Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2061

More than three hundred horses rushed towards the array of muskets.

Fang woke up and took a look, then turned around and walked out with servant Gu.

"Bang bang bang!"

The gunfire was loud. Fang Xing frowned and asked like an old friend, "have you finished your task?"

When Xiao Dao translated, Fu Gu looked at the night sky and said in some confusion: "I thought that in Yili, it was a powerful check on Daming..."

"What you\'re afraid of is that HA lie and Daming are separated and too far away. At that time, the two countries will naturally calm down, right?"

"This is just one of them..."

The gunfire behind him gradually faded away. Fugu said sadly: "meat fans just want a safe East, so I came. With curiosity about Daming, I saw your capital. Daming is really big. I heard that you can call up millions of troops at any time..."

"Are meat fans strong opponents in the west?"

Fang Xing asked. As for Fu Gu\'s emotion towards Daming, Fang Xing still won\'t give a data answer even if the man doesn\'t live until dawn.

The servant Gu thought for a moment and said, "compared with Daming... They are not powerful, but we are still recovering..."

"So do you need tonic? And the tonic... Is it West or east?"

Servant Gu smiled, with a taste of mischief: "I said West or East, aren\'t they all the same?"

Fang woke up and looked at him and said, "you have more confidence in yourself, or do you think Benbo will give you a decent ending..."

Fu Gu patted his waist knife and said, "you are called a demon God. If you want to fight me, I won\'t have a chance to stand side by side with you."

"Daming... I\'ve fought with you several times. I know you hate me. If it weren\'t for me, Wuen would have run away when he found out that Xinghe city was built. Maybe he would endure somewhere and a tribe would rise again in a hundred years..."

"You think too much."


"You think too much."

Fang Xing heard the excitement and pride in the servant\'s fixed words.

So he wants to get rid of this pride!

Fu Gu was stunned. He felt that Fang Xing was not the person who had no manners.

Is there a minimum view of victory or defeat?

"You think too much." Fang Xing said faintly: "if you are not here, the possibility of Wuen\'s adventure will be higher. Then Daming will naturally pay attention to the chaos of HA lie. There is no meat fan behind his back. Daming doesn\'t need to send troops. It only needs some careful work to make ha lie completely become a mire and a mire that devours human life."

"Yes! I ruined your plan..."

People like to recall their life before they die.

Then I want to leave a conclusion, the recognition of achievements.

There is no better comfort than to be admitted by the enemy.


They had turned to the side of Tucheng, and their sight was dark.

Behind him was Xin Laoqi and Xiaodao. Fang Xing was able to talk with the enemy general unscrupulously.

"For Daming, Haley is just a little trouble. Whether you come or not, Haley will be there and will not become a country that can compete with Daming."

The two stopped talking. When they reached the front, Zhu gaoxu had entered the city, and the prisoners outside were cleaning the battlefield under custody.

Dozens of small fires extended to the distance, and teams of cavalry patrolled the line back and forth.

The prisoners carried their bodies away along the fire.

On the side are the remains of the Ming army, which were carried by the Ming army itself.

So the remains taken by the prisoners

Fugu said, "can I go and see the process of casting Beijing Temple?"

Fang woke up, nodded and took him.

Along the fire, the corpse mountain, which had been gradually piled up, looked at some seeping people.

"You have to seal the earth. What do you think?"

Fang Xing looked at the prisoners busy and asked casually.

Fugu only felt a peace of mind. No matter how difficult things in the world could prevent him from dying. He said calmly, "I\'d like to be placed on the top. Can you focus my eyes on meat fans? I want to see my hometown."

Fang Xing said faintly, "of course there are no questions, but in between, can you answer me some questions?"

Pugu put his left hand into his arms, where there was a short blade.

What kind of loss would it be for Daming if Fang Xing could be killed?

Fang woke up and saw his movements, but he didn\'t care. He just watched those corpses slowly pile up.

As soon as fugu touched the short blade, joy welled up in his heart. A big hand pinched the back of his neck. His thumb worked a little hard. As soon as fugu\'s body was soft, he fell down.

"Question, right here."

There is a heavy smell of blood here, and the dead bodies carried back and forth have different shapes. Ordinary people have nightmares when they see them.

But Fang woke up and stood in place, watching the corpses piled up constantly.

Fugu was strangled by a rope, and then Xin Laoqi tied him up, and Fang Wu punished him with a knife.

Don\'t show off your integrity, really!

Fang Xing always thought that servant Gu could resist and would not say anything, or everything was nonsense.

But the knife and Fang Wu just got less than a quarter of an hour, and he collapsed.

"... in the West are the great enemies, Frank... And those countries..."

Zhu gaoxu rode over and said discontentedly, "Fang Xing, cherish Xing Xing. You can either execute him. Why should you humiliate him?"

The knife stabbed a steel needle on the shoulder of Fugu. The scream made the prisoners carrying the corpses shrink their necks and hurry up to finish the work as soon as possible.

In their eyes, he has always been the servant Gu of an unyielding fighter. At the moment, he is crying and explaining the problem, which makes them feel that all their previous insistence has become a joke.

Fang Xing looked at Fugu in disappointment and said, "Your Highness, there are only opponents and colleagues on the battlefield. There is no pity. It is not too much to use any means for the enemy, and victory is the first."

"... Wuen is dead..."

"Who moved his hand?"

Fang Wu pulled servant Gu\'s hair and inserted the steel needle into his finger with a knife.

"Ah... It\'s me! It\'s me!"

Human beings often overestimate their abilities. For example, Fugu thinks he can bear the pain of broken arms, so it\'s natural to whip or something.

But his punishment from the royal guards made him regret that he didn\'t die on the way to the array.

Zhu gaoxu said disappointedly, "actually killed Wu en who took him in. Just wake up and give it to you."

"Your Highness, just rest and give me the rest."

Zhu gaoxu went to drink. Fang woke up and asked someone to get a torch. It was as bright as day, and then two documents were recorded.

"Benbo wants meat fans!"

Fugu got a chance to breathe. He scolded: "I\'ve never seen such a shameless person as you. Fang wake up, you..."


Fang woke up and slapped him, then grabbed Fugu\'s collar and said, "Fugu, you tortured and killed the people in the East Hall..."

Servant Gu remembered his situation. He struggled hard and said, "no, that\'s what Mier did!"

Fang Xing stared at him and said, "they die in peace. I remember telling you that Daming should not be humiliated! But what did you do? Meier Gan will pay for his behavior, and you..."

The killing opportunity in Fang Xing\'s words was so obvious that servant Gu gasped: "kill me! Kill me!"

"Do you know how they died?"

When Fang Xingsong opened his hand, Xin Laoqi said, "Sir, go back and have a rest. I know what to do."

Fang woke up and nodded, then got on his horse and went back to the city.

"Let me die..."

The scream of Fugu echoed in the night sky. Under the gray sky, the Beijing view was increasing