Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 207

"Lord Lin, what did Mr. Fang do?"

Jia Quanshi walked in, his clothes frightening at a glance.

Royal guards?

Lin Xiao was stunned, but he insisted: "this is my official business, which has nothing to do with outsiders."

These goods are not timid!

Fang Xing feels that Lin Xiao has a hard head.

The censor of the city tour was personally ordered by the emperor and was only responsible for Zhu Di, so ordinary people really couldn\'t scare him.

Xin Laoqi went over and whispered a few words with Jia Quan. Then Jia Quan sneered, "Mr. Fang is a learned man. Don\'t let you wait for false accusations!"

Seeing that the royal guards were coming, MI Sanniang, who had fainted, also woke up. She walked on her knees and hugged Fang\'s thigh from behind when he didn\'t notice.

"Mr. Fang, it\'s not my idea, it\'s him, it\'s the horse Qi..."

Fang Xing frowned and said, "let go first!"

Mi Sanniang didn\'t dare to hold on this time. When Fang woke up and turned around, she pointed to Ma Qi and said, "I was a husband and wife. Just because he was lazy, I forced me to do it... Later, when I met that smelly man, I was forced to stop Mr. Fang..."

Smelly man?

Fang woke up and said to Lin Xiao, "Lord Lin, can I go now?"

Lin Xiaogang just wanted someone to take Xin Laoqi. For a while, he was ashamed and the knife was difficult to get into the scabbard.

Jia Quan snorted, "Your Excellency is waiting for Mr. Fang outside. Do you still want to hold him?"


Lin Xiao used his head. Soon, he thought of the guy he admired and despised

"Are you... Your Highness\'s teacher?"

Fang woke up depressed and said, "can the students go?"

"Of course, Mr. Fang, please."

When Fang woke up out of the lobby, Lin Xiao\'s intestines were green with regret.

He said he was going to teach at the household department, but I didn\'t think of anything. Damn it!

Huang TAISUN\'s teacher said that he had amazing skills in arithmetic. He went to the Ministry of household to teach. It really made the best use of everything!

Wake up! Why don\'t you change a memorable name!

Out of the gate, Fang woke up and saw a carriage parked there.

Quietly opened the curtain of the car, and Fang woke up to see Zhu Zhanji sitting upright.

"Brother Dehua, come up quickly."

Zhu Zhanji felt much better when he saw that Fang was awake.

After getting on the bus, the carriage moved slowly.

Fang Xing told Zhu Zhanji the whole story and said suspiciously, "a few days ago, I refused aratan\'s bribe again. I suspect it has something to do with him."


Zhu Zhanji frowned and sighed, "brother Dehua, why didn\'t you say it at that time?"

Why don\'t you show off such things that refuse to corrode?

Fang woke up and turned into a moral model and a model among scattered officials. He said with dignity: "it\'s my duty to do such things. What\'s worth boasting about!"

Zhu Zhanji couldn\'t help praising: "brother Dehua is really indifferent to fame and wealth. My father wanted to talk to Grandpa Huang and arrange you to enter Zhan Shi\'s house. Now it seems that it\'s better to forget it."

"Ha ha!"

Fang woke up and made a ha ha. He was very regretful.

If you enter Jens house, you can wash your horses!

This ignorant guy doesn\'t know that Jens house has always been the scapegoat of the crown prince. He is still annoyed.

Neither of them had lunch, so they went to a restaurant together.

In the private room, Zhu Zhanji asked, "brother Dehua, why did you judge that it was Mongolian?"

Fang Xing, holding a chicken leg, smelled the speech and said, "stink! Aratan went to my house a few days ago. That stink! I don\'t believe you can smell it next time."

Zhu Zhanji certainly wouldn\'t smell it. He just wondered why Alatan did it.

"This is hard work and thankless!"

Offending Fang Xing is not good for Alatan. It is estimated that he himself has a clear understanding of this.

Fang woke up and wanted to understand. As soon as he recalled the words and deeds of the man in front who advised him to accept mi Sanniang, he said, "I guess aratan wants to catch me, and then use me to speak."


In the palace, after Zhu Di heard the news, he angrily ordered: "alutai emissary is disrespectful, chase him! Order the etiquette department to send personnel to follow and scold alutai!"

Zhu Di, who was angry, dared not be provoked by anyone. His eyes swept over the important officials and asked, "alutai tried to shrink his head several times. What do you think?"

During this year\'s North tour, Zhu Di unexpectedly didn\'t stay in Peiping for too long, so these assistant ministers don\'t have to be embarrassed on both sides.

Huang Huai said, "Your Majesty, alutai wants to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. No matter who wins, my Daming and tile thorn will be weakened, so he can arrange calmly."

When it comes to military affairs, of course, Yang Rong is indispensable. He bowed down and said, "Your Majesty, the Mahmud army is hot, and my Daming officers and men have been on the battlefield for a long time. These two tigers compete. If alutai joins in, my Daming can guarantee a complete victory!"

Mahmud\'s power has expanded more and more in recent years, and he often provocatively went to the border of Daming.

Chu Dillo thought: "mahamu and alutai are both great troubles of Daming. Only by eliminating the military power of the two families can Daming always be safe... Zhu Qing went back and thought about it, and then wrote a charter for my reference."

This side was thinking about military affairs, but Fang woke up and came home. When he saw that Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai didn\'t know, he was relieved.

It\'s unreasonable for women to be jealous. No matter whether it\'s wrong or not, Zhang Shuhui will be suspicious for some time.

Xiaobai leaned over, twitched his nose a few times, and then pulled Fang Xing\'s sleeve with a look of grievance.

Fang Xing saw Zhang Shuhui playing with Wan Wan and hurriedly pulled Xiao Bai into the backyard.

The autumn back garden looked bleak and boring. After finding a big tree, Fang woke up and pulled Xiaobai over. He said fiercely, "why did you look like that just now?"

Xiaobai wrinkled his nose and hummed, "young master, you have a smell."

Fang Xing covered Xiaobai\'s mouth and looked around for a while. Then he said reassuringly, "nonsense! Your young master, I\'ve been wronged today. I don\'t believe you ask Jia Quan."

Xiaobai was covered in his mouth, his eyes were turning, and then his face gradually turned red

When Fang woke up and let go of his hand, he saw Xiaobai blushing all over his cheeks and sighed, "do you want to threaten me? I tell you, young master, I\'d rather die than surrender!"

Xiaobai is too young to wake up!

Xiaobai suddenly hung her head and said in shame, "young master, don\'t go to those... Women, i... I..."

Looking at Xiaobai who turned and ran, Fang woke up and said, "I\'m really wronged!"

Fang Xing hurried to take a bath and change clothes, and then went to the backyard like a human.

Ling Dang is very pitiful. Wan Wan is hugging her neck. The dog\'s eyes are full of loveless sadness

"Fang Xing!"

Fang Xing\'s arrival finally liberated lingdang. It glanced at Fang Xing without nostalgia and ran out.

"Fang Xing, have you bathed?"