Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2051

Building the city is very troublesome. Fang Xing simply dumped it to Lin Chu who is more familiar with this side.

Those people were recuperating. Fang woke up to see several men, all covered with bones, and the children were even more sad.

So Fang Xingren slaughtered cattle and sheep, cooked soup and meat, and slowly made up for them.

"Uncle, here comes the baggage!"

Fang Xing was thinking about food and grass. When he heard that Wang He, who was whispering to reduce supply, was still in the house, he ran away.

Wang he said bitterly, "how can this man do this?"

The sergeant who came to report outside the door said happily, "supervisor, there are many big cars. It is said that these cars will stay here in the future."

Wang he stared and said, "that\'s waiting to come back with something after breaking down the servants!"

He walked slowly to the gate with his hands on his back and saw a long cart coming slowly in the distance.

And the thousand household officials who escorted the luggage were already talking to Fang Xing about domestic affairs.

"... there is nothing in the court, that is, some people everywhere spread a tax system that will be implemented in the future. Those scholars became noisy and were scolded by local officials..."

"... we have all received letters from the governor\'s office and the Ministry of war, saying that we should keep an eye on all localities, especially the gentry, and be ready to suppress them at any time if anyone gathers people to make trouble."

Fang Xing nodded frequently. When the big team arrived at the bottom of the city, he arched his hands and said, "it\'s hard all the way. The city has prepared broth and big cakes. Go and eat them."

Thousands of officials disagreed: "uncle, eat after unloading."

Fang Xing pointed to the Hami people who were called and said, "let them unload."

After entering the city, Fang Xing asked Wang He to check his luggage, and then sent someone to find Zhu gaoxu.

There is no snow in the city, but the snow in the mountains still hasn\'t melted.

"It\'s cold!"

Fang woke up and asked the Qianhu official about his journey, and then asked someone to take him down to drink.


Three days later, the people and the army who carried the luggage left, and Zhu gaoxu came late.

"Fang Xing, Fugu and Wuen are on guard, but they don\'t pay attention to Hami."

Zhu gaoxu\'s face was blue. As soon as she entered the house, she asked someone to make wine.

He rubbed his hands on the brazier and said, "almost. When the grass grows longer, we won\'t have a chance to raid."

"Here comes the baggage. We can do it!"

Zhu gaoxu suddenly got up and said, "in that case, why don\'t you reward the army today!"


Fang Xing said, "we should rearrange the food and grass. Prepare today and attack tomorrow!"


Zhu gaoxu was actually very tired. After explaining, he asked someone to take wine back to have a rest.

Fang woke up and called Lin Chu.

Lin Chu\'s complexion was better, but he was still skinny.

"Uncle, but are you going to start?"


Fang woke up, walked to the side of the map hanging on the wall, rowed from Hami to Yili, and said, "the war will end soon. Benbo will leave someone here to guard. You should keep an eye on those people. Once someone is wrong, no, once someone is noisy, start immediately."

Then he summoned people to discuss the matter.

Zhu gaoxu didn\'t like trivial things and decided on a strategy. He just went to fight, so Fang Xing didn\'t call him.

"This war is just one word, come on!"

Fang Xing pointed to the map and said, "the distance is not close, so we have high requirements. All departments should prepare scouts when they go back. Before the army starts, the Scouts must kill the enemy scouts found along the way."

There are 15000 soldiers in the army. Except for Jubao mountain guard, the commander of 10000 cavalry is Yang Qing.

"Uncle, can you make a circle?"

Yang Qingxu pointed to the map and said, "let\'s detour from the left, so we can bypass Turpan, and then make a surprise attack. Don\'t lose eight miles!"

Fang Xing liked the spirit of putting forward another plan, so he explained: "our purpose is to make a surprise attack. There are up to 3000 cavalry in Turpan. The cavalry will go around and stop, and the Jubao mountain guard will attack. The city can be broken within an hour at most, and then 1000 people will be left there to guard the back road, and the main force will make a surprise attack immediately."

Yang Qing thought for a moment. He simply went to the edge of the map, pointed to the right and said, "uncle, what if it\'s from the right?"

