Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2037

The three divisions and three shaos around the prince are useless empty titles.

Otherwise, you see, Xue Lu, the Marquis of Yangwu, was thrown the title of Prince Shaobao by Emperor Ren, and he didn\'t take it seriously at all.

This is roughly equivalent to a social position. It\'s just a name to show that you pay attention to you.

If you really want to teach the prince, the emperor will certainly think your IQ is not enough, and then kick you home to eat old rice.

But Xinghe Bo was given the title of Prince Shaoshi

Then the capital became restless!

Yes, no matter in the tavern, on the bed of a popular prostitute, or even in the palace, countless people talk about the young master of the crown prince.

After sun heard the news, she broke three strings when she was playing the piano, and then said expressionless that she was going to copy the Buddhist scriptures.

Wang Zhen went out expressionless, then found an excuse, slapped several eunuchs and maids in the face, and ordered them to kneel.

wear a funeral face as if newly bereft of both parents!

This is the atmosphere in sun\'s palace now!

"How dare he! How dare he!"

Under the brush, small block letters flowed beautifully on the paper.

Those beautiful eyes are full of anger at the moment!

From then on, all the way out, I saw depression and even despair

Wang Zhen stood outside the palace and looked at the autumn sky. He said blankly, "why?"

"Is it just a false title..."

Mother Zhou\'s voice was weak and uneasy.


Wang Zhen held his chest with both hands, and the corners of his mouth tilted slightly. He said sarcastically, "that\'s Xinghe Bo. Your majesty can\'t give him such a false title, otherwise it\'s centrifugal!"

"It\'s over..."

The voice behind him became desperate, which made Wang Zhen sneer.

"Panic! Someone will never see it!"

"Wang Zhen is good!"

Later, Dechun came out to convey sun\'s praise.


"Mother, great joy, mother!"

Hu Shanxiang, who was teasing corn with Duan Duan, frowned and said, "go and have a look."

When someone went out, Yi\'an disapproved and said, "madam, you are still too kind. You should deal with some unruly people severely. Naturally, you will behave properly."

Hu Shanxiang looked inquisitive and said, "they are still young. When they are at home, they are innocent and like to play. The palace is strict, so we let them relax occasionally. Besides, aren\'t you still watching..."

Yi\'an looked at Duan Duan, who pretended to understand nothing, and whispered, "empress, after the princess..."

Hu Shanxiang touched Duanduan\'s face and said with a smile, "Your Majesty is in charge of her!"

Yi\'an shook her head. She married her daughter and poured water. This is not the Tang Dynasty. The princess is domineering, but no one pays attention to you.

Hu Shanxiang patted her on the back of her hand and whispered, "I have an idea. Don\'t worry."

Yi\'an was surprised and looked at Hu Shanxiang.

Faint, like an unknown flower, it seems fragile, but it can survive in any gap and blossom and bear fruit.

At this time, a little maid in waiting came in. She said tremblingly, "madam, the slave and maid are guilty."

Hu Shanxiang looked at the corn in a daze in his arms and said, "nothing, say it."

"Madam, I just heard someone say that your majesty sealed Xinghe bo..."

Hu Shanxiang was surprised and said, "what did you seal?"

The little maidservant looked at the corn and said happily, "madam, it\'s the prince\'s young teacher!"

The room was quiet. When Hu Shanxiang was happy, he frowned and said, "empress mother, if the young teacher doesn\'t listen well, worry free will blame me."

Hu Shanxiang touched her head and said, "go and play with your imperial grandmother."


The palace is very big, but there are many restricted areas. Duanduan and Wuyou have explored the danger, but they can do it wantonly on the Empress Dowager\'s side.

After Duan Duan left, Hu Shanxiang was relieved and said happily, "Your Majesty, is this a decision?"

Yi\'an couldn\'t help laughing. "Of course, madam! Xinghe Bohe and others, how could your majesty perfunctory him with the false title of Prince Shaoshi."

Hu Shanxiang put his hands together, slowly lowered his head, buried his face in his swaddling clothes, and silently.


Hu Shanxiang\'s body was trembling slightly.

Yi\'an squatted down slowly and said softly, "this is a good thing. It means that your majesty wants to be clear. Your highness is the eldest son after all. No one can pass..."

Hu Shanxiang nodded, but refused to look up.

Yi\'an sighed and said, "Xing Hebo and his majesty are talking in the warm Pavilion. Except Yu Jia, they are all driven out. Then they are the crown prince, young teacher and empress. Be stable and be at ease."

She got up and looked at the woman holding the child, and her heart was a little sour.

To give birth to an end is to some extent equivalent to not giving birth.

Hu Shanxiang is under great pressure. She is afraid that Duan will become an orphan with her marginalization.

So she was depressed and gradually more silent.

Until Zhang Shuhui scolded the emperor in her arms, she felt that the mother was not competent.

So she gradually began to struggle.

But the king\'s love was never with her.

But she never expected it!

She knows what it means to have a son.

If nothing goes wrong, corn will come to Daming in the future.

And this position... Is almost impossible or dead!

Just like Zhu Yunwen!

She became more and more nervous.

She felt that there were malicious eyes all around, and countless people were planning how to get rid of her and her children\'s seats

She felt that she would collapse tomorrow, every day.

But she survived one day... Another day.

"Don\'t cry, madam. It\'s a sweet and bitter day now..."


Corn suddenly howled. Hu Shanxiang quickly looked up and coaxed with tears.

Aon looked at the scene and thought it was... Vibrant


Du Qian was a little lost. There were not many things in Dali Temple recently. He called his good friend, Chen Xiang, the Prime Minister of Guanglu temple, to drink together.

Chen Xiang had no sorrow but envy.

"Xinghe Bo can protect the Fang family for three generations, which is enviable!"

He drank wine and shook his head, which made Du Qian a little upset.

"Your majesty!"

He shook his head and drank another cup. Chen Xiang joked: "Chengyan, do you want to be your Highness\'s teacher? It\'s reasonable that your fame is almost enough, but you only know literature and don\'t know martial arts. What can I do!"

Du Qian gradually calmed down. He still had time to look at the people in the restaurant and said slowly, "I don\'t envy. What do you envy? If your Highness\'s teacher is not a great Confucian, he has to be an important minister, and it can\'t be me."


Chen Xiang pointed at him and teased him.

Du Qian smiled and raised his glass: "it\'s not easy to wake up. Your Highness has to start enlightenment after the age of three, and then how to teach? A group of people are staring at him..."


On the bed of a private prostitute in Peiping, a young Junyan is having a friendship with his friends across the bed.

"... brother Dingwu, wake up... Oh! Wake up! It\'s flying!"

"Childe, who flew..."

The next bed said, "then what? He... Those great scholars... Don\'t! Stop! Then what, those adults won\'t agree?"

"Your Majesty, who can interrupt?"

"That\'s science! Will those adults watch?"

"Isn\'t there... Another one?"

"Yes! There\'s another one, come on..."


Three divisions and three shaos are often just a virtual title, but this virtual Title hanging on Fang Xing\'s head makes people feel terrible.

In the capital, the most disgusting thing for those people is the empty title.

If you compete with the emperor, you will have no position.

Can you still ask the Emperor: Your Majesty, xinghebo, the young master of the crown prince, is a real duty?

So entanglement was everywhere, and those people were secretly frightened at the emperor\'s wrist.