Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2056


The sound of neat footsteps followed Fugu and others. Everyone dared not turn back and face the army.

Footsteps are getting closer and closer!

This is an illusion, but it\'s still far away!

When the last officer rushed into the city, he was trembling all over and shouted, "close the gate!"

The city gate immediately started a crazy sprint. The cavalry outside rushed in at high speed and collided with the cavalry inside. Suddenly, people turned upside down.

The city gate was then closed, and more than ten people who didn\'t come in rode outside, shouting and begging madly.

The people inside feel that they have escaped, and Fugu

Pu Gu beat the horse and rushed to the front as fast as he could. He jumped off the war horse and ran to the city

Then he froze.

The "cannon fodder" of the coalition forces in front has begun to retreat at this moment!

In fugu\'s expectation, they should be able to hold on for at least a quarter of an hour. The Ming army had to chase and clean up for at least half an hour. When the main forces gathered, he and Wuen had run away.

He is not in a daze for such a quick defeat, but for the Ming army approaching slowly on both wings

"Get back! Blow the trumpet! Get back!"

In the sound of the bull horn, the cavalry of the Ming army in the front fought bravely, while the Ming army approaching from the two wings walked

Rows of arrays wrapped in half armour approached slowly. The leading thousand family officials saw that the enemy began to flee to the city. Knowing that the walking speed could not catch up, they shouted, "run and block both wings!"

So both sides began to run!

This is the first time that jubaoshanwei runs wildly in the form of array!

Fang Xing was on the side. He said with satisfaction, "it\'s a little scattered, but it\'s excellent."

The enemy in front had begun to flee. Seeing that the left and right wings were blocked in place, Zhu gaoxu rushed into the enemy group first.

He\'s almost desperate to fight!

Fang Xing even saw him take a risk to block a knife with plate armor, and then kill a commander of the enemy.

His ideas were not well understood, so he was a little angry.

"Where is the gun?"

"Uncle, artillery in position!"

Shen Yao rushed to the flank with his artillery in time. There was no array or preparation. The iron bullets had been loaded.

Fang Xing roared, "what are you waiting for? Fight!"

The artillery team was aligning their positions, aiming at the fleeing flanks of the enemy.


"Boom, boom, boom!"

The iron bullet went into the crowd, the broken limbs and arms danced, and the blood and brain burst.

"Get back!"

Wun shouted in despair.

The Ming army outside is desperately squeezing the routed soldiers. They hope to block the gate and kill them in.

A bunch of Allied troops crowded into the city, but found two rows of knife holders waiting, ferociously catching up with the city.

Some people just want to run for their lives in panic, and then they are hacked to death by random knives.

So most people chose to obey orders. Gradually, there were more people in the city.

The last allied forces had been entangled. Without hesitation, Fugu ordered the city gate to be closed.

It was a difficult decision and a bloody one.

The coalition troops who had not yet entered the city were frantically crowded at the gate. The sergeants who closed the gate could not stop the crowd, so they had to ask Fugu for help.

The Ming army outside the city is approaching the city gate with rout soldiers!

The fire gun array on the left and right sides has been in place. Fugu saw a big man fiercely waving a long knife, and then the smoke obscured his sight, and his ears were full of roar.

"It\'s the devil..."

In the roar, someone shouted sharply, with great fear in his voice.

The servant shook his head and said, "shoot an arrow!"

"Shoot an arrow..."

Arrow rain cleared an open space outside the city gate. Just before the defeated soldiers behind had time to fill the open space, the city gate closed slowly.


Servant Gu shouted at the bottom, "anything will do. Block the gate, block it all!"

All the bolts were used. In a panic, someone got the table and was kicked all over the floor.

"Brick, stone, earth..."

There was a mess at the city gate. Wu en just looked pale and cold.

"Will the other gate be blocked?"

"No! Just block up here!"

The Allied soldiers who were blocked outside the city began to surrender. Fugu didn\'t order to shoot the arrow.

"They have more food and grass and a lot of labor..."

With a sneer on his lips, he completely forgot that it was his first suggestion to leave the city.

The servant was absorbed in watching the cavalry of the Ming army retreat with the prisoners, and didn\'t pay attention to his words.

The cavalry retreated, the footmen on both wings slowly merged in the front, and a horse came from behind.

"It\'s him!"

"Demon God!"

"It\'s the devil!"

There was a cry at the top of the city. Fugu couldn\'t stop it and didn\'t want to stop it.

"Fu Gu!"

Fang woke up to live the horse outside the bow and arrow, and then asked, "dead or alive?"

Raiding the defensive cities, except for small earth cities such as Turpan, is probably to take your opponent off guard.

Pu Gu and Wu en have been caught off guard and made mistakes. Unexpectedly, Fang Xing led the department behind them and appeared insidiously when they fled.


Fugu regretted that he had left with Wun at that time, otherwise he would rather die in the pursuit than be blocked by his old opponent.

When he looked at the left and right, he looked frightened and made people shoot arrows.

The arrow flew, Fang woke up and didn\'t move.

The arrows fell in front of him.

This is Fugu\'s answer!

Fang woke up, nodded and said, "that\'s asking for mercy!"

He turned his horse and went all the way back to the side of the array.

The artillery in front of the array lined up. When Shen Yao saw Fang Xing\'s return, he shouted, "fire..."

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The iron bullet turned into a black spot and seemed to hit the wall slowly.


Fugu felt a shock and then screamed.

An iron bullet hit just a little outside the city head. Suddenly, fragments flew everywhere, and the people who were hit fell in a fan.

"Get down!"

The shrill cry reminded the people. Just as they were stung down one after another, Fugu was staring at Fang awake.

"Three rounds!"

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The second round of shelling directly hit a small collapse in the middle of the city wall. Just repeat the attack, and the city wall will inevitably collapse.

Lin Qun\'an asked uncontrollably, "uncle, attack?"

Fang Xing shook his head.

Zhu gaoxu has sent cavalry to cruise around the front and rear gates. Once the city\'s Fugu and others flee, they will chase them to the end.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Countless iron bullets bombarded the city wall.


Tucheng, a tall Tucheng, still reveals its vulnerability in the face of artillery bombardment.

The middle section of the city wall suddenly collapsed.

The Allied soldiers brought down from the top of the city were buried under the city before they could even make a miserable cry.

The collapsed part piled up into a slope under the city. The Ming army could even attack the city from this slope under the cover of fire guns.

"It\'s over!"

Wuen stared at the collapse shrouded in smoke and said to fugu, "come down, at least you can save one life."

This is the first time that Wun saw the murderous servant Gu. His cold eyes can make him have nightmares.

"Stop there!"

Fugu drew his knife with his left hand and rushed first.

Countless meat fans rushed from both sides. They stood at the head of the city, stretched their bows and arrows, and prepared to shoot the Ming army who took advantage of the situation.

But through the gradually dissipated smoke and dust, the array of the Ming army is still, and there is no intention of taking advantage of the situation to attack.

"My lord..."

With a surprised look on his face, servant Gu nodded with a heavy heart and ordered, "keep an eye on them and start repairing the city wall immediately!"