Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 205

In the military camp of Jubaoshan, Xin Laoqi is beating the sergeant who is half a beat slower with a stick.

"Smell the whistle and let go! Even if there is no enemy in your sight, you have to pull the trigger! Understand?"

Firepower density, which Fang Xing has repeatedly emphasized, so Xin Laoqi is practicing without discount.

"Seven brothers!"

As he was practicing, the servant over there shouted and made Xin Laoqi angry.

"You are not allowed to..."

Seeing Fang Ba outside the gate, Xin Laoqi, who was just angry, strode over and drank and asked, "but if there is something, if there is nothing, you should deal with it by military law today!"

We should treat the military equally, otherwise lax orders will sooner or later be the result of lax discipline.

Fang Ba said with an anxious look on his face, "brother seven, the young master has been taken away!"

What rice?

Xin Laoqi\'s neck became thicker in an instant, and Fang Ba couldn\'t help but step back when he saw his red eyes, as if he were facing a hungry beast!

Xin Laoqi\'s nostrils were expanding, as if fire was about to burst out. Turning around, he shouted, "all the people in fangjiazhuang will follow me!"

Dong PI, who was supervising on the side, was stunned. Then he saw the evil spirit on Xin Laoqi\'s face. Suddenly, all his questions were buried in his stomach and didn\'t dare to say it.

Without hesitation, several servants immediately got together.


Several horses rushed out of the barracks, leaving the sergeants who guessed the reason.

As soon as he rushed out of the camp, Fang Wu came head-on.

When he came near, Fang Wuyi reined his horse. While the horse stood up, he hurriedly said, "brother seven, the young master was framed by a woman named mi Sanniang. He is currently patrolling the city."

Xin Laoqi stopped his horse and asked, "is the origin of that woman clear?"

Fang Wu lowered his eyes and said, "brother Qi, I\'m useless. I only found that MI Sanniang lives in Jinma lane."

Xin Laoqi\'s eyes turned red. He roared, "go and find out. If you should kill, kill whoever gets in the way, no matter who!"

When the party entered the city, Xin Laoqi arranged for someone to investigate the situation of MI Sanniang, while he himself went to find Fang Xing.

Xin Laoqi can eat since childhood, but there are many brothers in his family. When he was born, eating has become a big problem.

Xin Laoqi, who had not enough to eat since childhood, thought he was like this in his life. Maybe he will eat less when he is old.

But when he couldn\'t help holding the big girl, he found that there was an extra mouth at home and he had to tighten his belt again.

Until that day, Fang woke up and came to Xin\'s house. He didn\'t mind holding the dirty girl, and then let him practice the knife technique again.

Xin Laoqi recalled the scene at that time and felt that his performance was really poor. He showed up to 60% of his martial arts.

Just when he thought he would be given up, Fang woke up and kissed Da Niu\'s dirty face and asked him to move to the main house.

People in fangjiazhuang used to say that Xin Laoqi was a fool. Even his parents, brother and sister Xi thought he was a fool. He didn\'t know until that day

I\'m not a fool, but no one has found my strengths!

I want to kill!

Young master, as long as I am here, I can protect you from Jinling City!

"Who are you?"

After Lin Xiao sat down, he frowned and shouted.

My lunch is getting cold!

"My mi Sanniang."

"Students wake up."

Lin Xiao\'s eyebrows frowned tighter.

The scholar is involved. I\'m afraid this case is difficult to handle!

According to the procedure, Lin Xiao here is the first trial. After judgment, he will be sent to the relevant yamen according to the size of the charges.

For example, Dali temple.

"Why don\'t you kneel?"

Seeing Fang Xing standing, Lin Xiao asked. The sergeant on the side also held the handle of the knife and waited for Fang Xing to kneel down with the scabbard.

Fang woke up but said calmly, "students are lifting people."

Lin Xiao was stunned and said, "who can prove it?"

Fang Xing said faintly, "the crime of counterfeiting fame is greater than abandoning all the time. I\'m not crazy."

Lin Xiao is relieved, because if he just abandons all the time, he will only have a bad reputation at most. If you are a student, you will be expelled.

But if you pretend to be a witness, the result will be much worse.

"Students live in fangjiazhuang at the foot of Jubao mountain. You can know when you ask."

"Then why are you two pestering?"

Lin Xiao asked carelessly as he missed his set meal.

Fang Xing was about to speak, but mi Sanniang took a step, knelt on the ground and cried, "my Lord, I met Fang Xing half a year ago and was raised by him as an outside room. But just last month, Fang Xing left without saying goodbye, leaving me alone in the empty boudoir. I have no money and almost starved to death!"

Can also drag text!

Fang Xing sneered: "Mi Sanniang, I\'ve never seen you before, but today I\'m pulled by you in the official way. Do you have any evidence that I raised you as an outsider?"

"Yes, say!"

Lin Xiao shouted in a trance, and then regretted!

Why did I follow Fang Xing\'s rhythm?

Mi Sanniang was stunned and said, "Fang Ying, you and I have been flying together for a long time. Are you really so forgetful? I remember there is a small mole under your neck."

Fang Xing could not help touching his neck. There was indeed a small mole there. In summer, he likes to wear low collar clothes.

In that case, if you have a heart, you will naturally find this small mole.

"You mean this?"

Fang Xing pulled the skirt down a little, pointed to the small mole and said with a smile: "in summer, anyone can see my small mole. Is this your certificate?"

Mi Sanniang hung her head, then looked up and said, "you... Always like to call me Xiaobai, especially when you are on... Bed..."

what the fuck!

Fang woke up angry. Xiaobai is only 14 years old! How dare you use her as a demon!

"Fang Xing, what\'s your excuse?"

Lin Xiao thought Fang Xing must be a heartless person, especially after seeing mi Sanniang\'s slim posture, he concluded that Fang Xing was tired of playing with others, and then he was afraid of entanglement, so he played missing.

Beast, beast!

Such a lovely woman, you wake up and abandon it like my shoes. You are really a prodigal son!

In fact, this kind of dispute is the most difficult to distinguish, but Lin Xiao thinks that with the beauty of MI Sanniang, he is willing to block the way and wake up, and is willing to appear in public. This must be right!

"Wake up, you gentle scum! Wait for our official newspaper to strip your clothes!"

When Lin Xiao roared, Zhu Di also learned the news.

Normally, the emperor would not take care of such trifles, but today Zhu Di asked the eunuch.

"What\'s going on inside?"

The eunuch bowed and said, "Your Majesty, Fang woke up the boy and was clean in the past, but after all, he was young and brave, and the old slave didn\'t dare to talk nonsense to disturb the saint."

Zhu Di shook his head and laughed when he said that he could attack and defend.

"Just let people stare."

After Zhu Di explained, he bowed his head again.

The eunuch couldn\'t help reminding, "Your Majesty, your highness TAISUN just left the palace."


Zhu Di did not lift his head and said, "Zhanji has his own discretion."

At the gate of the palace, several bodyguards saw Zhu Zhanji rush out with people beating horses, and couldn\'t help looking at each other.

"Your Highness, is there something urgent? Why do you look like this!"