Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2031

Beiping city is still quiet.

Without the threat of foreign enemies and hunger, then this is Daming in a prosperous era.

The courtyard is deep, but not quiet.

"Big bug, help me bite big brother!"

"Bug, help... Brother, I just washed my hands..."

"No, you went to dig at the root of the tree just now. Come and wash your hands."

"Father, mother, second mother, second brother, brother, help..."

Fang woke up at breakfast and listened to the call for help outside.

"Dad, help me..."

Worry free rushed in with dirty hands.

Without waiting for Zhang Shuhui to scold, Fang woke up and opened his hand to catch carefree.

Worry free grabbed Fang Xing\'s clothes, looked up and said pitifully, "Dad, I\'m going to play."

Fang Xing smiled and held her on his lap and said, "Dad has guests later. Why don\'t you let your mother take you out?"

Fang Xing didn\'t go home. Naturally, the Fang family lived in seclusion, so Fang Xing\'s proposal was immediately welcomed by worry free. She vowed to go out only for an hour, and then go home to accompany Fang Xing.

After his wife and children went out, Fang woke up and went to the front hall.

The front hall hasn\'t been used for a long time. Fang woke up and sat drinking tea. He was gradually stunned.

Slowly, the sun rose and footsteps came at the same time.

"Master, Lord Yang is coming."

"Invite him in."

Fang Xing picked up the teacup and drank it slowly.


Fang woke up, looked up and said with a smile, "Lord Yang is a rare guest."

Yang Rong\'s face was calm and said, "Xinghe Bo seems to know that I\'m coming. It\'s good."

After serving tea, Fang woke up and asked aggressively, "do you want to ask about Jinan or the tax system?"

Yang Rong drank tea and said quietly, "it\'s difficult to do things in Jinan. I know you\'re mostly suffering, but I\'m too eager after all. If you slow down for a few years and then slowly figure it out, that\'s the time."

Fang Xing looked out through the mist of tea and missed Zhu Di.

If Chu Di were here, he could hold down the undercurrent surging in the court.

Zhu Zhanji lost his prestige.

But Fang Xing believes that in just a few years, Zhu Zhanji can gradually control Daming.

And the biggest resistance in front of him is civil servants.

"Suffering is not suffering. When Ben Bo saw that those tenant farmers were walking dead, Lord Yang, there was no suffering. All that remained was anger and thinking about how to solve the matter."

Yang Rong sighed: "well, merger is really a difficult problem. Xinghebo, don\'t be eager. You should know that if you make a mistake, you can\'t stop at that time."

"No, even if something goes wrong, it\'s a big deal to press it down."

Yang Rong heard the smell of blood from these words. He frowned and said, "Xing He Bo, stability is important."

"Yes, but is Daming unstable now?" Fang woke up and asked.

Yang Rong nodded and said with some satisfaction, "today\'s Daming is no worse than at any time."

"Then don\'t do it now. When will you stay?"

Yang Rong was speechless and Fang Xing continued: "the opportunity can\'t be lost. It won\'t come again. Daming is stable at the moment and there is no external threat. It\'s a good opportunity for innovation. If you miss it, adult Yang, there will be no chance!"

The meaning of this is deeper.

If this opportunity is missed, the next generation of corn will be suppressed and there will be no chance to turn over.

Yang Rong\'s face didn\'t look good, but he didn\'t deny it.

Fang Xing feels that Yang Shiqi is at least a gentleman among the three Yang left by Zhu Di. Although Yang Rong has some small problems, he is never vague about major events.

Only Yang Pu, has not been exposed, people can\'t see his way.

Yang Rong was speechless. Fang Xing said with a smile, "these two things are related to the future development of Daming. It can be said that they are important means to make Daming reborn and eliminate the hidden danger of future collapse. Lord Yang, who is supporting and who is opposing?"

His eyes were sharp and sharp, pressing Yang Rong.

Yang Rong did not dodge and said, "I support you, but I have some doubts about your radicalism."

"Do you think Benbo\'s first clean-up of the merger is reversed?"

Yang Rong was stunned and said, "do you know?"

Fang Xing said with a smile: "of course, first move the tax, then the people will support it, and then move the merger, and the support of the people will play a great role."

Yang Rong thought Fang was awake, but why didn\'t he figure out the order?


The morning sun was gentle, and the cold in the room seemed to be forced out.

Fang Xing slowly rubbed his hands, and the back of his rough hands looked like old bark.

"Because I can\'t wait."

The room was quiet, and the slight sound of the wind blowing the branches outside could be heard.

Yang Rong bowed his head, rubbed his eyes, and then smiled bitterly.

He looked up at Fang Xing and said with a smile, "you are still young. Compared with my official, you are much younger. Why can\'t you wait?"

Fang woke up and looked at him and said seriously, "what I\'m worried about is that one day, the support will suddenly disappear..."

Yang Rong turned sideways and said in a deep voice, "xinghebo, you think too much. Your majesty has a firm will and will not compromise!"

Fang Xing smiled and said, "I also believe he won\'t, but I can\'t place my hope on people. At present, if I don\'t find the most difficult thing to solve it first, I can\'t rest assured."

"Even if you have to pay a lot more?" Yang Rong asked puzzled.

He felt that he and Fang Xing were like two carriages. They seemed very close, but there was a gap between them.

An insurmountable gap!

Fang woke up, looked down, frowned and said, "your hands are shaking!"

Yang Rong quickly took back his left hand and said with a strong smile, "it\'s all right."

Fang Xing exposed his lie: "you are excited by your heart and mind. Why? Is it because the Tao is different?"

"There\'s a clamor in the south. Xinghebo, it\'s a lot of trouble."

Yang Rong didn\'t answer Fang Xing\'s question. Turning a corner, he said the southern gentry that everyone feared most.

"They are watching!"

Fang Xing didn\'t think that the southern gentry would become a great trouble immediately.

"There is no first place in literature. The influence of the North-South list has not dissipated yet. Scholars in the South may laugh at it."

They were silent for a while. Yang Rong subconsciously held the tea cup, and then found that the tea was cold.

He took a sip of cold tea and got up and said, "xinghebo, there are many variables in this matter. Jinan may be stable?"

Fang woke up to see off the guests and said, "Jinan is not a big problem, but it will certainly spread to the whole of Shandong. The timing is right. It depends on the decision of Chaozhong, but I think..."

Yang Rong stroked his beard and said, "do you want people to have trouble sleeping and eating?"

"Depending on the situation, the first thing is to stabilize Jinan. Those tenants refuse to admit that they have invested in the gentry\'s house. It\'s a headache!"

Yang Rong returned to the duty room. Several colleagues didn\'t ask him.

Shortly before lunch, Yang Rong got up and moved some body and said, "the tax system will be suspended. At present, the central court will keep an eye on the news about the clean-up and investment in various places, summarize it in time and report it to his majesty."

After saying that, he saw that everyone didn\'t respond. Yang Shiqi even covered his forehead and asked, "when I left, something happened?"

Jin Youzi put down his brush, rubbed his face and said, "according to the news just now, East Hall and royal guards went out of the city last night. There were a lot of people."

Without anything else, Yang Rong knows what this means.

The emperor couldn\'t wait to release the news of the tax system, just to relieve the pressure for Fang Xing.

What will happen if the people know about it?

There is hope!

Compared with investing in the gentry\'s house, there must be hope for the tax system!

Who would object?

Yang Rong thought of Fang Xing\'s worries about the emperor and couldn\'t help shaking his head.