Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2065

The remains are still scattered on the sea, and no one cares about those who ask for help. Those with good water nature can live naturally, while those with poor water nature need to quickly pray for peace on both sides.

After the three warships were towed, they protected the two grain ships, and the warship in front slowly approached the wharf.

On the dock, the king retreated to a place he thought safe enough.

The warship slowly docked. The middle-aged man standing on the shore nodded and said something. A man nearby said Daming words that surprised Hong Bao.

Even though his accent was a little strange, Hong Bao understood it.

"... this is Lisbon, dear Lord Ming. Here we are friendly and looking forward to Daming. The previous was just a misunderstanding. His majesty hopes to have a cordial conversation with Lord Ming."

Hong Bao glanced at the distance and said, "Hong Bao, our Daming envoy, led the fleet here today. It was a visit, but he was attacked. This is a humiliation to Daming!"

This characterization made the middle-aged man a little anxious. He looked at the prince tied behind Hong Bao and said, "Your Majesty has asked about the previous things. Those tramps want to get some benefits..."

Hong Bao sneered, "can tramps also intercept ships at the port? Your country is an eye opener! We just want to ask, which country\'s rule is this?"

The middle-aged man obviously relaxed after hearing this. He said, "my country will certainly deal with those tramps. All the people involved in this incident will be punished."

Hong Bao looked at the troops gathered in the distance. The middle-aged man looked back and said, "we won\'t use force against our friends. The wine is ready and waiting for you."

This is courtesy, but with a slightly weak attitude, it was won by the warship under Hong Bao\'s feet.

The city in front of Hong Bao was nothing in his eyes. He turned a few thoughts in his heart and asked casually, "where is your country?"

The fleet needed a stable supply point and more guides, so he temporarily suppressed those ideas.

The middle-aged man pointed to the city behind him and said proudly, "distinguished Messenger, this is our capital, Lisbon, a shining pearl."

"National capital?"

Hong Baoduo took a look and said, "we can go to the city, but the fleet needs some supplies and can be exchanged, but the army is not allowed to approach, which will make us think you want to be the enemy of Daming. No one can approach our ship without the permission of the fleet, can you?"

The middle-aged man nodded, hid his regret and said, "it\'s just the exchanges between friends. Everything follows the meaning of distinguished guests."

Hong Bao breathed a sigh of relief. He needed supplies and berthing to repair the ship.

And now it\'s all there!

The price is that he must go to town once!

"Watch the fleet and dock in turn. If there is any abnormality, you can leave as soon as possible..."

Hong Bao\'s explanation is very simple, but very calm.

If he is detained, or if someone wants to take the opportunity of berthing, his safety can be abandoned.

This is a matter of course. Zhang Wang shouted, "don\'t worry, father-in-law. If there is an accident, the lower officials will wash the city with blood."

"That\'s right!"

Hong Bao smiled and nodded. Then he took a sergeant from the small flag Department to the king, and the prince was released.

He doesn\'t need a hostage trick!

According to the practice of Daming, if you are taken hostage by the enemy, you can take it back when the time comes, even with capital and interest.

So he didn\'t think it was good to hold the prince.

"Your Majesty, he is indeed a Ming Man and an emissary. The fleet is to escort emissaries to explore various countries."

The king nodded and whispered, "it\'s a good thing. We\'re about to win the friendship of a powerful country, but those people screwed up. Hang them right away, right on the dock!"

"Your Majesty, that\'s a blow to our morale..."

The king\'s side is naturally an important minister!

However, the king was not ready to listen to their suggestions today. He said faintly, "don\'t make mistakes again and again. Remember, there are enemies behind us. In the past, Frank has fought for many years. If you hear that there are messengers from the East and the warships are fierce, do you think they will fight again?"

"Your Majesty..."

At this time, Hong Bao was close. The king looked at him and praised him: "walk steadily, look steadily, Daming... It seems that it should be a big country!"

He greeted, but did not speak.

One is the messenger and the other is the king. Naturally, there is no equality.

A minister came out to introduce the king\'s identity. Hong Bao arched his hand and said, "Hong Bao, the messenger of the Ming Dynasty, went to sea according to the will of our emperor. It\'s great to see the Lord today."

After listening to the interpreter, the king looked slightly happy and said, "Daming... I\'ve heard that there are great powers in the East, but I can\'t find a route. This is Lisbon, Messenger. You will be received by distinguished guests. This is the friendship from Lisbon."

This is a cliche and setting the tone.

Hong Bao could not be more familiar with this. He nodded and said, "Daming hopes to have frequent contacts with the western countries of Thailand. Our family is only the first trip this time. We will naturally report to your majesty after returning home."

They gradually smiled and went to the city together.


On the side of the wharf, naturally, someone will hand over the trade.

"Look, all the goods are handed over by our people. Their people are not allowed to board the ship!"

Two grain ships came ashore in turn, food and drinking water were continuously carried up, and the fleet was also carrying goods out.

When he saw the silk, a merchant couldn\'t help touching it and exclaimed, "my God! It\'s softer and smoother than a girl\'s skin!"

Silk and porcelain were the biggest discoveries. When tea appeared, the people of the fleet saw a group of old earth hats as they wished.

"We want gold and silver! Nothing else!"

So the wharf was crowded, and the merchants who saw the samples were crazy to ask people to get gold and silver.

"Food and water exchange!"

Someone came up with such a move, but he was kicked out.

"We are distinguished guests. That food is not worth money!"

Zhang Wang disdained and said, "if you don\'t give it, we\'ll rob it!"


"What does Daming want?"

In the palace, after both sides had a test, the king asked Hong Bao.

The prince had been untied and stood behind the king, his eyes burning.

Hong Bao had evaluated the king\'s father and son in his heart and said, "Daming wants friends."

It\'s no good saying anything about the country at this time.

Hong Bao wants to make an overall assessment after experiencing the whole tessi.

At present, what he needs to do is to collect all kinds of information


The Lord sincerely said: "Lisbon hopes to become friends with Daming. We have broad interests and common interests. Along the waterway, goods from the two countries will flow continuously, and Lisbon is willing to become Daming\'s strongest friend and... Ally in tessi!"

Hong Bao nodded and said, "our family is happy to see its success, but all this has to be discussed between your majesty and the court."

The king smiled and said, "of course, Lisbon hopes to send a mission to meet his Majesty the Ming emperor and explain Lisbon\'s views on tessi."

The prince\'s eyes suddenly brightened and looked forward to Hong Bao.

But Hong Bao just smiled and said firmly, "the mission needs your Majesty\'s consent!"

How important the new route is, the flood insurance of several adventures can\'t be clearer.

Once the Taixi people know the route, there will be many tramps on the beach of Daming in the future

"They will not see the scenery outside the ship all the way..."