Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2052

Spring is warm and flowers bloom. That\'s the south.

On the grassland, it is still cold at the moment.

The horse\'s hooves roared past, and the tender grass waiting in the soil was stepped into the melted snow, and then slowly extended.

Fang Xing even wrapped his face in a scarf. On his hand was a pair of sheepskin gloves, surrounded by servants.

The scouts kept going back and forth. Now they don\'t need to identify the direction at all. They just need to follow the large traces trampled out by Zhu gaoxu.

A team of scouts galloped forward and said, "uncle, your highness is already fifty miles away."

Fang woke up and nodded. After the scouts left, he scolded: "he\'s crazy. If he is restrained by Turpan, the raid will become a strong attack and there will be a lot of trouble!"

Lin Qun\'an looked back at the gun truck behind him and said, "uncle, we were dragged by the gun truck."

After the snow melted, the grassland was slightly muddy, but it was good.

"It\'s 90 miles away from Turpan city. Speed up!"


"The Ranger hanged them!"

Zhu gaoxu hardly got the chance to fight, so he almost went all out.

More than 100 people were running ahead, and Zhu gaoxu led the whole army to hide and kill them without hesitation.

The momentum of ten thousand horses was amazing. Zhu gaoxu shouted, "it\'s coming soon. Don\'t stop, hurry and kill all the way!"

The enemy scouts in front were caught up and the two sides fought.

A wave of crossbows and arrows killed half of their opponents. Just as the Ming army\'s Rangers were ready to kill them all, the sound of horses\' hoofs behind them approached, and they hurriedly drove their horses forward.

The brigade of cavalry immediately submerged these enemies and then sped away towards the Earth City in the distance.

On the Earth City, the startled enemy was looking at it in panic. When they saw the smoke, someone screamed: "enemy attack..."

This is not the ancient city of Gaochang, but after Waisi left, Fugu and Wuen sent people to garrison here. Because there were not many people, a small earth city was built temporarily.

The scream startled the people in the city, and suddenly there was a noise.

When a thousand families came to the city, the Ming army was only two miles away from the Tucheng.

Thousands of households turned pale and shouted, "go report! Report to your highness, Ming army raid!"

"Sir, there are enemies around!"

Thousands of households looked at the left and suddenly looked gray.

Zhu gaoxu\'s use of troops would not be so simple. He had already sent Rangers. Now he surrounded them from the left and right, blocking the escape route of the people in the city.

"Come to town! Come on!"

"Bow and arrow ready!"

Before they were ready, the Ming army had rushed to the bottom of the city.

This is a wavy formation. Everyone in front bends their bows and arrows, and then let go when they rush under the wall.

At most, an arrow was planted on the Tucheng City wall, which was more than three meters high. In the howl, the first wave of cavalry of the Ming army had returned around the left.

Who says Daming can\'t shoot?

The second wave of cavalry shot arrows again, and there was no one at the head of the city.

At the end, Zhu gaoxu saw that the city gate had been closed and shouted, "blow it up!"

On this trip, they took the medicine bag given by Fang Xing, and immediately a team of cavalry rushed over when the city was covered with arrows.

The so-called door, the crack of the door can actually see inside.

The people inside the city gate were stunned when they saw the Ming army rushing over, but they didn\'t bring the log that hit the city gate.

Put down the medicine bag, light the fire and run


After a tremor at the city head, the city gate had disappeared in the smoke of gunpowder.

"Kill the enemy!"

Zhu gaoxu pointed at the front of his long knife, and countless cavalry rushed in from the city gate where the smoke of gunpowder had not dispersed.

Zhu gaoxu rushed into the city and saw that people were running away everywhere. There were only more than 100 people resisting, so he shouted, "gather the prisoners and leave 500 guards. The rest will continue to raid with the king immediately!"

With that, he rushed into the middle of the pile of enemies. When he penetrated, he left a ground of corpses behind him.

"Keep up!"

A brigade of cavalry passed through the city, and the remaining 500 people immediately began to wipe out.

When Fang woke up and arrived, he could only look at the cheering Ming army on the top of the city and smile bitterly.

"Uncle, your Highness has been walking for a long time!"

This guy!

Fang Xing said helplessly, "keep up!"


Don\'t lose eight miles. The servant looked at the reinforced wall and stretched out his hand to pat it.

"Fugu, can you take down two sheep?"

The scouts came back the day before yesterday. They said they saw a big motorcade coming from Xinghe City, and then they were driven away by Rangers.

Needless to say, Wuen knew that the Ming people were constantly strengthening the strength of Xinghe city.

So his fear deepened, and meiergan could not give him a sense of security now, so the tenacious servant became the object of his warmth.

Fu Gu looked at the distance and said confidently, "as long as you open your head, meat fans will have no invincible enemies!"

The strength of meat fans is that they face enemies in both East and west at the same time. They struggle from weakness and gradually establish a strong country.

And all this is achieved through war!

"We are strong in war and will be stronger."

Wuen touched his chest and said, "I feel flustered. I\'ve never been so flustered, but I can\'t find the reason."

Fugu felt that he was both a father and a mother. If he hadn\'t been far away from his hometown, Wuen and others would have been cleaned up by him.

He stared at Wu en and said expressionless, "you\'re afraid, because the people in the East Hall have escaped. You\'re afraid that Ming people will take crazy revenge. But I want to tell you that it\'s a crazy thing to go on an expedition for the death of several spies, so be at ease!"

Wuen shook his head and said, "that\'s just one of them. What I\'m most worried about is Mier\'s ambition."

Servant Gu frowned and said, "Ha lie is in chaos. Mier Gan is ending this chaos. What are you thinking? Isn\'t it what you expect for a stronger ha lie to appear?"

Wu en smiled strangely and said, "what do you think... How powerful ha lie is compared with Daming?"

The servant Gu disapproved and said, "you are scared..."


A tea bowl smashed on the wall and burst into powder.

The servant was stunned.

"Can you beat him?"

Wu enhuoran got up, waved his hands and said excitedly, "Fugu, can you defeat the demon God? Can Harley defeat Daming? Tell me, can you?"

Servant Gu stepped back and frowned, "you\'re afraid. Yes, I can\'t beat him because meat fans can\'t effectively support us, otherwise I\'m confident to make the demon God a joke."

At this time, the sound of horse hoofs came from outside, very hurried.

Wuen and Fugu looked at the door at the same time

Running horses in the city must be an emergency military situation.


Instead of knocking, he knocked the door open rudely.

Wuen and Fugu didn\'t mean to be angry. They got up at the same time.

A scout stood outside the door and said in panic: "Your Highness, I found the Ming army..."

Wuen asked dully, "which direction?"

Servant Gu asked calmly, "how many people? How far is it from here?"

The Scout gasped: "more than 1000 people come from Turpan, five miles away..."

In a moment of silence in the room, Fugu rushed out first.

"Assemble! Everybody assemble!"

Wuen was still in the house. He murmured, "this is a scout, a Ranger, and there must be an army of Ming people behind..."

The ox horn echoed in the city, and countless people began to gather with weapons.

In the dust, the sound of horses\' hoofs in the distance became clearer and clearer.

"Go to the city!"

Fugu hurried to the city with people in the crowd.

"Where\'s UN?"

"Your Highness is still in the house!"