Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2028

This is the first time Fang Xing saw Wang pan.

Twelve year old children, looking sad, but know to comfort their mother.

"Do you... Want to go to Zhixing academy?"

Chen had already cried into tears and almost lost his thinking ability. Fang woke up and tried.

Wang pan was a little thin. He stood in front of Chen and said, "thank you, uncle, but the boy is not good or bad."

Fang Xing nodded approvingly and said, "in those years, some people entered the Academy without passing the exam. He was also a martyr."

Wang pan Leng said, "uncle, boy... I\'d like to go."

Sun Xiang said on the side, "Wang Shi\'s ashes have been brought back. Our family will send someone to help Wang Shi\'s daughter-in-law these days. Cheer up and make Wang Shi\'s future affairs neat."

Chen just cried. Sun Xiang said helplessly, "it\'s all right. The East Hall will fix it."

Wang pan arched his hands and said, "thank you, father-in-law. Although the boy is young, he can do things."

Sun Xiang said happily, "our family was still worried. I didn\'t expect you to be young and mature. Good!"

Fang Xing also said, "Haosheng, when your father\'s death is over, someone in the Academy will pick you up. As for your father\'s departure, believe me, Daming will burn the war to Samarkand!"

Wang pan immediately knelt down and said, "thank you, uncle. The boy and my mother are very grateful."

Hatred flashed in his eyes and soon dissipated.

When his father died, the 12-year-old immediately added a layer of armor to himself, using stubbornness and effort as a weapon.

Fang woke up and nodded. He likes children with a sense of responsibility.

"OK, the academy is waiting for you."

After Fang Xing and Sun Xiang left, some neighbors went into the Wang\'s house to comfort and test.

"My father is from the East Hall. Just now, uncle Xinghe and grandpa Sun said that my father died bravely and was a hero."

The yard was quiet, and the neighbors were shocked by Fang Xing\'s arrival.

Fang Xing said Wang Shi was a hero, so he must be a hero!

These words not only give a general idea of the father\'s identity, but also frighten the green skin who kicks the widow\'s door when it is spread.

Xinghe Boke is a vengeful man. He said that if the hero\'s family is bullied, no matter who it is, wash it and wait to go to prison to comfort those prisoners with green eyes.

The name of the East factory frightened everyone, and the factory supervisor Sun Xiang of the East factory actually came in person, which



When Fang woke up to Fang\'s village, it was almost dinner time. Outside the village with dim cooking smoke, Tudou and Ping\'an were waiting with a child.

Seeing Fang awake, carefree\'s eyes lit up, he broke free from the potatoes and ran towards Fang awake.


Huanhuan, more than two years old, looked at her peace with doubts.

Ping An said, "it\'s dad."

Huanhuan saw Fang wake up, get off his horse and come up, then picked up worry free, shook his head and said, "eat."

Fang Xing came over with worry free in his arms, then squatted down, looked at Huanhuan and asked, "do you want dad to hold it?"

Huanhuan shook her head, then leaned against Ping\'an and said with a cry: "second brother..."

Fang woke up laughing, then held worry free in his right hand, picked up Huanhuan in his left hand and said, "let\'s go home!"

The wives and concubines naturally had a celebration when they met, but Fang Xing\'s face and hand hurt them for a long time.

After dinner, the family got together and talked about their own affairs.

Zhang Shuhui was satisfied that her leadership position was very stable. After Xiaobai and Mo Chou said their own things, she said that someone encouraged Ping\'an to attack the Lord.

"... I don\'t think it\'s right. Besides, we don\'t need to attack the Lord so early, otherwise it\'s easy to have an accident. I let potatoes into the palace and refused."

Then Tudou said his response after entering the palace.

Fang Xing sat carefree on his left knee and Huanhuan on his right knee. He smiled at the speech and was a little cold.

