Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2043

Several smart businessmen are eating in the royal guards.

A big table of good food, wine is also good wine.

Shenyang stood in the yard, and the people behind him were telling: "those tourists exchanged information with each other. They collected a lot this time..."

"Money can confuse people\'s eyes."

Shenyang knows that many news are bought with money. Those tour companies travel everywhere. Their favorite thing is to inquire about all kinds of news, and then they can exchange money or peace.

This is a way for the royal guards to obtain information, and those businessmen are unscrupulously selling the information of countries along the way in order to exchange goods with Daming.

"Sir, they went to the Palace first, and then stayed in the East Hall for three days before they came back."

Shenyang\'s body stiffened, and the voice behind him continued: "Sir, the news that your majesty intends to expedition Harley in recent years has just come out of the palace, and before that, your majesty has learned that the meat is charming and ready to move, but the ministers don\'t know..."

"Ha lie is not a great enemy. If Daming abides by it, ha lie will not threaten Daming for a hundred years."

The scar on Shenyang\'s face twisted and said, "Your Majesty is playing chess, and all the ministers are chess pieces."

"Sir, what about us?"


"We are your Majesty\'s fingers."


"It\'s a disgrace to Daming that two people in Dongchang were tortured and killed!"

Zhu Zhanji summoned the ministers to discuss the matter and expressed his anger directly.

"This is ha lie\'s provocation to Daming!"

As soon as this word came out, even if it was mei\'er\'s work, it wouldn\'t help to come to Beijing to plead guilty in person at this time.

The Lord humiliated his minister to death!

After an angry speech, someone said, "Your Majesty, Harley is not a minister. Send someone to scold."

Zhu Zhanji glanced at the man and said, "send someone to wait to continue to be tortured and killed?"

Zhang Fu went out of the class and said, "Your Majesty, in those years, the Japanese country tortured and killed the emissaries of the Ming Dynasty. Last year, Yingzhou found those who did it... They have been killed!"

Where will those people live? Most of what Zhang Fu said are their descendants.

But the monarchs and ministers present took it for granted.

The Revenge of the tenth generation can be avenged!

This is the words of the sages and is widely recognized by everyone.

Zhu Zhanji doesn\'t like sitting. He feels that sitting in that chair is like being tied up and can\'t be free.

The following eyes are like invisible ropes, with different meanings.

So he got up and said, "malice has been revealed. Let\'s cut it down!"

"Your Majesty, I think you should slowly figure it..."

"Your Majesty, the laborer\'s expedition cost so much that I thought that Daming should cultivate students and rest for the future."


After a burst of noise, another group of Ministers began to refute. The two sides argued with each other, and began to quote scriptures from time to time. In the back, the war was fierce, and all courteous and treacherous ministers came out.

The voice became louder and louder. Yang Rong yelled out of class, and the ministers stood with their hands tied.

Zhu Zhanji said coldly in his eyes, "if Emperor Wen had listened to you, wait a minute. Now there are a large army outside the Great Wall!"

Zhu Di did too many great things in those years. Many people opposed the Northern Expedition several times, but they were all suppressed by him.

Now it seems that Zhu Di is really far sighted, reflecting the more shortsighted of those ministers.


Fang woke up. He wanted to come, but Zhu Zhanji asked someone to tell him that he was waiting for news at home.

"The undercurrent is surging in the court recently. Your majesty is often constrained in his work. This is to beat! If you go, you will distract the attention of the ministers."

Xie Jin is writing a book recently, but he refuses to publish the content.

Therefore, he became more and more refined and felt that he had been shrouded in the light of wisdom.

The sun in this season feels slightly warm, but don\'t get wind, otherwise it\'s better to hide at home and warm up.

The sun shone on Xie Jin\'s head, as if there was a halo.

They were in the courtyard at the moment. Fang woke up, rubbed his eyes and said, "prestige always needs to be established slowly. In fact, it\'s not a matter for your majesty to go on an expedition to Harley. The key is that those people always want to find a chance to fight back. Your Majesty simply gives them a chance to see how they do it."

"That is."

Xie Jin said, "if you broke their jobs and didn\'t rebel, even if it was TOEFL, don\'t you allow them to use other ways to fight back? That\'s a tyrant. Tyrants never come to a good end."

"So many people! I feel numb when I think about it. If your majesty is 20 years older, it will never be feasible. He will not agree."

Zhu Zhanji is energetic at the moment. If he is 20 years older, he will probably start from stability and like to push forward slowly, rather than waking up to the storm of his trip to Jinan.

"Ha lie is far away. If a large army goes on an expedition, it will take at least half a year on the road, and the luggage can drag down the March..."

"Not Harry."

Fang woke up and let Xie Jin fall into meditation. Later, he suddenly realized: "is it... Yili? Cut off the hand that HA lie extended to Daming..."

Fang woke up, nodded and said, "Your Majesty is afraid to call me into the palace immediately."


In the warm Pavilion, when Fang woke up, Zhu Zhanji was looking at the map.

"Jinan... I want to promote Shandong after stability."


Fang woke up to know that a series of changes in Jinan made Zhu Zhanji start to be vigilant. He can enforce it, but the result is unstable.

Once Jinan appears repeatedly, the whole Shandong will be surging.

At that time, let alone innovation, we should consider how to stabilize the country.

Fang Xing didn\'t want to implement it to the whole Shandong immediately. "At present, stabilize Jinan first, and then those people will take chances. Jinan estimates that there will be several repetitions and pressure down!"

Fang Xing\'s eyes flashed a murderous opportunity and said, "Jinan is stable. This is the rear area. The gentry in Jinan can cancel preferential treatment. Are the gentry in other places great?"

"Public opinion... How about the residence newspaper?"

"See Ming Pao? Yes, the old man is not an old-fashioned person. On the contrary, he has a strong ability to accept new knowledge. At present, he has accumulated a lot of articles. He waits for the printing to be in place and starts shooting immediately. No, it\'s shooting."

Zhu Zhanji looked strange and said, "before the reform, public opinion first, and the role of the residence newspaper... The vernacular is excellent. Many of those scientific children can read, and it will spread slowly at that time."


When Zhu Di and Zhu gaochi were in power, suggestions similar to those in newspapers would never be allowed, and both emperors would be afraid of the energy.

And even if it was a residence newspaper, the final direction must be 18000 miles away from Fang Xing\'s expectation.

"We should make the innovation clear to the people, let them know the harm of investment and the prospect of the tax system, and finally win over the people, so that those people can be isolated, either go with the tide or be broken by the tide."

Fighting for the people was Fang Xing\'s trick that he analyzed many times to Zhu Zhanji at that time.

"People can\'t continue to be ignorant, and Di Bao is the best enlightenment. All kinds of news about Daming are released by authority. Gradually, they will have a direct understanding of Daming, and then..."

"Then is the formation and strengthening of the concept of the state?"

Zhu Zhanji smiled. Fang Xing told him many things about this at that time, which seemed too metaphysical at that time. After he ascended the throne, he found that this was an urgent matter.

"There was an old man who said something to me..."

Fang woke up and remembered what the old man said. He slowly recalled and said, "we have lived here for generations. We work at sunrise and return at sunset. Apart from Rong and Di, we... What family do we want?"

This is a kind of pride!

"Recognition, Daming needs the recognition of the people. It feels the same for failure, cheers for victory, and thousands of people are like one person, which is not going to be bad!"