Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2036

The three itchy Wu Xun all wanted to go to war, but now the boundaries between civil and military are more and more clear. They can only worry, so they came to Fang Xing together early in the morning.

Fang Xing doesn\'t know whether it\'s Wen or Wu. Since the reign of Yongle, Zhu Di has deliberately blurred his attributes, while Zhu gaochi, who claims to be a close friend of civil servants, remains the same.

When Zhu Zhanji arrived, let alone Fang Xing\'s attribute was more complicated and confusing.

In this regard, Wu Xun was envious, jealous and hated, and civil servants wanted to kick Fang Xing to Wu Xun and purify their team.

In this regard, Fang Xing\'s understanding is that Zhu Di hopes that he will play the same role as a dung stirring stick in the civil service.

When one person is two excrement stirring sticks, this is probably unprecedented, and there will be no one after.

Zhang Fu\'s identity should be detached. He stroked his beard and said, "Dehua, this... May not be an opportunity..."

Xue Lu had not fought for a long time, so he threw aside his steadiness. He whispered, "the British Lord means... Taking advantage of the power..."

Zhu Yong said subconsciously, "no! Absolutely not! That\'s a vassal town!"

The atmosphere immediately became overcast. Xue Lu said uneasily, "it\'s just a word."

Zhang Fu also said in a deep voice: "now the firearms of several guards are in the capital. Where are the vassal towns?"

Jubaoshan guard, Zhuque guard, Xuanwu guard and Shenji camp are all in the capital. Once there is a rebellion, just send a person trusted by the emperor to lead the army. It\'s like a flood of snow.

This topic could not continue. Zhu Yong said reluctantly, "Dehua, you said that the Ming army would fight every few years, otherwise it would slowly erode. Now is the time?"

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "if someone proposes an expedition, the civil servants will agree with Li and Samarkand with both hands, but... This is to divert the tiger from the mountain, the front foot army will set out, and the rear foot will pull back the current disadvantages a little bit. Which is more important... Do you have a conclusion?"

Zhang Fu also sighed, "Your Majesty, it\'s hard to sing alone!"

They all know the importance of clean-up investment and are happy to see its success. But compared with the expedition, they were hesitating.

Sense of wholeness, overall view


Fang woke up and said quietly, "before the army goes out, the rear should be stable. In addition, grain and grass must be accumulated. Once the investment is cleared, the tax on the side of the Ministry of household will be greatly increased. At that time, let alone the expedition to Samarkand, it will not be a problem to fight tessi."

"Before the three armed forces move, food and grass go first. This is a good thing to kill two birds with one stone. After the household is well-off, it is good to ban military status step by step."

Zhang Fu got up and said, "OK, put it aside for the time being, but when can Jinan hold them down?"

"It\'s already pressed."

Fang Xing said flatly, "it\'s just that some people are unwilling. Your majesty has sent people from the East Hall and the royal guards to deliver messages everywhere, a tax system... This is the nightmare of gentry and officials!"

After leaving fangjiazhuang, Zhu Yong said with envy, "Dehua is getting deeper and deeper now. If the crown prince can get close to him in the future, tut tut! Don\'t change it for a Duke!"

Xue Lu got on his horse and said with sharp eyes: "don\'t say this. We can\'t spy on the things in the palace, Prince..."

All three thought of sun Guifei. Although she had a daughter, it was not a problem to have a son in the future according to Zhu Zhanji\'s love for her!

Besides, the relationship between the emperor and the crown prince has always been difficult to tell. Fang Xing has stood behind Hu Shanxiang and the crown prince and has a firm position. If there are some changes in the future, it will only happen day and night.

There has never been an eternal winner in the power field!

When they left fangjiazhuang, they saw a guard of honor coming.

"This is..."

When they saw that Yu Jia was the leader, they all stepped aside and said hello.

Zhu Yong was straightforward and asked, "is this going to Xinghe Bo\'s house? But is there a reward?"

Yu Jia arched his hand and said, "it\'s a reward. We have to hurry to announce the decree. Three adults, leave."

Zhu Yong thought of Fang Xing\'s saying that he would not accept the promotion in his lifetime, so he leaned over and asked in a low voice, "what is the reward?"

Yu Jia just shook her head and Zhu Yong threatened, "that\'s just a moment ago. Do you still want to embarrass us?"

Two princes, a marquis, just want a message in advance. Don\'t you give it?

Yu Jia smiled and said, "it\'s not a big reward. It\'s just the prince\'s little teacher."

Yu Jia went to Fang\'s village and the three stood in a daze.

"Prince Shaoshi... Marquis Yang Wu, are you the prince Shaobao?"

Zhu Yong asked, but he felt something wrong.

Xue Lu got on his horse and said with a bitter smile: "Xue, the crown prince Shaobao, is just an empty title. Xing Hebo... I\'m afraid his majesty has made up his mind..."

Fang Xing, the young master of the crown prince

Shaobao Taibao is equivalent to master Wu, Shaoshi Taibao

"It\'s the teacher..."

The three looked at each other, wondering whether they should be excited or depressed.

The emperor will not use the empty title of Prince Shaoshi to reward Fang Xing, so that means


Unless there is a stalemate and communication is needed, the bachelor\'s duty room will be very quiet.

Until the footsteps broke the silence, then the scholars frowned and looked at the door unhappily.

A small official hurried to the door. He leaned on the door for a breath and said, "gentlemen, the will just given by your majesty... Xinghebo... Xinghebo, junior master of the crown prince!"

It was quiet in the duty room. The petty officials felt a little creepy, so they forced to arch their hands with a smile and ran away.

At that moment, he saw those startling eyes.

He regretted it and decided to report less in the future, so as not to be angry if he failed to please.

The duty room has been quiet. Yang Rong wanted to speak several times, but he was at a loss in this strange atmosphere.

"Prince Shaoshi... Others have empty titles, but Fang wakes up without..."

The person who said this was Jin Youzi. His eyes were blank and he said bitterly: "Your Majesty, this is an iron heart. Why is it... So difficult to let the crown prince go this way..."

"Your Highness is still in his infancy, and your majesty has made a vague decision on this matter. You are not optimistic!"

"Cleaning up investment is the first step to open the way for science. Building momentum for a tax system is the second step. Step by step, it will be crowded to death... The third step is the struggle for teachers of your highness in the future, everyone!"

Jin Youzi got up and said, "you can\'t sit and watch any more! If Fang Xing is your Highness\'s teacher, will our generation still have a place to stand in the future?"

"In the final analysis, everything is a dispute of orthodoxy!"

Jin Youzi waved his hands excitedly and said, "whether it\'s cleaning up investment or a tax system, these are the means of fighting orthodoxy and suppressing our generation!"

"What can we do? Accept it?"

Jin Youzi was so excited that it was useless for Yang Rong to signal him to whisper.

"At that time, he was putting all his eggs in one basket and directly bet on the queen. As a result, he got what he wanted. Ha ha! Look! He really showed his true shape. I bet he didn\'t come back for any tax system, but for..."

Jin Youzi finally lowered his voice. He said sadly, "he must be for the prince\'s young teacher!"

The room was silent for a long time. Yang Pu said helplessly, "what can we do... Your majesty bypassed me and waited for his will. Do you want to argue? Who went? Did you fall out with your majesty?"

"There are still..."

A voice quickly said these four words.

Everyone looked pale.


Yang Rong flatly refused and said, "that\'s meddling in the affairs of the palace. I won\'t allow it! No one can!"