Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2035

No matter how careful you are, you will make a sound when you step on the roof.

Someone in the shop shouted, "there\'s a thief!"

Fang woke up with a sneer at the corners of his mouth and waved fiercely.


Anlun drank low, and then the people from the East factory rushed over.


The two men hit the door panel at the same time.

The door panel was knocked open, and they immediately retreated. The subsequent people kicked the door open.

It was a little dark inside. There were several pieces of cloth on the counter, and the sound of hurried footsteps came from behind.

"It\'s an old hand!"

Wuchuan\'s shouts came from the backyard.

"Didn\'t you walk from the back? It\'s really an old hand, crossbow and arrow!"

The other party woke up and said it was just a small thing. He casually said the way to deal with it.

"Wait a minute!"

Before Sun Xiang came out, he looked inside and looked back and said, "Xing He Bo, these thieves, I want to live in the east hall!"

He gnashed his teeth when he said this, and his hatred twisted Sun Xiang\'s face.

This is a eunuch!

Fang Xing understood his opponent\'s anger at being tortured and killed, so he nodded, then stepped back and said, "I\'ll give it to you here, Benbo!"

Fang woke up and stepped back. The servants behind him pulled out their long knives, but they were very relaxed.

Sun Xiang arched his hands and said, "thank you, Xing and Bo!"

Zhu Zhanji let Fang wake up. Naturally, Fang wakes up. Fang Xing\'s concession is to let out the credit. Sun Xiang has to thank him.

Turning his head, Sun Xiang pulled out his knife and said in a sharp voice, "children, we want to live! Our family wants to cut them alive!"

With white hair floating, this is the first time Sun Xiang raised the knife and was so murderous for the first time.

The people in the east hall were excited, and Anlun rushed in first.

A scream came from behind, and then several people rushed forward.

Fang woke up and shouted, "seal the back and let the people from the east hall come!"

"Take orders!"

Several people immediately appeared on the roof, bowing and arrow in the direction of the backyard.

"With a stick!"

"Sprinkle medicine! Blind their eyes!"


There was a shout, followed by a fight and a gasp.

Sun Xiang was the first to come out. Seeing his panting appearance, Fang woke up to know that he didn\'t kick less.

Then there\'s Anlun. There\'s blood on the goods.

There were seven people in total. One of them was shot in the thigh by the black thorn man, and the two were led by the black thorn man. It was too late to scream.

But the people in the East Hall didn\'t even let go of the body, so they dragged it out, and two of them carried two heads.

Sun Xiang came out and bowed his hands and said, "xinghebo, our family is going back now."

Fang woke up, nodded and said, "it\'s best to tell their family. At least it\'s a comfort."

Sun Xiang said with a smile, "after they are killed, our family is ready to let people carry their heads to Wang Shi\'s grave to comfort them. It can also be regarded as our intention."

Fang Xing arched his hands and knew that these people were probably going to die.

The shopkeeper of the specialty store outside the Great Wall next door came up again. When he saw these people, he said, "uncle, these people go in and out with their heads down on weekdays."

belated effort!

Then they were taken to the East Hall. It is said that the scream made the people in the East Hall walk with their ears covered.

"You\'re coming to stare!"

Sun Xiang stood in the prison, stared at his men punishing the HA lie spies, and said, "when you become the factory supervisor of the East Hall in the future, you are not cruel enough, and the people below won\'t obey you. I heard that you have some talent for execution? Go and let us have a look."

Anlun\'s breath began to rush, and his face turned red


Zhang Shuhui didn\'t know when Fang Xing would return to Jinan, and she didn\'t want to ask.

At this time, couples are more interdependent.

When I open my eyes in the morning, the first thing I see is that face. Gradually, when I can\'t see it, the loss in my heart is inexplicable.

Worry free but very happy. When Fang woke up, she had many novel little toys and could play everywhere.

