Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2063

Lisbon is a beautiful city. Of course, it\'s only relative to Tessie.

The great empire is booming. The evil neighbor next door has temporarily relaxed his covet of Lisbon, so the country is peaceful and the people are safe.

The weather is good. There are several ships in and out of the port from time to time.

Since Prince Henry continued to promote maritime exploration, Lisbon has gradually become a paradise for explorers.

Wearing dirty clothes, lying on the dock in the sun, groping on his body from time to time, and finally touching a lice.

This is the life of those who have not found a living. There are many such people in Lisbon now.

They wait on the dock every day. Whenever there is a ship to sail or return, they will ask.

A fleet appeared in sight, and those lazy men got up one after another, and then

"That\'s not our boat..."


This is a fleet of six ships, most of which are dilapidated.

"Father in law! Where is this?"

Zhang Wang stared at the port city ahead and thought it must be a mirage.

The people on the fleet came out, and the deck was full of people, sighing and praising

Hong Bao was not surprised. He looked at the city ahead with a telescope. After seeing the ships, he ordered: "get ready. If there is provocation, kill them!"

He has got rid of white and tender, lost a circle, and his eyes are fierce.

Several warships were immediately ready. Under the deck, the muzzle was aimed at several ships coming out of the port.

After the shock was the evaluation, and the watchman above kept coming news.

"... there are mountains and lakes... I don\'t see the army..."

"Those ships were unarmed and saw bows and arrows. They... They... They have white skin..."

"This is Tessie! Father in law, this is Tessie!"

The scream of the lookout post made the whole ship numb, and the sense of mission immediately made them burst into tears.

Zhang Wang was too excited to help himself. He knew that this would be a major moment. In the future, he might be able to leave his name in history books.

Hong Bao put down his telescope and said, "raise our flag and don\'t allow them to get on board."

A red flag was raised, and the Ming characters embroidered on it were very eye-catching.

There\'s no better sign than this!

The flag rose to the top, and the ships from the port gradually approached the fleet.

A big man stood on the cocked bow, his eyes turned, and his face gradually showed joy.

"It\'s the rich! They haven\'t seen their boat."

In an instant, the bow of the ship was full of people. Greedy eyes swept over, making the Ming people on the ship feel that they have been stripped away.

The prince has an almost stubborn enthusiasm for exploring and colonizing overseas. It is said that he is preparing an expedition fleet and will come here recently to discuss with the king about goals and materials.

Where is this fleet from?

Not tessy\'s!

A pair of greedy eyes are more cautious!


The deck was full of sergeants, and Zhang Wang had recovered his military acumen from his surprise.

Hong Bao said, "Xing Hebo said that they are greedy. Look at those eyes. It\'s true! Let people prepare..."

Hong Bao has changed into a new suit and wears a knife around his waist.

He pulled out his long knife, pointed to the front and said, "without our permission, who dares to touch our ship and kill..."

At this moment, he forgot about the continued supply of the fleet!

He forgot that the fleet needed urgent repair!

He only remembers one thing: Daming\'s dignity cannot be humiliated!

This is the commandment that the fleet has always adhered to when going to sea!

To this end, they wiped out the largest Pirate Group in the South China Sea!

For this reason, they overturned the country Lord who dared to despise Daming\'s decision!

And the warship represents Daming at this moment!

A pair of tired eyes stared at the boat slowly approaching, and the crossbow gradually aimed at those greedy faces

The arrow is sharp and shimmering.

Those greedy are hesitating!

"They\'re going to do it..."

A sergeant with a knife stepped back. He felt that these yellow skinned guys were too calm to yell like those bullied.

So he hid behind a companion with a shield.

"Where do you come from?"

A leader asked loudly.

"What is he talking about?"

Hong Bao has been paying attention to the port and asked casually.

"Father in law, I don\'t understand."

There was a movement in the port, a bell rang, and then countless people began to rush towards the dock.

There were more people on those ships and began to untie the cables.

The battle is about to begin!

"Do you really need a game to know Daming\'s power?"

The bell rang in my ears, and the men rushed into the boat, looking for their weapons.

The fleet is leaving!

The goal is this way!

A group of cavalry escorted a man to the dock. The man looked into the distance and murmured, "never seen a ship... What\'s their strength?"

"Your Highness, no one has come back to report."

The man suddenly closed his eyes, stretched out his index finger and rowed in the void.

If someone can catch the trace of his rowing, he will be surprised to find that he has outlined the outline of the ship.

"What\'s the purpose? Resisting the waves, yes, it must be resisting the waves!"

Just as he was immersed in the idea of ship shape and couldn\'t extricate himself, one hand shook the hook rope slowly and firmly.

"Father in law!"

Wang Zhang\'s eyes were full of murders, staring at the man who was ready to throw out the hook and rope.

Those Rhys on the ship took out their weapons, including knives, swords and axes

There are even people with hammers!

Hong Bao took his eyes back from the ships leaving the port and said, "Hong Bao, our family, was ordered to go to sea to look for the countries of Taixi. Now we are provoked... Daming is powerful!"

"Shoot an arrow..."

The man threw out the hook rope in his hand, parabola

As soon as the hook rope caught the side of the boat, an arrow went in through his left eye.

The arrow rain enveloped the ship\'s deck in an instant.

"My God!"

There was a cry of alarm from the ships that came for reinforcements.

There was no one standing on the ship ahead. The arrow planted a forest on the deck.

"Grain boat back!"

"The ships line up and the guns are ready!"

The fleet quickly spread out, the gun ports below opened one after another, and the sergeants on the deck began to wear armor and shields.

Before the guns were packed on warships, the most common way of fighting between the two sides was the springboard.

And archers are the most lethal arms!

At this moment, the crossbow and arrow were abandoned because of the firing speed, and Fang Xing resolutely disagreed to let the fleet explore the route with guns. Giving guns is a risk.

Fang Xing said at that time that if there was a danger of being captured, he would rather light the warship than let the artillery fall into the hands of the enemy.

The only sailors left on the ship dived and the out of control ship was crossing.

Hong Bao stared at the dozens of ships forced to come and said, "be careful of their fire attack. We should pull away and move within the range of our guns..."

The grain ship has begun to evacuate. There is not much grain on it. It is almost empty, so it is fast.

Four warships, which had been tested by long voyage and wind and waves, began to cruise slowly against the enemy on the side.

"My father-in-law, after I was ready to defeat these enemies, I led my troops to land and seize the city. Then the fleet repaired and continued to explore until I found a Taixi country willing to be friendly with Daming."

Zhang Wang had seen the power of warships and artillery. Seeing that the enemy ships that were coming were full of cold weapons, he directly asked for directions for the next step.

"This is an unfriendly place. We should let them know the name Daming."

The boats gradually came, and the prince on the dock stopped rowing. He stared at the impending situation and said, "it\'s best to keep them intact. I\'ll take a closer look at their structure."

It is not surprising that the prince felt that the killing was just an act of re establishing order.

So he was waiting, waiting with a burning heart.

Like a child waiting for a beloved toy!

"Boom, boom, boom!"