Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2042

"One tax system... Xinghebo, do you think you can live to practice one tax system?"

Yang Ronglai found Fang Xing. He didn\'t give an example. If necessary, he can give countless examples of people\'s death and political interest in history, which led to the gradual decline of the country.

He believed that Zhu Zhanji and Fang Xing must have seen it countless times, and there was no need for him to say more.

"So seize the day!"

Fang Xing raised his glass and perfectly refuted Yang Rong\'s concerns in one sentence.

Yang Rong was silent for a moment and asked, "Your Majesty... What kind of Daming do you want?"

He wanted to ask Zhu Zhanji, but he finally asked Fang Xing.

Zhu Zhanji was nurtured by Fang Xing for many years when he was young. Their goals should be the same.

"The people live and work in peace and contentment... The army is strong enough to be invincible in the world..."

"You haven\'t finished yet, official administration, culture..."

"Do you really want to know? Your majesty didn\'t mention it?"

Fang Xing felt that Yang Rong was a little impatient. It was probably because he was too worried about being left behind by the emperor.

"Yes, your majesty... He discussed with us before. Now the matter is almost arbitrary. It\'s just a talk."

Yang Rong smiled bitterly.

"Officials... Strong supervision, and the tax system is to cut off the source of their corruption. With supervision, we can try our best to ensure that corruption is within a small range and will not be completely eroded."

"As for culture..."

Fang woke up and said with a smile, "Lord Yang, you won\'t ask for those people, will you?"

Yang Rong shook his head. "No, I\'m not. Today\'s words come out of your mouth and into my ears. No third person will know."

Fang woke up and looked at him, nodded and said, "culture, Lord Yang, I have said many times that Confucianism is our root. If we lose our root, it is not Daming!"

Yang Rong arched his hand and said, "I understand."

Fang Xing\'s words basically represent Zhu Zhanji\'s attitude.

Yang Rong is very envious. Fang Xing can take charge of everything at a young age.

As an official, if you want to do something, don\'t you just want to work?

As for youth, it\'s just compared with them.

He touched his sideburns and said, "at a time of great momentum, I refuse to stand aside. Xinghebo, no matter what innovation you want to do, if I think it\'s wrong, I will..."

Fang Xing arched his hand and said, "where the Tao is, Lord Yang, just act."

Yang Rong smiled and got up to leave. Fang woke up and sent him out of the door. He turned back and said, "ask Yang Rong what happened these two days."


Nothing happened to Yang Rong.

As the closest important minister to Zhu Zhanji, he recently found some problems.

Zhu Zhanji is looking at the map. Yang Rong comes in and frankly says that he just went to Fang Xing to talk.

Zhu Zhanji nodded, and then his fingers stayed at Haley\'s position.

"Xinghebo......" Um...... "

Yang Rong looked at Zhu Zhanji\'s fingers and whispered, "Your Majesty, not in the near future!"

Zhu Zhanji pulled his finger back to Daming, stopped at the position of the capital and said, "what\'s Meier thinking?"

Yang Rong subconsciously said, "he\'s thinking about integrating Haley, and then..."

"Then what?"

Zhu Zhanji turned back and asked with bright eyes.

Yang Rong trembled in his heart and said, "then... It depends on the charming action of meat. If both..."

"Do the two merge?"

Yang Rong saw sweat on his forehead and bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty..."

Zhu Zhanji sneered: "those people are brewing a lesson for me!"

Yang Rong knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, after all..."

"Can\'t we lose them after all?"

Zhu Zhanji walked over and said, "yes! Civil servants in the Manchu Dynasty and all over the world are one. Even if I can kill them all, who will replace them?"

Yang Rong was sweating and said in a trembling voice, "Your Majesty, the matter of Jinan... After all..."

"Is it urgent after all?"

Zhu Zhanji asked faintly. He hung his head slightly and looked down at Yang Rong. Some dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

Yang Rong raised his head, avoided Zhu Zhanji\'s eyes, summoned up his courage and said, "Your Majesty, there are many supports in the court..."

Zhu Zhanji raised his head and said, "yes! If not, I would have done it already."

Yang Rong was horrified. This is the first time that the emperor has shown this kind of mind, which is the same as that of Emperor Wen.

A considerable number of officials in the court supported the emperor, which was one of the emperor\'s confidence.

Although Wu Xun was not easy to get involved in political affairs, the emperor mobilized the army like hands and fingers, which was his greatest strength.

What the emperor feared most was Zhang Wang, a net woven by scholars and civil servants all over the world.

Countless historical lessons tell emperors that the best way to face this network is to ignore it.

So they ignored it, and then began to build a country, began to forge ahead, began to enter a prosperous era... Began to decline.

An unstoppable recession is like a chronic disease. We all know the cause of the chronic disease.

But these viruses have long been entangled with the whole country, and it hurts to move.

So the sinking continued.

"Now... This is the foundation laid by Emperor Wen. At least the officials have not fallen collectively. If they miss it, they can\'t pick it up again. Do you understand?"

"Get up."

Zhu Zhanji raised his hand, then pointed to the map and said, "meiergan is gathering ha lie\'s strength at the moment. He despises Daming and thinks that Daming will not work hard to go on an expedition. When HA lie unifies again, the troops created in the expedition... Think of emperor Taizu Gao."

The military front of the Ming Dynasty began to sharpen after Zhu Yuanzhang beat Jinling. After defeating many domestic opponents, the Ming army was daunting, and then they turned their attention to the Mongolian Yuan people who had ruled for many years.

It was an epic war!

The Mongolians who once crossed the world were defeated by this honed army. Finally, they withdrew from the pass and were still wiped out by Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Your Majesty, it\'s better late than early!"

Yang Rong thinks Zhu Zhanji is too anxious. At the moment, Daming is carrying out the reform of cleaning up investment and offering. If he rashly goes to war with the outside world, internal discontent may break out.

Do you want to take the opportunity of war to transfer contradictions outward?


Yang Rong knew that Zhu Zhanji would not, but Fang woke up and refused!


"Daming will never wait for his opponent to attack, not before and not in the future."

This is a proud king. Yang Rong knows that the emperor wants to continue the pride of Emperor Wen and Daming.

We never hold our hands, we never wait for the enemy to take the initiative to attack.

We will attack before the enemy!

"Fu Gu and Wu en are the kites in Mier\'s hands..."

Yang Rong bowed down and left.

Back to the duty room, Yang Shiqi asked when he saw his tired face.

Yang Rong said with a bitter smile, "Your Majesty wants to try and see the wind direction in the middle of the court?"

"What do you mean?"

The advantage of being the first auxiliary is that the emperor will discuss many things with me, but you are excluded.

This is a great temptation.

Yang Rong felt it was a headache temptation.

"Your Majesty wants to cut off the eye of Haley who spies Daming."

"Yili inside?"

Jin Youzi found a map, rowed from the capital, looked up and said, "the army has to be prepared for more than half a year."

Yang Shiqi looked at the map and said, "Your Majesty just wants to clean the Yili bar?"

"This is to disrupt the wishful thinking of Mier\'s work. Once the inside is cleaned up, Mier\'s work will be terrified. Those princes will also worry about Daming\'s attitude. As for meat fans, they will also speed up the pace of strength, which can be regarded as a deterrent!"

Yang Pu\'s understanding of military affairs is not as good as the three auxiliary ministers left by Zhu Di, but he looks at the matter from another angle.

"The incident in Jinan has made the world gloomy and undercurrent surging, especially in the south. Your majesty is now watching coldly and wants to fight. It is naturally a deterrent, but who is it?"