Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2059

"Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy!"

Zhu gaoxu forgot his back injury and rushed into the enemy group first.


"Boom, boom, boom!"

In the darkness, the harelites let go and shot at the same time.

After the sound of a shower beating plantains, the Hari people and horses in front were beaten into a sieve.

A war horse was shot blind in one eye. Its crazy man stood up, dropped the cavalry on his back, and then hit it sideways.

The fire lit up Fang Xing\'s face, cold.

"First row..."

As soon as the enemy rushed fifty paces away, they were hit by a round of artillery.


"Bang bang bang!"

In the dense gunfire like fried beans, Zhu gaoxu has cut off the Hari people on his side, and then detour and surround

The two sides are in a scuffle!

The Ming army is divided into two parts, Fang Xing intercepts and Zhu gaoxu encircles!

And the Hales

The meat is charming but missing!

"My Lord, the Ming army outside has been entangled with the Hari people."

On the street, a group of Ming cavalry lit their torches, carefully watched the left and right, and explored all the way.

Right behind, a pair of wolf eyes were staring at the Ming army.

"Here comes the chance, let\'s go!"

Fugu felt like a gambler. As his bet, ha lie had been thrown out and was being hanged by the Ming army at the moment.

If that\'s all, then he\'s not a gambler

He waved gently, and more than 1000 people behind him mounted one after another.

He has thrown a second bet

In a burst of shouting, the Ming cavalry who had just gone to the city to investigate ran back frantically.

Ordinary people can\'t bear the momentum of thousands of cavalry.

Zhu gaoxu fought heartily. He felt he could kill until dawn, and then chase the surviving enemy all the way to Samarkand.

He led his men in cutting the enemy, dividing them into small pieces and eating them calmly.

When the powerful horn came, Chang Jianxun shouted, "Your Highness, xinghebo sent a message, let\'s evacuate and get out!"

Zhu gaoxu chopped hard and said angrily, "what does he want to do?"

Chang Jianxun didn\'t know what Fang Xing was going to do, but he didn\'t dare to joke with the firearms of Jubao mountain guard.


Zhu gaoxu turns his horse around and detours from the side.

Those Hari people had been desperate, but Zhu gaoxu inexplicably took people back.

"Dismount and kneel down without killing!"

After retreating to the periphery, Zhu gaoxu commanded his command to compress the enemy\'s activity space from three sides.

On the left, the sound of gunfire gradually decreased.

This is a beautiful interception!

Zhu gaoxu was blocked behind by the guards and slapped Chang Jianxun in anger.

"Your Highness, take prisoners, Hami Wei wants to build a city!"

Chang Jianxun covered his face, got up and pulled the reins.

Zhu gaoxu gradually calmed down and said, "the number of people is small! What the hell is Fang Xing doing? What about the charming meat? If Fu Gu were there, the enemy wouldn\'t be so flustered just now."

"And Wuen, the coward, where is he?"

In this war, the effective force of strangling the Allied forces is only one goal, and the other goal is to win Fugu and Wuen.

According to Fang Xing\'s meaning... Dead or alive!

On the left side, the enemy who just made a crazy attack has been beaten back, and the smoke of gunpowder at the muzzle has not dispersed. Those enemies look around in panic and don\'t know where the breakthrough is.

"Master, Fugu and Wuen are not here!"

Xin Laoqi listened as soon as he finished.

"No command, no..."

The Earth City on the left front is immersed in darkness, like a giant beast

"The number is wrong!"

Fang Xing stared at the Earth City and said, "tell your highness, there are people in the city!"

A group of cavalry went round from the right.

"Inform the person blocking the back door immediately..."

"Xing Hebo, if there are people in the city, I\'m afraid they will escape through the back door!"

Fang woke up, nodded and said, "leave a thousand households here. Others, come with me!"


At the back door, the Ming cavalry escaped madly.

"Enemy attack..."

Wu Yue, with two thousand households outside the city, has formed an array.

The sound of horses\' hoofs was like thunder. Wu Yue knew what was going on without looking.

"It must be Fugu and Wuen! They use the people in front as bait and raid with their own elite! Go and report to uncle!"

At the gate, the enemy rode like a devil climbing out of hell and then launched a ferocious attack.

Wu Yue pulled out his knife: "tell Uncle that you will live up to your mission!"


He knew that the Ming army surrounded here had two thousand cavalry and two thousand firemen.

So he sent most of his men in front.

These meat charming know they will become the cannon fodder of the assault Ming army, but no one refuses, no one flinches!

This is why Fugu is full of confidence in meat fans!

As long as there are these brave warriors who are not afraid of death, no matter how frustrated they have been, meat fans will get up again and defeat their enemies again.

Whether the enemy comes from the West or the East!

I\'m going to Samarkand!

I want Meier to change her mind at once!

Ming people are going to attack! We must make mieergan realize this imminent crisis!

Servant Gu followed closely. He looked back and saw the direction of the front battlefield. The noise over there was dispersing.

Those incompetent harlems!

In the sound of horse hoofs, Fugu heard a roar.


"Boom, boom, boom!"

The fire in front flickered, and then people turned upside down.

Meat charming is still attacking the defense line of the Ming army, and Pu Gu leads more than 1000 people to follow closely.

"Beep, beep, beep!"

"Bang bang bang!"

In the dense gunfire, Fugu kept shaking his head.

He was looking at the front, the fire of the Ming army flashed, reflecting those fierce meat fans who were not afraid of death.

The men and horses flew out after being hit by lead bullets, and then there was a sound of breaking bones.

"Bang bang bang!"


Wu Yue\'s face was grim and his long knife pointed forward.

"This is meat!"

In the dark, people were shining, one after another attacking the defense line of the Ming army.

Wu Yue shouted, "go and tell Uncle that the servant is here!"

The horn sounded from behind and the enemy in front began to scatter.

No, it\'s not messy!

The cavalry began to disperse, then suddenly sped to the left.

This is to disperse the firepower of the Ming army!

At the moment, the two firearm houses of the whole Ming army were blocked outside the city. The arc formation tightly blocked all the escape routes of the enemy.

But the price is dispersion!

The main force is concentrated in the Middle Road, and the left and right are weak.

"It\'s Fugu!"

Wu Yue looked coldly and said, "let the cavalry block it!"

The cavalry behind them rushed towards the left wing.

"Servant Gu wants to mobilize us. According to my judgment, he still wants to break through the middle!"

Wu Yue\'s cheek trembled

The left meets the enemy!

"Bang bang bang!"

In the front, more than 1000 enemy troops were slowly cruising around. Wu Yue didn\'t dare to be distracted. He looked at the left wing and ordered: "Herald, if you die, you have to stop it!"

If the servant breaks through and runs away, he can wake up and kill him!

The left wing shot loudly in an instant.

The meat charmers used small groups of cavalry to madly impact the array, one by one, and then were knocked down by platoon guns one by one 30 steps away.

In the dark, there will be loopholes in the countermeasure that the Ming army can\'t shoot in batches, so

"Attention! This is attracting, coming, coming..."

Wu Yue glanced at the left wing, and then stared at the more than 1000 enemies in the front again.


The atmosphere suddenly tightened