Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 206

In the lobby, when Lin Xiao said she was going to strip Fang Xing\'s clothes, MI Sanniang bowed her head and wept, as if she was extremely sad.

Fang Xing arched his hand and said, "I dare to ask you, sir, why do you think I\'m a heartbreaker without evidence?"

Lin Xiao waved his hand impatiently and said, "at your age, will you sit still? Pull it to the door and let the people in the capital see such gentle scum!"

"Yes, my Lord."

Two sergeants came forward and wanted to take Fang Xing away.

Fang Xing stepped aside and said coldly, "Sir, are you ready to open your eyes for the liar?"

Lin Xiao said angrily, "how can I open my eyes for swindlers? If you don\'t know today, I will make you suffer from the skin and flesh!"

Fang Xing stood beside mi Sanniang, condescending, and just saw the slightly raised corners of his mouth.

"Mi Sanniang, let me ask you."

Fang Xing walked around mi Sanniang and said with a sneer, "you said I kept you out of the room, let me ask you, when have I been to you?"

Mi Sanniang looked up and saw the tangle on Lin Xiao\'s face, so she quickly said, "my Lord, Fang Xing will go to my house four or five times a month, every time..."

As she spoke, the woman still looked shy.

"Fang Xing, what else can you say?"

This case is just a dispute and should not be managed. But now that he is here, Lin Xiao has to go through the motions.

"Four or five times?"

Fang Xing\'s smile made mi Sanniang beat drums in her heart, but she straightened her chest at the thought of the prior arrangement.

"Recently, I went to the city mostly to teach. Every time, it\'s well documented. Where\'s the time to go to you?"

Fang woke up and shouted.

Lin xiaorao looked at the scene with interest and thought the two people were really interesting,

Seeing that MI Sanniang was just crying, Lin Xiao asked, "Fang Xing, where are you teaching?"

At this time, there was some agitation outside. Fang woke up and said faintly, "it\'s in the house."

"Household department?"

Lin Xiao\'s eyes widened. "Are you stunned? A little girl dared to say she was teaching in the household department?"

Several sergeants under the hall also laughed.

Where is the Hubu? There is most of the central court. The official department is in charge of the official hat, and the household department is in charge of the money bag. You\'re teasing me that a teacher will be invited to teach in such places!

You laugh first! Fang Xing looked back at Lin Xiao and said, "Lord Lin, today I will confront her on the spot to see who is lying."

Without Lin Xiao\'s consent, Fang Xing asked, "Mi Sanniang, since you said I would go to you four or five times a month, tell me the time of those four or five times and see where I was!"

This is a very simple and practical way. Lin Xiao nodded and said, "yes, MI Sanniang. Let\'s talk about it. I will judge myself."

Mi Sanniang secretly raised her head. Seeing Fang Xing looking at herself coldly, she hesitated and said, "some days are too long for me to remember clearly. I just remember... He always comes in the morning."

"What about half a year ago?"

Fang woke up and couldn\'t argue. He just continued to ask.

Mi Sanniang made a gesture of memory and said hard: "half a year ago... I couldn\'t remember clearly half a year ago, but there are still seven or eight times a month."

This number of times is in line with the law of a man from fresh to tired, so Lin Xiaoyi patted the table and shouted, "pull Fang out."

This pull out doesn\'t mean to let you go, but to get you to the gate of the Yamen for public display.

Such cases are not reported by the people and not investigated by the officials, but once someone reports them, the most is to pull the criminals out and stay in full view of the public for half a day.

If you are ordinary people, you are not afraid at all. If you are exposed to the public for a long time, you should be in the sun!

But Fang woke up differently. If he was surrounded outside, his reputation would stink the street.

Law enforcement at will!

Fang Xing shook his head and doubted Lin Xiao\'s professional ability. Then he broke away from the sergeant\'s pull and said something that upset mi Sanniang.

"Mi Sanniang, half a year ago, I was still making friends with you. Is it divine intercourse with you?"


Lin Xiaozhen was shocked. First, he found the evidence for Fang Xing; Second, I think it\'s ridiculous.

What are you doing all by yourself?

At that time, Fang Xing quietly returned to Beijing, and the reward afterwards was scattered, which did not attract people\'s attention at all.

So when Fang woke up and said these words, MI Sanniang immediately panicked.

"No, I remember wrong, I remember wrong..."

"Do you think it\'s a child\'s play to make false accusations?"

Fang Xing sneered and looked at Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao has a headache. Today he subjectively believes that Fang Xing is at fault, but now it seems that it is not simple.

"Who can prove that you went to Jiaozhi six months ago?"

This is the last question. As long as Fang Xing can prove it, MI Sanniang has no chance to turn over again.

Fang Xing said with a smile, "many people can prove it."

"Who are they?"

"More than 1000 people from the thousand households in Jubao mountain, as well as the southern expedition army that has returned."

"Get out of the way!"

Lin Xiaozheng was stunned by Fang Xing\'s words, but he saw a majestic man rushing in with a man. Where he passed, those sergeants fell to the ground one after another.

"Who are you? How dare you break into the court!" Lin Xiao shrunk and shouted, "come on! Come on! Take the thief!"

"Old seven?"

When Fang woke up and saw Xin Laoqi, his heart warmed up. Then he frowned and said, "what are you doing in here? Don\'t go out quickly!"

"Young master!"

Xin Laoqi threw the man he was carrying on the ground, then looked carefully at Fang Xing\'s body and found that there was no trace of punishment. Then he said with confidence: "young master, after hearing the news, the servants caught the thief in Jinma lane, that is, the woman\'s residence."

"Take him! Take him!"

Lin Xiao was still shouting there. The sergeants got up and pulled out their knives with fear.

"Who dares!"

Fang Xing glared at Lin Xiao. "If you hadn\'t ignored it, how would you need my servant to look for evidence? Now the evidence has arrived, but you have blocked it in every way. Are you an accomplice with her?"

After finding the evidence, Fang Xing will no longer be afraid of Lin Xiao.

"Old seven, did this man ask?"

Xin Laoqi looked at the sergeant who surrounded him and Fang Xing and said, "young master, this man\'s name is Ma Qi. He is a green skin in the street. According to his account, a short and fat man paid him to hire mi Sanniang."

Lin Xiao opened his mouth and felt how it had become like this.

When mi Sanniang saw the man, she burped and fainted.

"Whose house is that?"

Fang Xing felt that it was impossible for someone to frame herself six months ago, and MI Sanniang didn\'t know much about him. There were a lot of mistakes!

"Does he know the pudgy man?"

Xin Laoqi kicked Ma Qi, who pretended to be a dead dog on the ground, and then said, "he doesn\'t know. The other party only gives half of the money every time. This guy even killed his heart, but was beaten by the attendant of the short and fat guy."

"What does that man look like? What do you remember? Go ahead, or you will wear the bottom of the prison!"

Fang Xing looked at Ma Qi\'s dead dog and threatened.

But Lin Xiao felt that his majesty had been provoked. He said angrily, "Fang Xing, this is the court, not your house!"

After looking around, Lin Xiao said impatiently, "take them."

At this time, a door came in and whispered to Lin Xiao. Suddenly his face changed.

"Lord Lin, what did Mr. Fang do?"