Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 202

With the arrival of Huang TAISUN and Fang Xing, the atmosphere in the barracks was warm. Seeing this scene, Zhu Zhanji asked people to kill two fat pigs and feed the sergeants.

The sergeants cheered. When Fang woke up and saw it, he provocatively said to Zhu Zhanji, "let\'s have a meal here at noon?"

Zhu Zhanji was unwilling to show weakness and said, "brother Dehua, my little brother can\'t live only with good clothes and food."

Fang woke up and took out a bottle of chili sauce and said, "I hope you don\'t ask me for seasoning later."

Zhu Zhanji said unconvinced, "can\'t I eat meat and rice noodles?"

At lunchtime, Zhu Zhanji and Fang Xing went to Dong Pi\'s place for dinner.

Seeing Zhu Zhanji coming in, Dong PI felt that the food from the big pot on the table was

Big pot rice is characterized by rough taste. It was late autumn and there were not many vegetables, so it was just Chinese cabbage cooked with pork. That smell

The rice was a little raw, and Zhu Zhanji frowned and took a bite.

"Come on, don\'t just eat rice!"

Fang Xing enthusiastically took a chopstick of cabbage and boiled pork to Zhu Zhanji. Then he poured some chili sauce into the bowl and stirred it. He had a good time.

While he was eating, Tung PI also found it difficult to swallow.

In the past, more than 100 households in the army had small stoves, but when they woke up today, they specially told them to eat all the big pot today.

Cabbage and pork are cooked together, and they are cooked in a large pot. Everyone who has eaten it knows that it smells like pig food.

Zhu Zhanji\'s throat surged a few times. He struggled to put the food into his mouth. After chewing at will, the taste spread in his mouth.

Fang woke up and looked at his face. Then he handed over the chili sauce and said, "it\'s not easy for the sergeants, so once they are despised, think about the consequences."

Zhu Zhanji quickly took the chili sauce, and then learned to wake up and stir the food together. He said angrily, "can\'t the cook use some thought?"

"Ha ha!"

Fang Xing said with a smile, "there are many people in the army. Let\'s say we have more than 1000 people in Jubaoshan. If you want to be fine, do you know how many people have to be equipped to cook? And after changing to a small stove, is this a military camp or a restaurant?"

Dong PI hung his head on the side and gave Fang 10000 praises in his heart.

That\'s right!

Seeing that Zhu Zhanji was a little upset, Fang woke up and said, "however... There are a lot of spices in Java. If you can enter Daming cheaply..."

Zhu Zhanji smiled. He knew that Fang Xing had never forgotten the colonial theory that bewitched him.

"Brother Dehua, let\'s take our time."

Don\'t forget, there are two great gods on Zhu Zhanji\'s head!

After this meal, Zhu Zhanji sighed, "I used to eat with Grandpa Huang in the army, so I ignored the suffering of the sergeants. It\'s really wrong!"

"Take your time."

Fang can\'t even wake up. He can let his servants eat well, but this is Daming\'s army. If he does better than Zhu Di\'s Pro Army food, someone will say that he is inviting people\'s hearts.

After leaving Xin Laoqi and several family members, Fang woke up and went home.

As soon as he got to the door of the main house, Jay Fang rushed out, pointed mysteriously inside and said, "young master, the Sao tartar who gave gifts last time came again."

Fang woke up stunned, "what Sao tartar?"

Fang Jielun covered his nose and said, "that man has body odor. Even if he wears my Han clothes, there is no one else except those on the grassland."

"How dare they come?"

Fang Xing walked in and thought about the reason.

Zhu Di recently arrested a lot of people, basically those who accepted bribes from alutai envoys. According to Zhu Di\'s urination, these people will not only be copied, but also their own heads will be dangerous.

But at such a sensitive time, the messenger dared to come to Fang\'s villa. Did he realize that Fang woke up?

In the front hall, a man dressed in Chinese is sitting in a chair. With a fat face and thin eyes, he is not a good man.

Ding Zhengshou, two family members, stood at the door. When he saw Fang waking up, he said, "young master, that man stinks!"

The man had already got up. After an astringent bow of his hand, he said with a smile: "villain Alatan, I\'ve seen Mr. Fang."

As soon as Fang woke up, he really smelled a bad smell. He held his breath and said hard, "what\'s the matter?"

Alatan\'s fine eyes narrowed and he was a little angry, but when he thought of the purpose of his trip, he smiled and said, "Mr. Jiumu Fang\'s talent, villain, here are some gifts for you to make friends."

Then he looked at a box at his feet.

Dare you give me something?

Fang Xing thinks this Alatan is a little funny. Your bribery has brought bad luck to many people. Now you don\'t know what to do. Are you trying to frame me or what?

"Take your things!"

At this moment, Fang Xing was awe inspiring, and the two servants at the door couldn\'t help admiring him.

Young master, you are a gentleman indeed!

Alatan\'s smile froze, then remembered his previous experience of giving money, and said again: "Mr. Fang, a little care represents the importance of Yongning king to your knowledge, which means nothing else."

Hearing this, Fang woke up and was happy. He stepped back and felt that the smell was lighter before he said, "don\'t talk to me about these useless things. Since your king Yongning wants to weaken the tile stabbing people, don\'t think about sitting at home, eating mutton and drinking horse milk wine, and then I\'ll be a thug for him!"

"Tell you, this is a dream!"

At this time, Fang xingcai thought of the messenger\'s intention.

Aratan probably felt that Fang Xing could withdraw from the bribery case. That must be an amazing background. So he simply made a heavy bet and wanted Fang Xing to lobby on his behalf.

"Mr. Fang..."

Aratan also wanted to test it.

"Get out!"

Fang Xing pointed out the door, then hurried out and explained to the two servants: "stare at him and don\'t allow him to leave anything."

"Yes, young master!"

The two Justins looked at Alatan with disgusting eyes and thought that my young master was the future emperor and teacher, embezzling or something. Isn\'t that insulting!

Zhang Shuhui went to sleep at noon. When she saw Fang waking up, she looked strange and said, "husband, I got a reward from your majesty at home today!"

Fang woke up and asked, "what did you reward?"

Zhang Shuhui went in and came out with a brocade box in her hand.

"It\'s this..."

Fang woke up and looked at a pepper in the brocade box. His eyes wanted to see through the brocade box.

"Did you take it wrong?"

Zhang Shuhui was also depressed and said, "no, the man opened it on the spot."

Fang Xing has imagined that the expression on his face at that time must be the same as himself at the moment.

"What does that mean?"

Fang woke up with constipation on his face and closed the brocade box while guessing Zhu Di\'s meaning.

"Take it. Tell it to your children and grandchildren later, and let them know that there are such rewards in the world."