Seeing worry free and Huanhuan squatting under the big tree looking for ants carrying food, Mo Chou said with a smile: "worry free has the appearance of some sisters, and is willing to take Huanhuan to find ants."

Zhang Shuhui hid her pride and said, "it\'s the husband who came back. She\'s having fun."

Xiaobai looked at the smiling gentle Mochou, wrinkled his nose and said, "Huanhuan doesn\'t like meat."

Fang\'s children have always asked for meat and vegetable collocation, and no partial food is allowed, but Huanhuan likes vegetarian food, which makes Mo chou a little worried.

Zhang Shuhui stared at Xiaobai and said, "the child is still young. It will be better in the future."

Mo Chou smiled and said, "that\'s what the master said. He said that some children don\'t like meat. It\'ll be fine when they are seven or eight."

The eyes of the three women glanced at Fang Xing squatting on one side from time to time.

He smiled and watched the two children seriously looking for ants, and made a sound to point out the direction from time to time.

It was a quiet morning. Fang woke up and was willing to accompany the child for a long time.

But when he saw Muhua go out and come back, he went to touch the heads of the two children and said, "worry free takes his brother to play, finds the big ant, and returns to his father for a reward."

Huanhuan still didn\'t know the father well and refused to answer.

"OK, I\'ll take my brother."

Worry free is very happy. I feel that I have received an important task and have become an adult.

In the study, Zhang Fu, Zhu Yong and Xue Lu are all there.

When Fang Xing walked into the study, the three got up together and arched their hands.

Fang Xing hurried out and said, "I said don\'t do this! It frightens people inexplicably."

Xue Lu said positively, "Xinghe bogoyi, after the news spread yesterday, the army was happy. They all said that there was no need to worry about becoming a lonely ghost and wandering around in the future."

Zhu Yong sat down and said, "those brothers died in the war, and those who can converge will converge. Even those who can\'t be found... Take them home. They see many howling and are used to it. But when they got the news yesterday, Zhu felt that those brothers died too unknown. It\'s our generation\'s fault. Thanks to Dehua!"

Fang Xing arched in and said, "I had an idea for a long time. Until I saw the wife and children of the man who died in the East Hall crying the day before yesterday, I felt that Daming owed those martyrs and shouldn\'t owe them!"

Zhang Fu Duan sat there and said faintly, "I just came out of the Ministry of work and the Ministry of rites. I just told them that the martyrs\' temple should be built by students, and there should be no lack of etiquette, otherwise thousands of brothers in the army would not agree."

Zhu Yong rubbed his wrist, raised his eyebrow and said, "Whoever dares to mess around, kill him!"

Fang Xing asks someone to get tea. Zhu Yong and Xue Lu are staring at Zhang Fu, making him a little uncomfortable.

"Dehua is not an outsider. Ask yourself."

Fang woke up a little curious and said, "they are all robes in the army. If you have something to say."

Zhu Yong coughed, "Dehua, the people of the East Hall died in Samarkand. In the past, you should encourage your majesty to march north, but why are you silent this time?"

Fang Xing suddenly realized it and said, "I also want to ask for orders for the Northern Expedition right away, but there is a big problem in Jinan. If we don\'t solve it, we will be stabbed behind us when we work hard in Samarkand..."

"Then kill them!"

Zhu Yong said insidiously, "they are all a group of corrupt scholars who are full and have nothing to do and only know how to rob the benefits! Why keep them? Kill them!"

Xue Lu leaned back in his chair and looked out of the study. He said faintly, "we should think about it in the long run. It\'s good to kill, but it\'s not good to end!"

Zhang Fu nodded and said, "that\'s right. They all dare to kill Dehua. What else do they dare to do if they have a chance?"

Zhu Yong hated: "Li Wei, that fool, was stunned by a woman. It\'s a shame!"

What happened to Li Wei is that the literati slapped the martial arts man in the face: look, a woman will make your so-called general. I don\'t know the southeast, northwest, martial arts man! He\'s a joke!