Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2064

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The iron bullets swept across the sea, and the Rees themselves stared at the black spots coming.

A hundred paces away, the archers had begun to draw their bows.

The ship was very slow, because Hong Bao ordered to give these barbarians a cruel punishment first!

Within a hundred steps, one third of the iron bullets were lost, which disappointed Hong Bao.

Some of the remaining iron bullets fell into the water and some passed over the deck.

"Ho! Ho! Ho!"

Finally, a dense crash came.

Sawdust flies in sight!

The hull that could withstand the impact was broken down, and the high-speed friction made the place where the shell passed smoke.

The mast was hit by a shell, and there was little reaction time. The tall mast was like being cut off by a knife and tilted down.

An iron bullet swept across the deck.

Those sergeants who are preparing to approach the rear springboard are like wooden stakes, pierced by iron bullets from the middle.

Blood splashed and limbs flew.

Water splashed on the sea, sawdust flew in the air, and the smoke of gunpowder gradually rose

The scream startled a seabird. It swooped and passed the deck. The bloody smell made it sing, and then fluttered its wings

The three ships are leaning, and the people on the deck are jumping desperately. If they can\'t swim out before the ship sinks, the vortex will devour them.

In addition, two other ships shot were smoking, and one of them was on fire.

The battlefield was quiet for a moment, so people were in a daze.

This is the first time this latest warship has been put into actual combat!

Hong Bao is a little flustered!

Zhang Wang is a little ecstatic!

This is Daming\'s artifact!

In the future, if Daming can line up and load countless such warships, what jump gang will become a joke.

Open the distance and bombard with artillery is the king!

And chain bullets!


The warship skillfully began to detour, and the enemy over there woke up from the shock caused by the mysterious attack.

"Dang Dang!"

At this time, the bell rang from the dock. It was the bell for evacuation!

"Go back! Go back now!"

The four warships of the Ming army were slowly detouring, and when the fleet began to turn in a mess, the warships detoured in place.

The window had been opened, and the deep muzzle glittered with metal glow.

The faint smoke gave off a pungent smell, and then a gun opened fire.


In order to reduce the negative effect of gun firing on the ship, the guns on the ship can not fire together, but can only be ignited in turn.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

When the iron bullets flew, the prince on the dock ordered, "all withdraw."

Then he got on a boat, and someone advised him, "Your Highness, those people..."

The prince said, "you should be able to communicate. You have to try."

The four ships began to gather, and then slowly pushed over.

Those large and small ships fled in all directions, and the warships no longer fired in unison, but fired one by one after approaching.

This is an unequal battle!

"Adults beat children!"

Hong Bao shook his head and said, "if the Taixi people don\'t accept Wang Hua, they will attack the wharf directly!"

Attacking cities and conquering land is one of the tasks of the fleet.

The standard of practice is: disobey Wang Hua!

Moreover, the other party started first and began to pour out. Hong Bao felt that the city could be destroyed.

He regretted that he was not fully prepared, otherwise he would dare to attack directly if he only needed a firearms guard station.

At present, his plan is only to attack the part near the Wharf under the cover of artillery.

The sea was full of debris, wood debris and other debris. Those who fell into the water were shouting for help. Some people began to swim to the wharf because they had good water quality.

In the chaos, a ship came calmly.

There was a man standing in the bow of the ship, looking a little extraordinary.

Zhang Wang put down his telescope and said happily, "father-in-law, what a big fish!"

The victory was so easy that Zhang Wang couldn\'t control his emotions.

Four warships greeted them, and the grain ship followed. The sergeant on them made knives, guns, bows and arrows, and was eager to find a boat to cut.

"Welcome up!"

Hong Bao stood with a knife in his hands, smiling.

"Your Highness, it should be Oriental!"

The prince nodded and said, "the East..."

His eyes flashed across limang and said, "have they found a route?"

"Your Highness, they are coming."

Four warships surrounded, the ship obediently slowed down and stopped.

"This is his Highness Prince Lisbon...!"

An arrow passed through the throat of the shouting man. The prince subconsciously hid, then frowned and said, "who will hear their words?"

The people behind him hurried up and blocked him behind. Then someone said nervously while hiding and peeping at these warships: "Your Highness, will they..."

"Ming people!"

As soon as the prince\'s eyes shrunk, he saw the archers on the deck slowly pull open their long bows, and shouted, "we are not enemies! Lose our weapons, lose them all!"

"Protect your highness!"

The prince\'s prestige in Lisbon is so high that he is like an uncrowned king who dominates the Kingdom\'s foreign colonization and exploration.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the ships tried their best to escape to the wharf.

The bell never stopped. After the prince\'s boat came into contact with the Ming people, the bell on the wharf was ringing continuously.

The king had come, and he arrived at the dock in a carriage, anxious.

The soldiers came, and they began to line up at the dock, waiting for the king\'s order.

"What is he going to do?"

The king was angry, and the people on the side said helplessly, "Your Majesty, your highness can\'t help seeing those ships."

The prince\'s pursuit of ships and routes, as well as colonies, was almost crazy.

The king said reluctantly, "go and ask, where is the man? And what was the sound before?"

"Your Majesty, someone shouted that it was Ming people. Voice... The weapons on those ships sank several of our ships."

The king\'s eyes changed in an instant. Without hesitation, he ordered: "send someone. If someone in the city will understand people, bring it right away. Also, stand back, all stand back. We want to meet friends from the East!"

"Your Majesty, your highness is still..."


The prince smiled. When Mingren\'s Sergeant jumped to help him, he smiled and said, "this is Lisbon, my friend, we..."


A small flag officer knocked him over on the deck with one punch. Hong Bao frowned when he saw it.

Zhang Wang said awkwardly, "father-in-law, go back and get him!"

Hong Bao was surprised and said, "what are you doing with him? We just think he has been beaten lightly. If you play tricks, if you are in Peiping, we will kill him!"

The prince was dragged up. He greedily looked at everything in his sight, as if he had entered Baoshan.

"Kneel down!"

Seeing his appearance, Zhang Wang kicked behind his knee, and then two sergeants pressed him and tied his head.

The rest of the people on the ship knelt on the deck and were watched by the sergeant who jumped to help the Ming army.

"Father in law, the dock is beginning to empty!"

Hong Bao had seen it. He sneered: "what is the power of the Ming Dynasty? That\'s it! The power of a country has never been created by the so-called benevolence and righteousness. Fight! Hurt the enemy first and be afraid of it. Then talk about benevolence and righteousness..."


Hong Bao tidied up his clothes. Zhang Wang looked at the scattered ships and said regretfully, "father-in-law, those above are ready-made labor. Take them back to Daming. At least the people will see it."

Hong Bao said solemnly, "as long as we find out the route, we can have whatever we want in the future!"