Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2062

Zhu gaoxu is still drinking.

"Wake up, come!"

He threw a wine bag, which was found in the warehouse.

In order to seek that possibility, Fugu gave up the decision to burn the warehouse and let the Ming army pick up a bargain.

Don\'t lose eight mile city. There\'s no threat here.

So as long as you watch the prisoners, you can do anything tonight.

There were only two chairs in the room, with a charcoal basin in the middle and a pot hanging on it. Fang woke up and smelled the smell of mutton.

Without chopsticks, Chang Jianxun got two dead branches. After Fang woke up and picked them up, he felt that they were still easy.

He nipped a bone and chewed it hard.

Mutton has some smell of mutton, but mutton without smell of mutton can\'t be eaten.

After sucking the bone marrow, Fang woke up and took a big sip of liquor, then scooped a bowl of soup, put some chili noodles in and sipped slowly.

Zhu gaoxu had been watching his movements. Seeing that he was not in a hurry, he said, "servant Gu... Should take it back."

Daming is always curious and vigilant about meat fans.

It would be a great feat if we could take Fugu back to Beijing.

Zhu gaoxu wanted to do meritorious service now, then went back to quarrel with Zhu Zhanji, and then took a group of immigrants overseas.

"Three people died in East Hall and five in royal guards. Two of them were tortured and killed in East Hall."

Zhu gaoxu shook his head and muttered, "whatever you want, kill him!"

This is a friend!

Fang Xing smiled and said, "Daming needs to frighten all parties. We should tell them that Daming may bear it temporarily for those who dare to offend Daming, or forces or countries, but he will not give up the pursuit, and will not let Daming be humiliated. He will never!"

Zhu gaoxu felt that this thought was somewhat suitable for his spleen and stomach, so he raised his wine bag and Fang Xing took a sip.

"Zhanji is good, at least better than my big brother."

There were only two of them here. Chang Jianxun squatted on the side and was ignored.

"Yes, he\'s good. The first emperor..."

Fang woke up and said, "the first emperor was a kind man. He was very kind. The word benevolence deserves it!"

Zhu gaoxu sighed, "brother, it\'s just too good. I regret it, but it won\'t help. After all, my bones are bad."

Both of them avoided the topic of Fugu and competed for the mutton in the pot.

Finally, Fang woke up and was defeated. He burped and watched Zhu gaoxu gnawing at the bone. He was really worried that his stomach would explode.

He drank slowly and found that drinking late at night was really not easy to get drunk.

What annoyed him was Wun.

The failure of yesiya was expected, but Wuen was different from the weak yesiya. At least he fought against Daming in yilibaoli and was well-known in Hari.

As long as we hold a living Wuen, Fang Xing can manipulate public opinion and disrupt the situation of Hari.

Fugu, the guy who thought he was strong, was finally defeated by severe pain and fear.

Fang woke up and took a big sip of wine and said, "call the supervisor!"

When Wang he arrived, Fang Xing and Zhu gaoxu were slightly drunk.

"Have some?"

There are two bones in it. If it is in the capital, it is a shame. But this is outside the great wall and inside the Yili bar. It\'s just ordinary.

Wang he glanced at Zhu gaoxu, and Zhu gaochi scolded, "just eat. Can I eat you?"

Wang he looked blue, but he was cold.

He made a bowl of soup and added a lot of pepper. When he finished eating mutton and drank two bowls of soup, Fang xingcai said, "let people spread it out. Wu en died at the hands of Fugu. Fugu came to ha lie to use ha lie people... Make up the rest yourself and put some prisoners back."

Wang he was stunned, and then said proudly, "don\'t worry about Xinghe Bo. Our family is best at these things..."

"What are you waiting for?"

Zhu gaoxu was not used to Wang he\'s appearance of small people achieving success, so he spoke to drive people away.

Wang he could not see Zhu gaoxu getting angry. He shrunk his neck, got up and saluted to leave.

The prisoners were all working. Wang he touched them, found a translator, explained some words, and then went back to sleep.

"... your highness was killed by Fugu? Who saw it?"

"I, at that time, Fu Gu knocked his highness unconscious with a fist. Later, he cut his Highness\'s throat, and the blood soared out of Lao Gao..."

"That\'s right. Meat charm just wants Halie and Daming to fight, so that they can rest assured."

"Shameless meat charming! I wish I could go back to Samarkand and tell them to be vigilant against meat charming."


The shameless meat charming servant Gu has finished explaining. No, he refuses to explain the rest of the details. Even if the knife and Fang Wu use all the means, it won\'t help.

This is the success of psychological construction!

Unfortunately, it was late.

"Are you finished?"

Xin Laoqi finally asked. He slowly pulled out his long knife.

The servant nodded and said, "kill me. Remember to let my eyes look at the meat fan. I will always look at it."

Xin Laoqi nodded and looked at Fang Wuyi.

"Seventh brother, he refused to say the rest of the little things. He was a little dead."

Xin Laoqi took out his long knife and took a look at the Beijing temple.

At the moment, Fugu no longer regretted his previous weakness. He said in a loud voice, "if Daming is smart, he should become friends with meat fans. Believe me, meat fans will make Daming..."

The knife flashed!

The head flew out with surprise!

Xin Laoqi took back the knife and said faintly, "too much talk is bad!"


Jingguan took shape overnight. Xin Laoqi put the head of Fugu on the highest place, but aimed at Samarkand.

Wu en\'s body was found. Before dawn, Wang he summoned those tired prisoners of war and buried Wu en beside Jingguan.

"Daming and Haley should be friends."

Wang he endured the impulse to yawn and said, "if there is no Fugu and meat fans bewitching in the middle, then at the moment... Our family is still enjoying the spring breeze in the capital, rather than blowing the cold wind of the dead on the grassland and looking at the withered yellow in front of us!"

"This is not spring!"

Wang he shook his head and said, "the spring in the north comes very late. Wu en trusts Fugu and meat charm at the price of being stabbed from behind. It is said that there is a high voice to form an alliance with meat charm in Samarkand, and Mier is ambitious, but look at our family! Sooner or later, all these will make wedding clothes for meat fans!"


The sun gradually rose and shone on Jingguan.


The Ming army was very tired because of its long-distance attack and continuous combat.

There was snoring everywhere. Even the cook was sleeping.

There was silence and the prisoners of war were sleeping.

In the earthen house, fatigue conquered fear, and snoring was shocking.

The Ming army won\'t kill us!

Judging from the actions of the Ming army after the completion of Jingguan, the prisoners of war felt that they would become labor.

Most people are willing to accept this result and are glad for it.

But some people are still unwilling and looking for opportunities.

The prisoners of war are guarded by two hundred households.

The sun shines on people and doesn\'t feel much warmth. The sergeants began to work shifts, and the people who changed went back to their houses and slept without reflection.

In exchange, people are yawning, and many people are standing and dozing off.

A hole was slowly dug out in the back of an earth house.

A pair of eyes looked outside, and then the hole expanded until it could accommodate one person.

The two captives quietly touched it out, and then they went out of the city like miracles. They even stole some war horses with food and grass.

Still a good horse!

After the two fled in a hurry, a team of Ming army found it and began to pursue.

When Fang woke up, the news of the prisoner\'s successful escape came.

"Good thing, our business is over..."