Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2053

"That fool!"

Servant Gu went up to the city, turned back and said, "he\'s not here. Where\'s the morale of the harelites? Let him come right away. If he doesn\'t come, tie him and drag him over!"


Servant Gu scolded, looking at the command outside in a daze, and then felt wrong, so he slowly turned back.


Two miles in front of the city, more than 1000 cavalry of the Ming army were decelerating, and the horn kept blowing.


Without hesitation, Pu Gu turned and went down the wall. He looked at the assembled commanders and shouted, "we must defeat the wandering horses of the Ming people."

He pulled the reins with his left hand and stepped on the stirrup with his left foot.

When the gate opened, servant Gu drew his sword with his left hand, raised his sword and said, "there is enough food and grass in the city to send Samarkand\'s reinforcements to attack!"

He rushed out of the gate first, and the Ming army across from him was stunned.


Chang Jianxun responded immediately.

According to Zhu gaoxu\'s deployment, the forward must stare at the main force of the enemy, especially Fugu and Wuen, hold them down and can\'t let them disappear in sight.

Seeing that the Ming army retreated, Fugu\'s heart was half cold.

This is to delay the coalition and wait for the follow-up main force.

Now he has two choices: go back to the city... And escape!

But he remembered the ox horn of the Ming army. He knew that he was in contact.

He looked around and saw no trace of the Ming army.

A little green can be seen on the ground, which makes people feel infinite vitality.

"Kill them all!"

Fugu took the lead in chasing him.

He needs to kill these Rangers before the main force of the Ming army appears, and then give his subordinates confidence.

Whether it\'s running away or going back to the city, it\'s always right to preempt.

According to his calculation, the main force of the Ming army should still have a distance of about 30 Li, enough for him to encircle and suppress the Ranger.

Arrows were flying in the air, and crossbows and arrows turned back from time to time.

Both sides were sacked from time to time, and the losses of the Ming army were even greater.

Chang Jianxun was the leader of the Ming army. He suddenly made a detour to the left. Then more than ten people in the tail were cut off by the coalition army and submerged in a burst of knife light.

Chang Jianxun was not moved. After a detour, he suddenly raided the city gate with his Ranger.

There was a Wuen on the head of the city. He looked pale and said, "the main force of the Ming army is behind. Fugu should immediately send a Ranger to investigate..."

Before his voice fell, more than a thousand people were suddenly divided into more than ten teams and ran in three directions.

This is the Ranger to find out the main force of the Ming army.

But their greatest possibility is that they will never come back.

In this regard, like Wu en, Pu Gu did not blink like Chang Jianxun, who had successfully circuitous riding at the cost of more than ten riders just now.

Wu en\'s heart was a little more stable. Seeing that the Ming army was rushing towards the city gate, he sneered and said, "let them be ready."

At the top and bottom of the city, those Allied soldiers have put arrows on the strings. If the Ming army dares to rush in, it is to encircle the front and back, close the door and beat the dog.

"Shoot an arrow!"

When the Ming army was about to get to the bottom of the city, they stretched their bows and arrows one after another. A wave of arrow rain brought a scream to the city. Then they made a detour and went to the right again.

The counterattack at the city head also left more than 50 horses. Then the Ming army began to accelerate and flee to the right.

"Cunning fellow!"

The Ming army raided the city head at a high price. Not only were more than 50 people left by the arrow rain at the city head, but the servant Gu who came after him took advantage of the situation to kill

However, after the Ming army suddenly separated more than 300 people, these Ming troops were brave and fearless to die, and unexpectedly counter raided, which made the coalition panic.

"Kill them all!"

When Fugu saw a Ming army waving a long knife to cut left and right, no one could beat him.

He angrily rushed over with his own soldiers, prepared to kill this man and boost his morale.

The long knife in the hand of the Ming army doesn\'t look like a standard weapon, but it\'s sharp.

His beard looked like a steel needle, his eyes were round, and no one in front of him was an enemy of unity.

The soldier of Pu Gu finally rushed over. The Ming army was just a knife, so he took the leading soldier as the leader, and then looked up to the sky and shouted: "withdraw..."

"Surround the back!"

Fugu felt that the Ming army should be brave. If he could kill him, it would have an unlimited impact on the morale of the Ming army.

Just as the horn sounded, the Ming army suddenly rushed to the right, followed closely by the Ming army, who lost one-third of its loss, and rushed out against the passage in front.


Wuen didn\'t expect that the Ming warrior who had been looking forward to nothing had shrunk.

This is not a sergeant!

At least a thousand family officials!

The servant was angry and said, "surround and kill the man!"

But as soon as the Ming army went out, the Ming warrior laughed and went after Chang Jianxun\'s Ranger.

This is contempt!

Servant Gu followed closely with the coalition forces and soon approached again.

The arrows covered the back of the Ming army.

As long as a quarter of an hour, the servant was confident to leave the Ming army.

"Tell Wuen, assemble!"

Fugu is ready to see the number of the main force of the Ming army before making a decision.

If less, he would not hesitate to take the opportunity of defeating the Ming Army Rangers to fight a decisive battle with the Ming army.

The men and horses in the city were his mace. It was the same as in the decisive battle with Fang Xing at that time, but those who hid the ambush fell out.

In the sound of the horn, pugu cheer up. He doesn\'t want to go to Samarkand, so he must act steadily in this war.

Losing Yili is the unbearable pain of Mier\'s work. From then on, he will face the Ming people directly.

Anyway, Fugu feels he is in an invincible position!

At this time, the Ming army in front suddenly detoured to the right again, which is the left side of don\'t lose balicheng.

Are they crazy?

Without hesitation, servant Gu ordered: "let Wuen out of the city from behind and intercept..."

The horn didn\'t ring as he expected, and the servant Gu didn\'t scold, but slowly turned the horse\'s head.

A black cloud came quickly from the distance!

The dull sound of horses\' hoofs was like the sound of spring thunder. The bombed coalition forces looked pale. The bombed servant Gu immediately gave up the idea of encirclement and killing.


After only one look, Fu Gu decided that the Ming army should be less than 20000 troops.

But they are all one person and three horses, with great momentum. This is a sudden attack.

The Allied forces that Fugu took with him were one man and one horse. If he ran away, the Ming army would follow him instead of attacking the city... Fugu knew it was almost difficult for him to survive.

The Allied forces had stopped and were waiting for the order of Fugu, while the group of Ming Army Rangers began to fight and provoke on the periphery.

"Your Highness is mighty..."

The Ming warrior and his men constantly attacked the flanks of the coalition and left with one blow, just like a cunning cheetah.

The Ming army was cheering, followed by the Ming army\'s continuous raids, and then withdrew back.

"Sir, they are calling your highness..."

Instantly, the eyes of Fu Gu brightened and disappeared.

It must be a prince of the Ming Dynasty. As long as he can kill... No, as long as he can be captured, it will be a great victory.

For this reason, he is willing to sacrifice all his subordinates, including Wun.

"Daming wins!"

Cheers came from the front, mixed with the sound of dense horse hoofs, with momentum like rainbow

This is a bait!

Bogu clenched his teeth and squinted at the Ming warrior standing on the horse, shouting, "withdraw! Withdraw to the city!"

"Kill the enemy with the king..."

The warrior is Zhu gaoxu.

No one would have thought, including Fang Xing, that Zhu gaoxu would rush to the front with the striker.