The so-called gentry are all mentally ill..."

"Isn\'t it? Think how painful it is! Don\'t say it\'s cut off. I can\'t stand twisting it!"

"Who screwed it? It won\'t be a good friend outside? Ha ha!"

It is a necessary skill in officialdom to turn a sensitive incident suspected of gossip into ambiguity.

"You haven\'t been to that half hidden house. The women there... Hey, hey!"

"It costs a lot at home! You can go once a month. You have to bite your teeth and get some benefits from other places, or you can only go home and look at your mother-in-law. You have no interest."

Masu stood by the window and watched. Her thoughts gradually dispersed. She didn\'t hear these words.

At present, the situation is still tense. Any information about cleaning up and investment will be amplified and processed by people.

This situation is not normal. It is not normal for a country at all.

The emperor can\'t fight these people directly. It\'s too dangerous.

So during Fang Xing\'s departure, Daming calmed down again.

But this calm is pregnant with a more intense undercurrent!

I don\'t know when, Fang Xing has become the number one general of innovation

He\'s not here. Everything seems calm.

Once he comes back, the peace will be broken immediately, and then no matter who starts first, there will be a fight between the two sides.

Continue until one party completes the goal.

Ma Su is paying attention to the expedition. He used to stay in the military headquarters for some time and has some contacts, so he can get some news from time to time.

According to the latest news, Fang Xing and Zhu gaoxu have set out from Hami Wei.

According to the calculation of time, the raid should have ended long ago.

If the news goes fast all the way, masu thinks she should arrive within this month.

Win, or

There were many comments on the results of the raid, but most of them thought it was not a problem.

First, because Zhu gaoxu is a strong general, he is suitable for this method of warfare.

Second, Fang Xing has never failed, which makes people feel his confidence.

Ma Su went out of the duty room and asked Yao mu for leave. He said he had something to do with the army.

Yao Mu naturally wouldn\'t embarrass him on such a thing, and readily agreed.


"... fast horses have been sent all the way. At least half a month, Lord Ma, it\'s still early..."

"... you won\'t lose. Even if you fight against a strong city, it\'s all right. What strong city can withstand with artillery?"


"Won\'t lose, win!"

Zhang Fu is analyzing Zhu Zhanji.

"It must be a surprise attack by his Highness the king of Han Dynasty, followed by the leader of Xinghe Bo. This situation is extremely stable."

Zhu Zhanji looked at the map and said confidently, "as long as we take down Pu Gu and Wu en, how can Mier Gan deal with it? March into Yili? Then I\'m happy to enlist in person and wipe him out completely."

Zhang Fu was stunned and nodded slightly.

The emperor needed a personal victory to enhance his prestige, and then took advantage of the situation to innovate.

This is the opportunity the emperor needs, but Zhang Fu believes that Fang Xing and Zhu gaoxu will not leave him this opportunity.

"Meat fan..."

Zhu Zhanji felt that he faced many challenges, some of which still needed to be solved with the strength of the country.

"Your Majesty, the meat should not be strong enough, otherwise the Hari people dare not collude with them."

Zhu Zhanji nodded and said, "strong meat fans will make ha lie afraid. But I hope they are afraid of Daming!"

"After the first World War, meiergan will certainly be shocked. Then... According to my estimation, he will not surrender to Daming, so he will only speed up the pace of unifying Haley and actively communicate with meat fans to fight against Daming."

"How many years will it be?"

Zhu Zhanji squinted at the map.

This is a mature emperor!

Zhang Fuxin said, "Your Majesty, meat fans have great enemies in the West..."

"West... That\'s Tessie."

Zhu Zhanji closed his eyes and felt that domestic and foreign troubles broke out for a while, but there was no trace of anxiety and fatigue.

"Whether Hong Bao can find a route is a vital route for Daming in the future..."

"Ha lie and meat fans are not the biggest hidden danger of Daming."

The grassland had been ignored by Zhu Zhanji, and his eyes looked further away.

Zhang Fu looked at the map. There was only a rough idea and chaos over Taixi.

"The map given by Bastian is insincere. I\'m useless!"

Zhu Zhanji said coldly, "it can be seen that many countries in Taixi are cunning and unreliable!"