Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 203

Fang Xing, who got a pepper reward, wished Zhu Di could not appear in front of him immediately, and then asked him what this meant.

But the thunder rain gear was Junen. Fang Xing had to keep the brocade box and was ready to show him when Zhu Zhanji came to show him how stingy the emperor was.

"Husband, how about flat food at night?"

Flat food is dumplings. The pronunciation of this thing in Mongolian is flat food. Therefore, during the reign of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty in the Central Plains, many people called flat food.

"OK, but I want mutton, not shrimp."

Fang Xing doesn\'t like dumplings filled with shrimp meat. He thinks it doesn\'t taste good.

"I want to eat egg filling!"

Xiaobai shouted and rushed in. The bell behind him was wheezing. As soon as he came in, he ran to Fang\'s feet.

Fang Xing rubbed the bell\'s neck and said with a smile, "OK, three kinds of fillings. Our family is also the master who can toss the kitchen."

Xiaobai sticks out his tongue, then picks up the tea cup on the table and drinks water quickly.

Putting down the teacup, Xiaobai said: "young master, I saw several scholars in the Li family just now, and that annoying... That old man who made trouble last time was led in by Li Mao."

Qin ban?

"Why did he come here?"

Qin ban has been dismissed since Yu Jian died last time. No, it should be said that he resigned due to illness.

The top of the Imperial College also sympathized with the experience of Qin Siye, so they humanized the dismissal in order to get sick.


Fang Xing doesn\'t have the spirit to deal with this highly motivated old scholar.

However, after masu came back, he brought some unexpected news.

"Teacher, Li Mao opened a college at home and specially invited... The leader of Qin class and several students from the Imperial College promised to take time to teach."

The so-called Academy was later a private school, but Li Mao\'s move made Fang Xing interested.

"He doesn\'t want to fight me, does he?"

Ma Su said, "teacher, I\'m not sure. Most of the students in the Imperial College have some... That for you."

Fang Xing was too lazy to think, "whatever they want, I\'ll see what students they can teach."

Unexpectedly, Fang woke up the next morning and received a post.

"Young master, it was sent by the Li family. He said that please go to the Li academy next door..."


Fang woke up and yawned. He tossed with Zhang Shuhui several times last night. He didn\'t sleep late.

Fang Jielun said happily, "the old slave will answer."

When he got to the front yard, Fang Jielun directly returned the post to the boy of Li Jiazhuang and said with his head held high: "my young master is busy. I have to teach his highness TAISUN. I don\'t have time!"

Unwilling to be outdone, the boy raised his head higher and shouted, "it\'s your honor for my young master to post. You... Ouch!"

Looking at the young man who sat down with his head held high in order to keep his body, Fang Jielun said contemptuously: "you can\'t even stand stably. Your young master is no better than you!"

In Lijiazhuang, Li Maozheng warmly greeted Qin ban and his party.

Qin ban has lost weight recently, but his spirit is much better than when he was in the Imperial College.

"With Yinggong, everything is ready. Please set the rules."

Li Mao smiled brightly. Although Qin ban retired, his contacts were still there, and his act of forcibly taking Yu Jian away made many people applaud him.

Qin class Fuxu said, "yanzhuo, children naturally have Huaqing and xiamiao. They teach me. I\'ve been from the middle Zhou Dynasty."

There are many students in the newly opened academy, basically aiming at the fame of the Qin class.

"As the British said, it should be."

Qin Ban\'s words follow English, while Li Mao\'s word is yanzhuo.

"There are dozens of students in the Li family\'s Academy. Those who have not passed the examination are taught by the students of the Imperial College. The talents who come to the Imperial College are taught by the Qin class."

Fang Wu just went out for a trip and soon heard the news.

"The scale is not small!"

Fang woke up and nodded to show that he knew.

"Teacher, they don\'t want to rob students with you?" Ma Su asked with some worry.

Fang Xing said indifferently, "as long as they teach the same set, even if there are thousands of students, I\'m not afraid."

Ma Su also said, "yes, the professors here don\'t match them. The well water doesn\'t invade the river."

"That\'s right."

Fang Xing twitched his nose and smelled the smell of boiled dumplings.

"Here comes flat food!"


Hubu, after Fang Xing taught this lesson, he didn\'t leave immediately, but solemnly said: "everyone, thank you for your recent hard work."

With the smell of separation, the students below got up and looked at Fang Xing in confusion.

"Mr. Fang, won\'t you teach us in the future?"

An impatient student asked sadly.

Fang Xing\'s teaching is different from the current mainstream. He will joke with students in class and allow students to actively ask questions and speak

"There is no feast that never ends when a long shed is built thousands of miles away."

Fang Xing said with a smile: "everyone has studied very hard recently. According to my estimation, it is more than enough to be an accounting room."

The joke didn\'t have the expected effect. Everyone was in a low mood.

Fang Xing didn\'t like the atmosphere at all, so he said, "after I left, if you have any questions about your studies, you can ask Yao Ping and I\'ll tell him."

"Mr. Fang..."

Fang Xing walked out of the classroom and saw Yao Ping bowing to himself outside the door.

After straightening up, Yao Ping solemnly promised: "please rest assured, teacher, the disciples will carry forward the Fang study!"


Fang Xing feels dizzy!

What did I hear just now?

Fang Xue?

Fang Xing, with some hair floating on his body, patted Yao Ping on the shoulder and encouraged him: "I don\'t have many students. I hope each of you can blossom and loose leaves, with the fragrance of peaches and plums, so that more people can learn this knowledge."

Until he left the Imperial City, Fang woke up still dizzy, as if he was drunk.

"Fang Xue..."

In history, the academic title that can be named after a person\'s surname is quite a bull pen, but Professor Fang Xing didn\'t think of the title of this academic when he said this.

"Fang Xue..."


When Fang woke up, he only felt that the big white horse stopped. Then he looked at it and saw a woman falling in front of the horse.

Nima had a traffic accident!

Something big happened!

Fang woke up and quickly dismounted, and then went to see the woman.

But as soon as he came to the woman\'s side, a pair of arms firmly hugged his thighs.

"Let\'s have a look! There\'s a heartless man here..."

what the fuck! What is this?

Before Fang woke up, seven or eight men surrounded him.

This is the outer city basin of Qinhuai River outside Zhengyang gate. The flow of people is not small.

Hearing a woman\'s cry, those pedestrians looked at this side with a smile and guessed which family had an affair.

"The man looks so young, but he has an outer room outside. Tut tut! What a blessing!"

"Hey! Look at that little lady\'s, hiss! That shape, I really want to pinch it!"