Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2055

It\'s cold!

The cold people shiver on the grassland in spring!

Zhu gaoxu got up and scolded the thief God. Then he washed casually and found a scout.

"How far is Fang Xing from here?"

The scouts also just came back, half wet, with an iron blue face and a shivering way: "Your Highness, Xinghe Bo has led the Department to the back 20 miles, but Xinghe Bo ordered the whole army to rest and didn\'t hurry at night."

"What was he thinking?"

Zhu gaoxu stared, and Chang Jianxun, who came over with a bowl of noodles, stepped back.

The Scout said, "Xing Hebo said... He wanted to frighten Pu Gu and Wu en!"

"What do you mean?"

Zhu gaoxu is a little impatient. He prefers to think in a straight line, so Youfang wakes up. He doesn\'t care about anything except staring at the general direction.

The Scout said: "Xing Hebo means... It means that Pu Gu and Wu En will always be happy as long as they have hope..."

Zhu gaoxu understood and scolded, "it\'s winding. It\'s not a good man!"

After breakfast, Zhu gaoxu made people take turns to provoke.


"... fugu, women are stronger than you. Touch your crotch. Are those two liang of meat still there? If not, go to the palace to serve your majesty..."

"Wu en, I heard you\'ve become a servant\'s forbidden man? Forbidden man? You don\'t understand? That\'s... Like men! Ha ha!"


Wuen was a little angry, but he could only be angry.

"These are all means to annoy us. It\'s no big deal."

Pu Gu scoffed at this and analyzed: "I judge that the so-called highness of the unified army should be the king of Han who only knows how to rush and kill. I heard that this man is stupid. Unfortunately, he didn\'t seize the opportunity yesterday, otherwise we can make him a prisoner from now on."

The Ming army below kept yelling and scolding. Once in a while, seeing that the city\'s defense was lax, they would rush up, shoot arrows and flee back in a hurry.

"Clown like disgusting people!"

Fugu didn\'t hide. Seeing that the Ming army who attacked secretly fled back, he couldn\'t help laughing and said, "this is a way to vent their anger. It\'s good. By the way, it can make the people below be more vigilant, so as not to make the siege grow and relax more and more."

After watching for a while, he saw that the Ming army was just stirring up generals. Pu Gu asked Wu en to stare at the city. He went back to rest.

He stayed up all night last night just in case of the Ming army\'s night attack.

When he fell on the bed, the servant Gu whispered, "stare at Wuen. If he wants to run, then... Kill him!"


After thinking about the deployment, he felt that there were no more mistakes, so he gradually fell asleep.


"Uncle, the enemy is still in the city!"

Jubao mountain guard marched on the grassland, not fast.

It was already lunchtime, and a team of scouts sent the latest enemy information.

Fang woke up and looked at the sky and said, "rest and have lunch!"

The scout was stunned. He walked fifteen miles from the morning to now, and the last five miles didn\'t go

"I want cakes and pickles."

Fang Xing is not in a hurry at all. His command is naturally unhurried.

The Scout felt that Fang Xing\'s action was like stealing a bell. He hurriedly left, and then went back to report to Zhu gaoxu.

"Whatever he wants."

Knowing that Fang Xing was behind him, Zhu gaoxu was too lazy to pretend. He ordered: "send a Ranger and check the left and right."

This is clearing the left and right wings of Fang Xingbu.

After lunch, the harassment continued. As time went on, the Ming army scolded more and more ugly

Just scold. Except for a few people, everyone can\'t understand.

After a loss, the Ming army never approached the wall again.

This is the stalemate stage.

When he woke up, he went to the city in high spirits. Seeing that the Ming army was still the same, he smiled and said, "they rode lightly and didn\'t have much food and grass for three days at most. If they don\'t retreat after three days, they\'ll wait to starve to death halfway."

Wu en has been staying at the head of the city. He said in some confusion: "Fu Gu, Ming people are not fools. If there is not enough food and grass, they should do it now and fight to death, otherwise they should evacuate."