"It\'s not the right time for Ping\'an to attack the Lord at this time. Even if he is 15 or 16 years old, it\'s not the right time. They want our family to be high-profile, arrogant and frightening. People\'s hearts are always so dark."

"You did a good job."

Fang woke up and praised the potatoes.

The family will sleep later.

The first night was naturally to sleep with Zhang Shuhui.

The couple rolled the sheets skillfully, and Zhang Shuhui said what she didn\'t say.

"Husband, your majesty loves corn very much!"

This is what she thinks is the biggest thing.

The Fang family and the empress have been tied together and are all prosperous.

"Your Majesty often goes to the Queen\'s side to see the children. It seems that they are much better. The queen also joked that worry free atmosphere, but I remember you said that worry free can\'t enter the palace. It\'s just a joke. The queen also knows that there are some regrets... Husband..."

The soft snoring came from the pillow. Zhang Shuhui turned back and gently touched the small hole in his face.


"The news should be spread immediately. Don\'t exaggerate or hide!"

Beiping city gradually fell asleep and the lights went out one by one.

In the royal guards, the courtyard is full of people.

Shenyang was standing on the steps, and the lanterns gave out a dim light. The scar on his face was like an open mouth.

As soon as he spoke, his mouth moved ferociously.

"Your Majesty\'s command, a tax system will be implemented in the future, so that the people can live and work in peace and contentment, and cut off those greedy hands extended to the people!"

"Get the momentum up!"

Shenyang said murderously, "the East Hall has made contributions. We royal guards can\'t fall behind. Go now! The whole Daming should hear the voice from the imperial city and feel the kindness from your majesty!"

"Whoever dares to slack off, don\'t come back! Let\'s go!"

Everyone answered the order in unison, and then quietly left the royal guards.

"My Lord, our people picked up the people from the East Hall, otherwise they would be caught up before they arrived."

Zheng Chengdu was dissatisfied and thought that everyone was giving rewards to the East Hall, but Feng Ji and they saved Zhao Chun and them bravely. Otherwise, where would they have a chance to return to the capital?

Looking at the night sky, Shenyang narrowed his eyes and said, "royal guards, first of all, distinguish between internal and external affairs. It\'s a state matter. It\'s a matter of merit... Dissatisfaction will delay state affairs. Such a person will be stabbed sooner or later!"

Zheng Chengdu\'s resignation.

As the leader of royal guards, Shenyang must weigh the interests of all aspects. As Fang Xing warned him, state affairs come first. If he can\'t distinguish this importance, he will probably be similar to Ji Gang in the future.

The East Hall suddenly became famous, which was the need of the emperor.

Sun Xiang was dormant, but he still spied on the holy meaning. He scattered a lot of people outside the Ming Dynasty to prove that the east hall could not only clean up the country, but also serve the country.

He sneered.

Royal Guards go out to live and die. In those years, he sneaked into HA lie with his men and wandered around the edge of life and death several times. There are countless scars on his body

This is the balance that the emperor needs.


"... speak clearly!"

In the East Hall, Anlun shouted at the top of his voice. The voice echoed in the East Hall, echoing lonely.

There was a group of people standing quietly below, led by eunuchs, with a long slip behind.

"If the gentry are unwilling, they will go crazy. They will go to bewitch the people. They are shameless!"

Anlun was the emperor\'s slave, and Dongchang was also the emperor\'s slave.

Domestic slaves can speak recklessly, so Anlun said what Shenyang didn\'t dare to say.

"Let the people know that the bad soles of the gentry\'s feet are festering, and your majesty is concerned about them, but there are too many opponents. For the sake of the stability of the Ming Dynasty, your majesty is planning to implement the tax system one day, so that everyone can live a better life. You don\'t have to worry about it and worry about being searched!"

Sun Xiang listened inside. He looked at the Buddha beads in his hand melancholy and murmured, "Your Majesty, where are you going to take Daming..."

"Long live your majesty!"

"Long live your majesty!"

"Let\'s go!"