Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 204

"Little lady, don\'t you recognize the wrong person?"

Fang Xing shook his legs and wanted to get rid of the woman\'s embrace, but he couldn\'t get rid of it several times.

"Elder sister, you really recognize the wrong person!"

The woman looked up, and the poor little face immediately made the onlookers hiss with envy.

"Fang Ying, I have been looking for you for a long time since you left last month. Today, God has mercy and finally found you..."

The woman\'s tears immediately slid down from her white and tender face, making people want to reach out and erase those tears.

"Such a beautiful little lady, I must be reluctant to leave!"

"Me too, but I\'m tired over time!"


When Fang woke up to see more and more people around, he was a little annoyed and said, "I said you\'re so unreasonable. I don\'t even know you. Why can\'t you get stuck!"

"Fang Ying, the big lady is fierce. I dare not go to fangjiazhuang to find you. Today... I won\'t let go anyway!"

I said! Even fangjiazhuang ordered it.

"That boy, a good woman of others, you are so disorderly and abandon, be careful to ruin your reputation!"

"Yes! In broad daylight, be careful to be dragged to the Yamen to beat the board!"

"And the censor of the city!"

"The young man looks like he has a reputation. At that time, he will be stripped of his clothes and become infamous!"


Hearing these comments in Fang Xing\'s ears, he smiled instead.

"Are you touching porcelain?"

Thinking of the word before it came out, Fang woke up and sneered: "I said, little lady, who asked you to frame me?"

The woman shook her head desperately and said pitifully, "Fang Ying, I\'ve been with you for half a year. Don\'t you read the old love?"

Fang Xing\'s green brains jumped on his forehead. If it wasn\'t for the wrong place, he would really force himself to leave.

At this time, Fang Xing knew that he had been caught in the condom no matter how stupid he was, and he was still a beauty condom.

Shuhui won\'t misunderstand me, will he?

Fang Xing is worried about this. Then he looked up to find an acquaintance.

Unfortunately, there are strange faces around, and most of them look strange.

I\'m not an estrous gorilla in the zoo!

When Fang woke up and saw the firmness of the woman\'s face, he knew he couldn\'t get away today.

"Then report to the official."

The woman\'s body was shocked, and then she cried, "Fang Ying, how cruel you are! Will my family\'s reputation remain after I arrive at the government?"

"It\'s all framed in the street. How dare you say you have a reputation?"

Fang woke up with a sneer and saw a man coming up.

The man looked indignant and said, "look, you are also a person who has read the book of sages. You don\'t know any shame!"

Fang wakes up and doesn\'t speak. He has just left the imperial city. The people from the military and Horse Department of the five cities should arrive soon.

When the man saw that Fang Xing was just sneering, he whispered, "it\'s not clear when it comes to the Yamen. In that case, why don\'t you accept her and let everyone go!"

Take this woman? Fang woke up and smiled without saying anything.

Not to mention that the two women in the family will become the kind of relationship of "raising a case to the eyebrow", the reputation will be completely over.

Huang TAISUN\'s teacher took care of the outer room, and abandoned it all the time. He was caught on the road

Want me to be a mouse crossing the street?

"I want to report to the official!"

Fang Xing\'s insistence made the bystanders somewhat confused about the authenticity of the matter, so all kinds of speculation came out one after another.

"Isn\'t this man crazy? When he comes to the yamen, he can\'t help others!"

"He probably wants to cheat the little lady!"

"Maybe it has something to do with people in the Yamen! When I fall, the little lady\'s ass will suffer!"

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

Just then, several sergeants lined up and came over.

"Oh! What\'s the matter with you two?"

The people of the five cities army and horses Department saw more gratitude and resentment, so Fang Xing and the woman\'s posture did not arouse their curiosity, but their eyes were a little playful.

When the woman saw the sergeant, she dropped her head, and the man had crowded into the crowd. When Fang woke up and wanted to find it, she couldn\'t see it.

It\'s all together!

"All scattered!"

The pioneers of the five cities army and horse division dispersed the crowd, and then asked the cause of the matter with angry eyebrows and eyes.

Fang Xing pointed to the woman and said, "I didn\'t teach until today. I was hugged by this unknown woman and said I was always disorderly and abandoned."

With that, Fang woke up and felt the woman\'s body tremble gently.


The woman let go of Fang Xing\'s thigh, tired on the ground and sobbed: "Guan Ye Rong, the little woman mi Sanniang has been..."

"Take them back!"

These sergeants were used to being happy and angry. Seeing that it was getting late, they were afraid of delaying their lunch, so they mercilessly interrupted the woman\'s cry.

Mi Sanniang hurriedly covered her mouth and got up. Fang woke up but said calmly, "hurry up. I have to go home for dinner."

As soon as these words came out, several sergeants looked at Fang Xing with joking eyes. One of them laughed and said, "do you still want to go home for dinner? I think you\'ll wait to stay in the prison of Ying Tianfu for a while!"

Another Sergeant greedily looked at Mi Sanniang, licked his lips and said, "you don\'t cherish such an excellent little lady. Isn\'t it useless there?"

"Ha ha ha!"

All the way into the Jubao gate, Fang Xing finally saw Jia Quan. The goods were riding on horseback and escorting several carriages.

Fang woke up and shook his head at Jia Quan, then pointed to the sergeants around him, and then pointed to the familiar carriage.

Wan Wan is in the carriage. If she sees this scene, she will lose her temper and make a big noise.

Jia Quan understood Fang Xing\'s meaning, then pointed to the direction of fangjiazhuang, and then pointed back to the direction of the palace, indicating that he would go to find Zhu Zhanji immediately after sending the princess to fangjiazhuang.

Looking at Fang Xing and Jia Quan, a sergeant shouted, "what are you looking at? Hurry up!"

Fang Xing smiled, nodded goodbye to Jia Quan, and then went all the way to the censor\'s office of Xuncheng.

Along the way, there were many people watching the excitement. Fang woke up, lowered his eyes slightly, and followed him into the gate.

In the lobby, Lin Xiao was stamping his feet. While stamping his feet, he frowned and complained to his entourage: "the censor of the city patrol is good for everything, but he has to have a pair of iron feet. When I work for it for a few years, I can go..."

"Lord Lin, there is a case."

A sergeant came in and reported.

According to the direction of inspection, the censor of the city has his own yamen, and the people of the five City Army and horse division have to listen to the censor.

Lin Xiao covered his head and sighed. Then he quickly sorted out his official clothes and went to the lobby.

In the lobby, MI Sanniang stood on the side in fear, while Fang Xing stood upright. She had leisure to observe the Yamen decoration of the censor of the city.

There are no yamen servants here, and there is no "power". Some are just the cold eyes of a few sergeants.

"My lord..."

With the long voice, MI Sanniang\'s body shook.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Fang Xing said to MI Sanniang, "if you wake up, I can let you go. You have to think clearly!"