If you don\'t hit, you\'ll run away!

This is a technique everyone knows, similar to an assassin!

"Who knows!"

Servant Gu dealt with it casually, but gave his subordinates a wink. Then his people were arranged everywhere to keep an eye on the trend of the Ming army at any time.

"We need to send someone out! Send someone out now!"

Wuen suddenly shouted nervously. The people around him looked away with disdain and scolded in his heart.

It\'s really frustrating to have a timid leader.

Servant Gu nodded and said, "OK!"

In fact, the unease in his heart was stronger than that of Wun, but he needed to maintain a calm image, otherwise the hearts of the coalition would be scattered.

More than 500 people quietly gathered under the city.

Fugu came down and said, "go behind the Ming army after you go out. Don\'t come back when you go. Send a message with a horn, and then... May the gods bless you..."

This is a never-ending investigation. The servant nodded and the wine bag was brought up.

This is liquor. It\'s the booty that robbed the Ming people\'s baggage before. It\'s the only thing left.

Liquor is like fire, stimulating the nerves.

The city gate opens slowly

More than 500 riders suddenly rushed out. The Ming army team yelling outside was stunned and then retreated.

The ox horn sounded, and the cavalry behind the Ming army began to charge.

"This is to..."

Zhu gaoxu looked at it with a telescope. When he saw the enemy running from left to right, he sneered: "to go to Samarkand is to go to their right. Now it\'s divided into two ways..."

"No interception required!"

"Send a message to Fang Xing. Let\'s start!"

The horn gradually passed back

"No interception!"

Wu en looked at the cavalry divided into two teams and began to circle behind the Ming army.

As long as it is found that the Ming army has no reinforcements, then

"Ready, gather up!"

Servant Gu looked at the smooth scene with a dignified face and whispered to Wuen, "we want to break through!"

Wuen nodded, "if the Ming people didn\'t intercept, it means there are reinforcements behind. Once surrounded, we..."


Countless cavalry began to mount, and then took turns to get grain and arrows.

"Take as much as you can! Later, it will be burned down by a fire, and no grain will be left to the Ming people!"

Pugu and UEN stood at the head of the city, and neither of them moved.


"Take away the elite."

They nodded at the same time and decided to break their tail and abandon most of their subordinates.

The two men went down, mounted their horses and looked at the assembled troops from the side.

"Defeat the Ming people!"

Boosting morale is, as usual, une\'s job.

He smiled and said, "our troops are similar to those of the Ming people. The temptation just now shows one thing, that is, the Ming people are intimidating us, so we should defeat them and harvest prisoners..."

"Over Samarkand, my brother meiergan, the future King Khaled said that as long as we can get 3000 heads of Ming people, we are heroes, and countless supplies and soldiers will arrive here in a steady stream..."

Wuen is also encouraging these "cannon fodder".

"Open the door!"

The city gate opened slowly, and the "cannon fodder" cheered, and then rushed out.

"Daming wins!"

This is a showdown!

Zhu gaoxu pointed at the front of the long knife. The Ming army shouted and rushed over.

As the distance drew closer, the arrows poured out towards each other in the air.

After countless shouts, the two sides collided.

Then the scream never stopped.

In the city, Pu Gu and Wu en, who had already arrived at the back door with their elite, rushed out happily.

"Go to Samarkand! The Ming people are so aggressive that Mier can\'t sit back and watch. He can only be kind to us who are the most experienced to the Ming people... Wuen?"

Fugu saw a man trembling and his face was full of fear.


Wun turned his horse first, and then the elite followed closely.

Pu Gu shouted, "kill out! Otherwise we will have no way out!"

He screamed, but there was no response except under his command.

He looked sideways to the front and shouted painfully, "go back to the city!"

Without the cooperation of Wun, he has no confidence to break through the front line of defense.

The steel line ahead!