Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2057

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The smoke and dust dissipated, and Jubao mountain guard still did not attack.

Seeing the enemy running in a panic at the head of the city, Wang he asked suspiciously, "xinghebo, a drum can go down!"

"Under what?"

Fang Xing said, "Lin Qun\'an, there are two parts, one front and one rear gate, blocking their escape!"

Jubao mountain guard immediately split into two, and some began to go around the city.

The smoke of gunpowder is still choking. A short battle has decided life and death.

"We want food and grass."

Fang Xing only explained one sentence.

Wang he thought for a moment and said, "are you afraid they will jump over the wall?"

Fang Xing pointed to the sergeants who went to gather the enemy\'s horses and said, "most of them were carrying a lot of food and grass. It can be seen that Fugu and Wuen were not prepared to leave us anything at all, so don\'t push too hard, give them some hope, and then they will naturally despair."

"What do desperate people do?"

Fang woke up and took a look at the city and rode back.

"They are like gunpowder. Once there are sparks, they will explode."

"If Pu Gu dares to order the burning of grain and grass, we don\'t have to attack. Just stop it."

Wang he murmured, "this is the heart of the people!"

"People have ulterior motives, but survival is an instinct. If anyone breaks the road to survival and is in despair, all the upper officials and subordinates will disappear. Think about how Chen Sheng died."

Fang Xing drove his horse to the camp. Wang he looked back and grabbed a document and asked, "how did Chen Sheng die?"

The clerk was stunned and blurted out: "he was killed by the coachman when he ran away!"

Wang he looked at the city head and said proudly, "servant Gu, servant Gu, that Wuen is not a good bird, and you are not a good thing. Make trouble, ho ho ho!"

It was still cold, but Zhu gaoxu was wearing a red fruit on his upper body, and a soldier was giving him medicine.

The wound is on the back, not deep.

That should be the knife in which he acts as an arrow and leads the part to protrude and surround.

Seeing Fang wake up, Zhu gaoxu said indifferently: "hold them, either tonight or tomorrow night, they must run."

"Yes, we don\'t have much food and grass. We must break through the city within three days. If we don\'t attack at this time, we mostly want to recruit and surrender. The coalition Army knows this very well, so it depends on the contest between Fugu and Wun."

Fang Xing stopped the soldiers from bandaging. Xin Laoqi took out a bottle and applied a thick layer of ointment to Zhu gaoxu\'s wound.


Zhu gaoxu only felt the wound cool, and then the gauze tightened, and the original burning feeling at the wound gradually dissipated.

He got up, moved his arm, turned back and said, "my king, go and have a rest. Here you are."

Fang woke up and saw that he was tired between his eyebrows. He said, "Your Highness, just go and let them boil a pot of medicinal porridge later."

Zhu gaoxu said, "what kind of medicinal porridge does the king drink? Make big cakes later! And wine!"

The doctor muttered, "don\'t drink after trauma."

Zhu gaoxu kicked him staggering, and then went to the tent. Later, snoring came.

"Uncle, your highness slept for an hour last night, and then stared at the city outside..."

Fang woke up and nodded. Remembering that Zhu gaoxu was almost 50 years old, he told Chang Jianxun: "go to the knife and get a pair of medicine. Make a big basin of noodles at night and make soup with that medicine soup."

It was late here. Under the smoke of cooking, the camp of the Ming army looked unprepared and could not be unprepared.

Someone suggested digging trenches, but Fang woke up.

"Make the food better!"

Fang woke up to check in the camp and asked about the situation while walking.

After the patrol, Fang Xing explained, "all the injured brothers rest tonight. Don\'t call them when the sky falls. As for defense, Jubao mountain guards rotate, with 4000 cavalry and 2000 on one side."

Don\'t lose Bali city is an earth city built later by Fugu and Wuen. There are only two gates in front and back. After blocking, it becomes a turtle in a jar.

"Tonight or tomorrow night..."

Fang woke up and looked at the head of the city. He said coldly, "who can win, Fu Gu and Wu en?"


The city was already in panic and despair, which made the coalition soldiers numb.

On both sides of the street were full of coalition soldiers. They looked at the slowly passing Fugu and Wuen with numb eyes.

"There is no shortage of food and grass." Pu Gu felt that he needed to instill some faith in Wu en, otherwise there would be division within the coalition army. With his people, it would be difficult to cause trouble to the Ming army.

"Yes, but there is no morale." Wuen said faintly, "and the Ming army has that kind of big gun, which our city wall can\'t stop."

Fugu looked at him sideways and said seriously, "yes, it\'s good to surrender voluntarily, but you\'re Prince Haley. Wuen, don\'t let the old king be ashamed, don\'t let Haley be ashamed! One thinking of teeth is enough for wise people to despise you!"

Wuen pulled the corners of his mouth and said, "the demon God had arrived long ago, but he didn\'t keep up in time. This is cat playing with mouse. Fugu, there\'s no ha lie. As for my poor father, he was a warrior and ended himself, and I......"

"And I, no, and ha lie, after losing us, Mier Gan can only join hands with meat fans, and then be the pioneer of meat fans, and finally..."

There was no expression on his face and asked, "don\'t you think highly of our cooperation?"

Wu en suddenly relaxed and said, "Ming people... Fugu, firearms are the key. Ming people\'s firearms can knock down our cavalry in rows. Those big guns can only turn the most powerful warriors into meat mud. Do meat fans have it?"


Fugu suddenly wanted to drink.

Outside, the Ming army besieged the city, and the Jubao mountain guard he feared most came to wake up with Fang.

So he wanted to drink!

The two entered the house, but divided in order. Wuen didn\'t go in the front this time. He not only fell behind, but also opened a few steps away.

That\'s how rusty and alert came into being!

"Go get the wine and get a sheep."

They were relatively silent, and later a charcoal basin was brought in.

Here comes the liquor.

Fugu drank a bowl, and then his eyes became brighter and brighter.

The whole sheep on the charcoal basin was slowly turning golden. Someone cut a bowl of meat with a knife.

Fugu ate boldly, while Wuen seemed preoccupied and alert.

"Drink, this is probably the last time we drink."

The servant Gu handed over the wine jar and said teasingly, "I really want to do it. How many times?"

Wuen nodded, poured himself a bowl of wine and drank it slowly.

It was getting gray. Wu en was drunk and directly grabbed the meat and chewed it without a knife.

Servant Gu looked at the charcoal basin and said, "we have no way to go."

Wun nodded. "Yes."

He continued to chew like a starving ghost.

According to his understanding of the other party, if he can save his life after being arrested, he must thank the gods all over the sky for their protection.

"He didn\'t get Jingguan, which is good news for you."

Servant Gu\'s voice was a little erratic: "but... His temper also missed his teeth. Why didn\'t he dare to go back to Daming?"

Wuen smiled, drank the wine and said, "because he was guilty of watching the Ming people being tortured and killed."

"Alutai tortured and killed the Ming people. Later, his fate was very tragic. Pu Gu, you led the army here, which made the Ming people hostile to meat fans, so..."

Wun was somewhat gloating.

The servant said calmly, "yes, unless I can explain something, I will stay on the top of the mountain where the corpses are piled up. I have been prepared for this."

Wuen shivered and quickly drank another sip of wine.



Pu Gu\'s voice is very serious, and Wu en\'s side face

"Tell your men that the Ming people will kill them all and avenge the Ming people who died in Samarkand..."