"There are more scouts over there. Your Highness has just returned. Those scouts who went with him said that the more they go to the right, the more scouts will ride."

"Do you want to chase the Ranger?"

Fang Xing asked.

Yang Qing nodded and said, "chase and fight. Jubao mountain guard has artillery. What city can block it?"

"What about supplies? What shall we do if Pu Gu and Wu en are crazy?"

Fifteen thousand people and forty or fifty thousand war horses, how much food and grass do they consume a day?

Yang Qing bowed down and Fang Xing continued, "Turpan and don\'t lose Bali. After Waisi took people away, the population is sparse and the source of population is complex. We should be decisive and defeat them with momentum!"

The generals promised loudly and went out to prepare.

Fang woke up and walked out of the house. Old Xin said behind him, "Sir, the snow has melted."

"Yes! It\'s chilly."

Fang Xing was moving, but he was thinking about Peiping.

Zhu Zhanji didn\'t intend to take the knife inside temporarily, but had a plan long ago.

If Harley continues to be confused, Daming will not interfere, and even reduce the pressure.

Such Harley will become an obstacle to the progress of meat charm.

But meiergan was like a light in the night. He gathered half of Hari all the way. The remaining forces could not be compared with him who had Samarkand. If he was smart, he would naturally know which way to choose.

Ha lie\'s terrain is very headache. There are Daming in front and two sheep and meat fans in the back. As long as either party is interested in them, it is almost the disaster of national subjugation.

If Lao Wang, who had been involved for a while, saw this situation, he didn\'t know whether he would be angry and spit blood!

Meiergan knew the trouble of this situation. He could choose to surrender to Daming, but he was afraid of the vastness of Daming. When he was worried, he was more receptive to the meat fans separated by two sheep.

Therefore, it is not empty words to say that those people in the East Hall have made great achievements.

Once ha lie decides to fight against Daming, in order to prevent meat fans from merging with them, Daming\'s best choice is to gradually defeat them. When the meat fan country has ambitions, one of his comrades in arms has fallen and lost momentum before the war.

Therefore, Yili was chosen as a bridgehead against Daming.

Fang woke up, this is not exile, let alone avoiding disaster.

After Jinan, many people in the government and the public hated him, and the matter of cleaning up and offering can not be urgently promoted. Therefore, Zhu Zhanji simply asked Fang to wake up and attack, which can not only confuse those people, but also temporarily slow down the high-pressure atmosphere in China.

"For the way of politics, relax one by one!"


Fourteen thousand people, Zhu gaoxu and Fang Xingxing left a thousand people in Hami.

It was late in the morning here. After Fang woke up and washed, when the whole army started breakfast, it was still dark.

Breakfast is very rich, with mutton and dried vegetables. The cooked rice is fragrant, the broth is boiling in the big pot, and the water vapor is steaming.

Fang woke up and asked for a bowl of rice and soup. He squatted down with Zhu gaoxu to eat.

"The king set out first. You take the Jubao mountain guard behind. If Turpan can raid the city, you won\'t be needed."

Zhu gaoxu ate heartily, ate breakfast a few times, got up and was ready to leave.

Fang Xing said helplessly, "Your Highness, if Turpan can\'t go down, surround it, and then clean up the enemies around. Don\'t let anyone report to fugu."

"The king knows that speed is important, and Jubao mountain guard will ride carelessly. Once the king starts, you can\'t keep up!"

Fang Xing could not laugh or cry, but what Zhu gaoxu said was the truth.

Zhu gaoxu strode over and shouted, "except for Jubao mountain guard, the rest of us, start now!"

One man and three horses. Wang he saw that there were not many grain and grass belts, so he asked Fang Xing.

Fang Xing was drinking soup and said, "we need to be fast all the way. Bringing more food and grass is a drag. As for follow-up supplies, naturally..."

It is not uncommon to eat from the enemy. There are countless cases of war in ancient and modern times.

"We\'re just going to destroy it."

Fang Xing put the bowl down and felt warm.

"Let\'s go!"

Nine thousand cavalry set out first, and then Fang Xing left with Jubao mountain guard.

God, it\'s still dark!