Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2044

"Ha lie?"

At Zhang Fu\'s home, several Wu Xun gathered and were looking at the map.

Xue Lu shook his head and said, "if you go on an expedition to Haley, it\'s a war to overthrow the country. Even if your majesty believes in Xinghe Bo, you will go on an expedition to preserve the righteousness of kings and officials. Xinghe Bo just poked a big hole in the sky in Jinan, and your Majesty must sit in the state, so... Xue decided that your Majesty\'s goal is not so big."

Meng Ying nodded, pointed to Samarkand and said, "if the army is fighting, your majesty will certainly call us for questioning first, so Meng means the same. Your Majesty\'s goal is here!"

His fingers heavily pointed in the Yili handle, looked up and said, "what do you think?"

Zhang Fu nodded and said, "it must be so. Pu Gu and Wu en are like two mice squatting in the Yili handle. They not only inquire about the news everywhere, but also make Xinghe city have to cheer up, otherwise they will be suddenly attacked one day..."

"Breaking down Pu Gu and Wu En will not only break the connection between HA lie and meat fans, but also cut off their outstretched hands, effectively deter ha lie and meat fans, and eliminate external threats for the domestic innovation of the Ming Dynasty. This is a good thing to kill with one stone, but only those civil servants......"

Zhu Yong shook his head and said, "there are only a few people in the court who are familiar with military and state affairs, but they dare not say it. Those people think they have caught the handle of your Majesty\'s great success, and the people who sent the medallion have never broken. It\'s ridiculous!"

"Your Majesty, this is a flaw on purpose. Yang Rong, they know, but they dare not say."

Zhang Fu felt that there were too many people angered by the cleaning up of the offering. The emperor bought a flaw. When the crowd was excited, he suddenly changed his course. Then the people thought they had successfully blocked the emperor\'s decision.

This is grinding, a little bit of grinding away the spirit of the opponents.

Zhang Fu gradually figured out the twists and turns inside. He couldn\'t help applauding the emperor\'s wrist. At the same time, he was awestruck and warned himself to be more cautious.

Zhu Yong didn\'t care. He looked around and asked, "who\'s going?"

"Ride lightly for thousands of miles, Zhu..."

Zhu Yong was full of hope, and Zhang Fu said faintly, "this is half a war to destroy the country. Do you still want to be king?"

The room was silent, and the footsteps of the servants came in. Zhu Yong said bitterly, "we are all Knights handed down by our parents. We are the Duke of the country as soon as we start. It\'s good, but it\'s difficult to continue."

The atmosphere was a little heavy. Zhang Fu joked and said, "I was not the Duke of the country!"

Zhu Yong said with a bitter smile, "brother Wen Bi, you just went to cross toes several times and then rested."

Zhang Fu said sadly, "so what?"

King suspicion has always been the biggest hidden danger of Wu Xun. Wu Xun, who has great influence in the army, is present. However, Meng Ying and Xue Lu have real jobs and are deeply valued by the emperor. Zhang Fu and Zhu Yong are "honoring and nurturing".

Xue Lu advised: "if this is the case, this battle must be a long-distance attack without delay, or even a strike. We are all old..."

It\'s really not easy to rush for thousands of miles.

Zhang Fu is not young, and those present are not young.

If you can\'t hold on halfway and the army suddenly loses the general of the unified army, let alone continue the attack, it\'s good not to be followed by the enemy.


Fang Xing, who had not fought for a long time, was in a trance. There were smart people in the court who had already guessed the emperor\'s mind, so there were many memorials asking for war.

"If you rush for thousands of miles, you\'ll lose ten kilograms once. Can you hold it?"

"Of course, Fugu and Wuen were defeated by me. Who is more qualified than me?"

"Then go. I\'ll watch here and promise nothing."

Fang woke up and went into the palace. He talked with Zhu Zhanji for a long time, and then found Zhu gaoxu.

Seeing Fang Xing, Zhu gaoxu was furious and scolded, "what about the king\'s fief? Are you and the emperor fooling the king?"

He was drinking. Fang woke up in broad daylight and couldn\'t stand it, so he went to pick up the wine pot and threw it out.


The wine pot was smashed on the ground. Zhu gaoxu smiled without anger. He grabbed Fang Xing\'s collar and said gnashing his teeth: "how dare you break the king\'s wine pot? Do you know its origin?"

"Of the first emperor?"

"Fart! The first Emperor didn\'t have such a wine pot at that time!"

"That\'s... Jubao wine pot?"

Zhu gaoxu loosened Fang Xing and asked, "come on, what\'s up?"

"Go beyond the Great Wall?"

Fang Xing asked with an eyebrow.

Zhu gaoxu sat back, raised his glass and drank the residual wine. He said, "what are you doing outside the Great Wall? You can\'t go to investigate the side walls? I\'m not interested."

Patrol the side wall. This is a job every year, usually both civil and military. After I went there, I just looked at the drill, checked the equipment and material reserves, and by the way, saw if there were generals covering the sky and engaging in small territory.

Fang Xing picked up a piece of bacon. After eating it, he said with satisfaction, "do you want to go?"


Yili destroyed everything when Waisi ran away, resulting in that Fugu and Wuen had to rebuild the city.

The city has been built. At least it has a sense of security.

The herdsmen that Waisi didn\'t take away are back. Here, the herdsmen who lose the protection of the tribe are like lambs, which will be swallowed up by various forces.

Therefore, at the beginning, while building the city, Fugu and Wuen sent people and horses to eliminate all forces and gather the population, cattle and sheep.

Now they have a foundation here. Wuen is a little discouraged. He wants to stay here for a long time. At least, he is like the crooked thought of that year and dominates the side.

But Fugu has been worried about promoting the war between Haley and Daming, and

It was cold, but it didn\'t snow.

The cattle and sheep have returned, and there are few pedestrians in the street.

Most of those houses are built of wood. Of course, it is not enough to face the coming cold winter, so moss and mud can be seen between wood and wood.

This is used to seal the gap!

The door of a family\'s house opened, and the wool felt nailed to the door vibrated a few times. The people who came out saw pugu and Wuen and bowed down quickly.

Wuen ignored him and said as he walked, "meat fans are staring at two sheep. Fugu, you didn\'t say hello in advance."

He said seriously, "this is not a friend\'s practice. It can only make people think of evil intentions."

Fugu lost his right arm, but now his left hand can almost be used as his right hand.

He patted Wuen on the shoulder and said in a deep voice, "don\'t worry about this. Remember, we don\'t want to border with Ming people. Understand? Unless our king thinks the world is ours."

That\'s frank enough!

Wu en said, "winter is coming. At least before next summer, there is no need to worry about Ming people. Then... Let\'s have a good rest and let those people have more children!"

"Yes, we still have too few people. We have to produce more, but you need to send someone to buy some food."

"That\'s a debt."

"We can pay it back."

Wuen shook his head and said, "last time the Ming people fled back from us, meiergan was angry. He said that sheep eat grass to produce milk and meat, and sheep skin, but the food given to us is like feeding... Wild dogs."

He stared at fugu.

The servant was ashamed and said, "yes! We\'re not ready. Who would have thought that Ming people would escape from kuxian!"

Wuen nodded and said, "yes! But in the future, pay attention to letting more Rangers go out, especially those new people. If they take them out more times, they will soon become old hands. See you again. That\'s the warrior."

Servant Gu looked at his side face, where there was more and more beard, and his eyes looked at some vicissitudes and fatigue, and the corners of his mouth pursed quietly.

This is a gradually mature Wuen!