Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2029

Late at night, Peiping city quietly opened its gate, and countless dark shadows came out of the capital. Then they got on the horse, snorted coldly to each other on both sides, and then beat the horse and galloped.

The city gate was closed again, and Beiping city returned to calm.

A team of sergeants set out from the city gate. They will patrol the city all night.


When the gate of Xinghe city was opened, a group of Rangers trembled and looked at the night sky outside.

The sergeant who opened the gate yawned and said, "brothers, let\'s go. If you find the enemy, you will do meritorious service."

The hundred families who led the team waved their hands, and the Rangers behind them mounted their horses. Then he scolded: "where are the enemies? Even if there are, they are spies, mate! Last month, one of my subordinates was put down by spies with poison arrows. If I meet them again, I will cut them alive!"

The little flag that opened the gate arched his hand and said, "Your Excellency, you will succeed soon!"

The hundred household officer nodded and said, "you have to stare at some news. Ha lie is afraid that there will be another person. At that time, our side will be the battlefield."

The little flag smiled in the dark and said confidently, "don\'t worry, adults. Daming won\'t be afraid with how much he comes!"

The hundred household officials rubbed their eyes and said, "yes, we\'re not afraid to kill them!"

Looking back, he pointed to the endless darkness ahead and shouted, "let\'s go!"

With the sound of horses\' hoofs gone, they will cruise around Xinghe city with other cruisers, every day, every month, every year


Three months ahead

The fleet slowed down slowly in the sea. Hong Bao stood at the bow and stared blankly at the front.

All the people on the six ships are in a daze!

The sky was dark, and swirling dark clouds flew towards the fleet at a high speed.

The strong wind blew the fleet almost out of control.

Hong Bao looked back slowly, and the sky was still clear.

"Father in law!"

Zhang Wang, a member of the fleet, came unsteadily, and his clothes were tightly wrapped in the strong wind.

"Father in law, shall we move on?"

Hong Bao turned back again and looked at the land like a devil\'s land.

Zhang Wang has changed into a thin suit, which is to prepare for fighting the wind and waves.

At this moment, Hong Bao thought a lot, but at last he nodded.

"Try to transfer the grain from the grain ship to the warship."

Hong Bao subconsciously made a choice.

The grain ship has poor wave resistance. Once it capsizes, the fleet has almost no choice but to go home.

Zhang Wang turned back and shouted, "my father-in-law has orders, and the warship is full of food!"


As we all know, this means to be ready to abandon the grain ship at any time.

Two grain ships slowly approached the warship, and the people on the grain ship silently began to carry grain and grass.

Someone is sobbing

One man\'s high spray splashed on the ship, making it difficult to replenish.

The people on the warship offered to help, but they were refused.

They watched these gray faced sailors and boatmans slowly carrying grain.

No one to urge, because

These people may never see tomorrow\'s sun again.

"Father in law."

Zhang Wang hesitated and said, "father-in-law, turn everyone around."

Hong Bao kept looking at the supplies with cold eyes.

He took off his hat and carefully put it in his arms.

The wind scattered his hair.

"I don\'t protect my clothes. I have no face to see my ancestors when I die."

Hong Bao walked slowly to the side of the ship.

The warship was shaken by the waves, but Hong Bao stood steady.

No one on the grain boat looked at him.

Are they hating our family?

Hong Bao shook his head slightly and then said, "there are still things to trade on the grain ship, silk, porcelain and tea... Without these things, even if we find a new place, it\'s just to explore the way, but our family doesn\'t want to just explore the way."

Hong Bao\'s face was still white. He saw that those people were still silent and dead.

He turned back slowly and saw that the people on the warship were also gloomy.

feel sad for the loss of one \'s kind!

If you abandon the grain ship, even if you rush through the dangerous area ahead safely, your morale will probably be almost gone.

"We want to test those people with goods to see if they are greedy or kind. Greedy, Daming will have a long knife. Kind, Daming will be friends."

He wanted to express that he did not give up the idea of grain ship, but the supply itself was a signal.

"What do you want? My father-in-law is talking, all..."

Some people scolded the numb boatman. Hong Bao waved his hand. He turned sideways and looked at the devil like place in front of him. He murmured, "the army is fighting. Even Emperor Wen has to rush into the array himself. The snake can\'t do without a head!"

Zhang Wang thought this was wrong, so he said, "father-in-law, or... Abandon the ship."

Hong Bao shook his head, his eyes turned sharp and said, "Zhang Wang."

"Father in law!"

This small fleet is under Hong Bao\'s command!

He decides everyone\'s life and death!

Hong Bao said, "after our family has passed, you will command here! Remember, turn around and keep walking..."

"Father in law!"

Zhang Wang heard the ominous meaning. He was a little frightened. He felt that he was incompetent

Hong Bao suddenly smiled. He patted Zhang Wang on the shoulder and said, "remember, if there is no chance of supply when half of the food is left, you must return."

"These are good boys!"

Pointing to those busy people, Hong Bao said, "who knows what it is here? We can\'t throw all these good boys into the sea. They miss home, their wives and children..."

Zhang Wang said with a bitter face, "father-in-law, I\'m afraid I can\'t..."

Hong Bao said with a smile, "you can do it. If you find the place of the Taixi people, be alert, kill them if something is wrong, and then return. Of course, the first thing is to find out their place and national strength. This is the first thing. As for Trade... It\'s just an addition, not worth mentioning."

"Frame plate!"

Hong Bao turned back and ordered.

Zhang Wang followed him and said painstakingly: "father-in-law, abandon the ship. I\'m sure I won\'t succeed. If I miss a big event at that time, I\'m not sorry to die, but..."

"Remember, don\'t let those people spy on Daming\'s strength, whether it\'s firearms or ships. Don\'t let those people come near. We represent Daming. Don\'t lose Daming\'s face, don\'t lose Daming!"

The boards are put up with side plates on both sides.

Someone tied a rope to Hong Bao. Then he sat on the board and the people on the boat slowly put the rope down.

Supplies are suspended!

Everyone was watching, watching Hong Bao slide onto the grain boat.

What is he doing?

The people on the grain boat stood there in fear. They couldn\'t believe the speculation.

Hong Bao stood up, untied the rope, then asked someone to take back the board and said, "keep working!"

The boatmans nodded subconsciously. When Hong Bao picked up a bag of grain, they woke up like a dream.

"Father in law..."

Bao Weina, a hundred households on the grain boat, said, "father-in-law, are you..."

Hong Bao didn\'t speak, but tried to carry the grain bag.

More and more people began to gather, and the supply speed was faster and faster.

When the people on the warship shouted that they were full, Hong Bao could not stand up.

He wiped his sweat and said to Zhang Wang on the warship, "remember what we said, and... Leave the grain boat alone!"

Zhang Wang sobbed, "father-in-law, come back and let me go."

The people on the warship looked at Hong Bao, hunched down, and felt a rush of heat in his chest.

Hong Baogong arched his hand and said, "our family is more than 50. OK, let\'s go!"

The grain ship gradually left the warship, and the people on the warship were looking at it all the time.

Zhang Wang turned back and shouted, "my father-in-law went to the grain boat to take the town. What should we do?"

"Break through!"

"Break through!"

Hong Bao\'s decision made the people of the fleet abandon their fear. Six ships quickly formed and then sailed towards the dark front.