Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2058

"Then the consequence of my asking for surrender is to be killed!"

"Fugu, are you kidding?"

Wu en sneered, glanced at the door and saw his own soldiers on alert. He was relieved and said, "take your people, Fugu. I\'ll let people spread your martial courage all over the world and all the way to meat fans... This is what you expect, isn\'t it?"

The servant nodded, then bowed his head and ate meat until he finished his meal without saying a word.

In the dead of night, servant Gu wiped his hands clean and got up and said, "I\'m going."

Wuen got up, stepped back and said, "if you can, you can also come down."

The servant nodded, "I\'ll try first and send me, Wuen."

Wu en\'s eyes looked behind Pu Gu, where his confidants stood.

With his confidant nodding, Wuen smiled and said, "OK, I\'ll send you."

They got on the horse and someone called the soldiers.

After Fugu goes out, the gate will be closed again. When dawn comes, Wuen will go out of the city and ask for surrender.

Wuen looked at the dark night sky and said, "I will always remember you..."

There were no stars in the night sky, and there was only a slight sound of hoofs.

Ahead, the gate is dark.

"Open the gate."

At the last moment, the servant was calm and even smiled.

The gate has been lubricated and opened silently.

It was dark outside, and the night lights of the Ming army camp could not be seen in the distance.

Wu en looked at the city gate and then at the horse, and suddenly felt that this was a road of no return.

Outside the dark city, there was like a fierce beast hiding without questioning or the sound of horses\' hoofs.

But everyone knows that the Ming people put at least dozens of groups of secret sentries outside the city. Even if they didn\'t find out when they opened the city gate just now, they can\'t escape once they speed up out of the city.

Wu en was reluctant to give up. He immediately threw away the emotion. He hesitated, patted Fugu on the shoulder and said sincerely: "Fugu, if you can\'t... Come back, I\'ll protect you..."

Servant Gu looked back and smiled. He was very kind.

Wun sighed, thinking it was a sad ending, and then he saw his fist.


People\'s Yintang was hit hard, or fainted and unconscious; The most important thing is to be a fool.

Wuen\'s body fell back fiercely, and then was held by servant Gu with one hand.

A flash of amazement.

Between allies.

After that, it must be fire!

Fugu knows, but he is smiling.

He turned sideways and no longer worried about exposure and hiding.


The street, which had only two torches, suddenly lit up.

A sense of sanctity!

At this moment, no painter can draw the look of Fugu!

He just feels that this moment is the peak of his life!

His health has never been better!

His spirit has never been so calm!

He looked up, his eyes were about to crack, and blood fell from the corners of his eyes.

"Wuen just said that the demon God promised. As long as you give your head, the demon God will forgive him. Yes, forgive him alone! And you, you will become the Jing Guan of Ming people!"


The long knife came out of its scabbard and pointed directly at the gate of the city. In the distance, we could see the lights coming on.

Like the lights of a small city

Fugu\'s spirit suddenly climbed to the highest point. He stood up on his horse, looked at these soldiers sideways, waved a knife and roared, "in order to live..."

The bugle of the Ming army came from the distance outside the city gate. It was gathering!

In the light of the fire, those consternation gradually turned into anger and... Despair, and then

"The night is the best cover. Rush out! Go to Samarkand..."

The roar of Fugu was still in his ears, and a group of meat fan cavalry rushed out with cheers.

This is bait!

Also dead!

The servant is watching, watching the follow-up!

A red faced Hari drew his sword and shouted, "let\'s defeat the Ming people! Kill!"

The servant looked at the man with encouraging eyes, and then with a long roar, the man rushed out first.

to war!

What does war depend on?

It\'s practice, it\'s inertia!

Therefore, the tradition of the army is the most. As long as it is not completely eliminated and as long as there are seeds, it will return sooner or later after the recruitment of troops.

And these Hari people began to rebound in despair!

Death is death!

At the critical moment, a leader appeared. Those Hari people roared wildly, and the killing genes in their blood were prompted.

The dense sound of horse hoofs made people\'s heart beat violently.

"Long live Harley!"

A cry that had been away for a long time made those Hari people stunned.

Then the blood surged.

And die!

Once the glory is attached at this moment, and countless scattered cries finally come together and turn into a wish.

"Long live Harley!"

Then, ten thousand horses gallop!

Countless Hari people rushed out of the city with long knives, and then rushed desperately into the dark!

"Sir, let\'s go!"

Behind him came the excited suggestions of his subordinates.

Servant Gu shook his head and said, "there\'s no way to live. In front... Ha lie people, they will hit the wall, copper wall and iron wall..."


The grassland is cold in spring, and it will be colder sooner or later.

The heat left by the sun during the day is now only fog, which blooms at night.

The breath exhaled by men and horses turned into white fog and was dispersed by the night wind.

The cavalry turned to the right. As long as they kept running to the right, they would reach Samarkand.

Meiergan, the fool in everyone\'s mouth in the past, is now like a bright lamp in the night, which makes people grateful and shed tears.

On the left side, there was a dense sound of horse hoofs from the Ming army\'s camp, which was pouring out.

But how to chase in the dark?


Here we come!

The flank is a Ranger at most. At the moment, the impact of thousands of cavalry in the night, even the cavalry of the demon God, is of no help.


A Harlem couldn\'t help cheering.


Countless people are destroying war horses and want to integrate into the night, even if there are wolves hidden there.

Then he gave a sharp drink.

Then... Countless torches lit.

Puff, puff

Fire lights up the night!

"It\'s the devil..."

In the dark night, under the light of fire, rows of arrays are silent in front.

Fang Xing raised his hand.

"Top armour..."

"Click! CLICK!"

The visor was pulled down, and the silent array was shrouded in steel.

"Raise your gun..."

Lin Qun\'an raised his long knife and stared brightly at the enemy galloping ahead.

"It\'s the devil!"

The indomitable Hari people were flustered when they saw the steel array.

In the light of fire, the enemy galloping forward is like a ghost knight in the dark night.

They are cheering themselves up and roaring wildly, just like wild dogs encounter great enemies and want to scare away their opponents with barks.

"Uncle, the artillery is ready..."

Shen Yao\'s broken Gong voice spread far in the night.

Fang woke up, looked at the enemies who had approached 100 meters away, looked at the crazy Hari people, suddenly raised his hand and shouted, "Daming wins!"

In a flash, he shouted behind him, "Daming wins!"

Shen Yao waved without hesitation and shouted, "ignition..."

A thick incense burning red came to the door of the fire, and then the Mars suddenly became hot.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Countless shrapnel burst out in the night. Those desperate Haley people watched, their bodies were extremely distorted, and even some people jumped on the back of a galloping horse, just trying to avoid being hit into a horse honeycomb by shrapnel.

When the horse\'s hooves fly, everything becomes meat and mud.

In the shotgun flying, the men and horses roared, and then rushed forward

"It\'s the devil!"

The servant Gu, who had just left the city gate, heard the exclamation. He said in a deep voice, "kill him, this is the greatest credit!"

On the front, Zhu gaoxu led the cavalry to rush up