Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2030

What is a gale?

Chen Wu followed the fleet to sea many times and had seen a lot.

But the strong wind that rolled up the huge waves several people high in front of him made him tremble with the mast.

The big wave rushed onto the grain boat. He had just seen a long armour rolled down with his own eyes. At the moment, there was no trace of his survival in the world on the empty deck.

The grain boat is not small, but the sea is boiling and angry!

The visibility was too low. Chen Wu looked around, but he couldn\'t see the other five ships.

The so-called formation has now disappeared!

He looked back and saw Cai Qing, also a boatman, holding the mast.

But after the big wave passed, Cai Qing suddenly got up and began to close the rope of the sail.

"Chen Wu!"

In this environment, one cannot operate.

Cai Qing turned back and scolded, "Chen Wu, fuck NIMA, come and help!"

Chen Wu shook his head with the mast in his arms and cried, "no, the boat won\'t work. It will be overturned..."


A wave rushed over, Cai Qing hugged the mast, and Chen Wu had used all his limbs.

"Get up!"

A kick kicked him.

Chen Wu held the mast tightly and said, "where is this? The bottom of the sea?"

One hand grabbed his collar, Chen Wu was lifted up, turned around and slapped him.

"Father in law..."

Hong Bao slapped him, pointed to the deck and scolded, "we are all working. Why are you crying? Our family is not dead yet!"

Chen Wu looked up and looked around

"Sail! Or we\'ll be blown to the end of the sky!"

A long armour was kicking the slow boatman and roaring at the top of his voice.

"Half sail..."

"Father-in-law, keep people on the mast and lower the sail in time when something is wrong!"

An old boatman stumbled over and said.

A strong wind blew and the ship began to tilt at once.

The waves hit again, and all three held the mast.


Hong Bao\'s body was all wet. He wiped his face and shouted, "listen to you. Let them bind themselves and don\'t be scraped off! Go! Let\'s watch!"

"Don\'t worry, father-in-law, you can go there!"

"Father in law?"

The old boatman turned back, but he lost Hong Bao\'s figure.

"Father in law!"

"Father in law!"

The people on the deck shouted wildly. They left what they were doing and looked around.

Such a big eunuch who lives in dignity doesn\'t stay on the warship with stronger resistance to wind and waves, and comes to die with them, which

Since Hong Bao arrived on the grain ship, everyone has regarded him as a classmate!

A group of people were looking around when the big waves dissipated.


A head emerged from behind a pile of bags full of soil.

"Father in law..."

Hong Bao got up with difficulty. Someone helped him over.

When the strong wind swept across the deck, Hong Bao shivered and shouted, "pull up! No yaw!"

Everyone began to operate separately. Hong Bao walked to the mast and asked someone to connect himself with the mast with a rope.

"Sail down! The wind is strong, sail down!"

The wind and waves gradually increased, and the grain boat reluctantly turned.

"Father in law..."

A boatman was swept up by the wave. He only had time to shout, and then the rope pulled him.

At this time, the grain boat was thrown up suddenly, and everyone rolled on the deck.

It was like falling from the air, and then the grain boat fell suddenly.

The severe sense of weightlessness hit and the bow sank sharply.

Hong Bao watched helplessly as the boatman bumped into the deck and was thrown up again with the ups and downs of the grain ship.

He reluctantly raised his head, stretched out his right hand to Hong Bao and said weakly, "father-in-law... Help me..."

Hong Bao hooked the mast with his legs, then tried to reach the boatman and pulled him over.

There was still despair on that face.

Has solidified

Hong Bao looked sadly at the towering waves in the distance, then got up and shouted, "die, die!"

The sea is vast, dark clouds are shrouded, and the turbid waves are empty

Under all this, human beings are as small as ants.

At this time, what is most needed is spiritual encouragement.


The god Buddha in the sky can\'t make the wind and waves smaller at the moment.

Despair enveloped the whole ship, increasing with the ups and downs!

"We\'re done!"

After a scream, Hong Bao shook his arms and shouted with his sharp voice

"Daming wins!"

The shrill cry made everyone look up at Hong Bao.


The old boatman shouted, "the wind is low, lift the sail! Stabilize the boat!"

"Daming wins!"

With this slogan, the Ming army fought from inside the Great Wall to outside the Great Wall, breaking up the Mongols.

This slogan seems to have some kind of magic. At the critical moment, Daming\'s soldiers shouted it, sprinkled their blood and won victory again and again.

"Daming wins!"

The wind is getting smaller and the waves are still big.

The sails rose and the hull gradually stabilized.

Bao Wei slowly moved over and said happily, "father-in-law, the wind is small!"

Hong Bao pulled the rope and shouted, "tie it up! Tie it up!"

When a boatman came to take over his work, Hong Bao gasped and stepped back.

The dark clouds all over the sky gradually dissipated, and the strong wind gradually weakened, but those who still blow can only face the incoming wind sideways.

Hong Bao put his hand in his eye and said loudly to Bao Wei, "pay attention to the big waves and the wind. Before the wind is strong, you must lower the sail!"

Bao Wei said on his back, "father-in-law, half an hour, half an hour can\'t pass, the ship can\'t hold up!"

Hong Bao\'s eyes became fierce and scolded: "when you hear this again, our family will cut off your head to worship the God!"

When the wind is strong and small, the sail rises and falls several degrees.

Everyone was desperate, and some even lay on the deck, indifferent even if they threatened to throw him into the sea.

Extreme physical fatigue, coupled with despair

Hong Bao no longer cheered everyone, but was stuffy and obeyed the command of the old boatman.


When he pulled the rope numbly, there was a cheer behind him.

He turned back slowly and looked numbly ahead.

There\'s a boat ahead!

In the wind and waves, one, two... Five ships are ahead!

They stopped!

Hong Bao raised his head and stared at the sky ahead.

It\'s sunny there

His body trembled slightly and he couldn\'t help kneeling on the deck and howling.

"Our family is alive! Our family is alive!"

Hong Bao raised his hand and roared.

He doesn\'t need to taboo image, because everyone is crazy.

"Buddha bless... Go back and worship the Buddha when you are young..."

"Wuliang Tianzun, disciples go to the mountain to practice sooner or later..."


The grain boat moved forward slowly, and the people on board cried and laughed.

The five ships that have escaped from danger are also ecstatic, and the deck is full of waving arms.

The grain boat slowly leaned over. Hong Bao looked at the land on the right and said, "this is the place that Daming needs to control. Otherwise, it only needs a small fleet, and the hard fleet will die without burial place."

"Father in law!"

"Ha ha ha!"

Zhang Wang cheered in the bow. He pointed to the land behind him and shouted, "father-in-law, it\'s a good place!"

Hong Bao looked at the land and said happily, "you can graze here!"

Green grass, a long island extending from the land in the distance looks towering.

"A crocodile dragon!"

Hong Bao now narrowly escaped death and had an empty heart, so he gave the appearance of the long island at a glance.

"Father in law, is that called alligator Bay?"

Zhang Wang said with interest.

Hong Bao looked carefully again, nodded and said, "OK, it\'s called alligator bay!"

In the sun, the fleet converged and immediately bypassed the crocodile like island.
