Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2027

Wu Xun was excited for a while. Zhang Fu went out of the class and said, "Your Majesty, I think ha lie will not dare to move eastward within two years. If they attack the side wall along the way, they will inevitably encounter a head of ash. Daming is alone in Xinghe city outside the great wall. As for nuergan Dusi, they went only to seek death and were dragged to death all the way!"

The great wall can play an unparalleled role at this time.

As long as the army does not erode and relies on the defense of the Great Wall, no force in the world can break this long dragon.

When your army is still halfway, the news will be spread to Daming. Then Daming will prepare the whole army for war, closely monitor the direction of the army, and then focus on defense and wait for the opportunity to counterattack.

This is an almost unsolvable problem, so Zhang Fu\'s words made everyone smile.

This is a very important intelligence, which enables Daming to judge the trend of HA lie. It can be called great merit!

Zhu Zhanji looked at Zhao Chun and Guan Qisheng, who were haggard to the extreme, and said, "you have made great achievements and worked hard. Go and have a rest. When you look back, you will naturally reward them."

After Zhao Chun and Yang Rong went out, Yang Rong said, "Your Majesty, there seems to be a trend of unification over ha lie, but he has nothing to do with Daming. Your majesty, Daming just needs to pay attention."

Zhu Zhanji only felt relieved, and most of his worries about the enemy outside the great wall were eliminated.

"Zhu Qing worked hard. Let\'s go back."

Zhu Zhanji just dissolved the ministers, and Fang woke up and slipped away first.

Seeing this, Zhu Zhanji couldn\'t help laughing and shaking his head, and then went to the harem.

With the news of peace, Daming can still develop slowly in the gentle wind and rain.

Haiyan and Heqing!


"Father in law, Zhao Chun, they are back."

Sun Xiang hasn\'t appeared for a long time. He knows that the emperor wants to help him and help Anlun on his horse.

But it is also easy to become a scapegoat for carrying the black pot, so he is now in seclusion, almost invisible.

When Anlun burst in with a happy face, he squinted and stared at Anlun. He was still moving the Buddha beads, but the speed was a little faster.

"You can handle it."

Sun Xiang lowered his eyes and silently recited the Buddhist scriptures.

Anlun tied his hands and said, "father-in-law, three brothers are missing."

Sun Xiang\'s hand stopped and stirred the Buddha beads. He sighed, "the reincarnation of life and death, the world of mortals, what can I do!"

Anlun helped him out and said, "Zhao Chun, they seem to have suffered a lot and are not in shape."

Turning a corner, a group of people surrounded the front.

Seeing Sun Xiang and an Lun coming, everyone dodged a way.

In the middle, Zhao Chun and Guan Qisheng, who were answering everyone\'s questions, turned back slowly and saw Sun Xiang and an Lun. Zhao Chun bowed and said, "I\'ve seen two fathers-in-law."

Sun Xiang gently broke away from Anlun\'s help, came over and looked at them and sighed, "where are they?"

Zhao Chun\'s eyes were red and he bowed his head and said, "father-in-law, the lower official... Left Miao Xi in Samarkand..."


The reason why Sun Xiang is called sun Buddha is not only that he believes in Buddhism, but also because he cherishes his life.

Zhao Chun knelt down and said, "father-in-law, first Wang Shi was found out when he inquired about the news and was... Tortured and killed."

Sun Xiang looked gloomy and asked, "did Wang Shi lose Daming\'s face?"

Zhao Chun looked up and said fiercely, "no!"

He looked around at his colleagues and said, "Wang Shi was arrested. Right in front of the lower officer, the man who did it by Mier trampled him to death with his war horse. Before going, Wang Shi said... Leave him alone, he can endure..."

Zhao Chun choked, wiped his tears and said, "Wang Shi is shouting in the cloth bag..."

He was convulsing violently, his chest was pounding, and his voice was hoarse: "before he died, he was shouting Daming... Shouting Daming Wansheng..."

Sun Xiang was silent and whispered the Buddha\'s name, looking sad.

Zhao Chun sniffed and said, "when we left the city, the sergeant guarding the gate made it difficult for us to help him bring the goods. Brother Miao Xi took the initiative to go and gave a warning... Instead of running to the city gate, he went to the city... At that time, he was a mile away from the city gate at most. He was trying to attract the attention of the enemy at the city gate so that we could take the opportunity to escape..."

Everyone hung their heads and knew that Miao Xi would never be spared.

"We fled all the way and the enemy chased us all the way. When it was almost bitter, the enemy caught up with us. Brother Chen Hui took the initiative to break the back... Fought hard and was... Led by an owl..."

"Good! Good! Good!"

Sun Xianglian said hello three times. Tears were shining in his eyes.

"These three brothers have unfinished business?"

Sun Xiang put aside Anlun and said, "our family can bear it!"

"Thank you, father-in-law!"

Zhao Chun kowtowed and then said, "Miao Xi and Chen Hui just miss their home. Wang Shi has a son and has always wanted to send him to Zhixing Academy... Father in law, Miao Xi and Chen Hui have good words. Zhixing Academy... I heard that they recruit students every year and have to take an exam. I\'m worried..."


Sun Xiang nodded and left.

An lunleng guessed Sun Xiang\'s meaning after a while. He caught up with him and held Sun Xiang and said, "father-in-law, you..."

Sun Xiang got rid of his hand, looked at him coldly on his side and said, "they sacrificed their lives for the country. Our family is going to leave. Before leaving, we did something behind for them. It\'s not a waste of time for them."

This is Sun Xiang\'s first stride, fast.

Anlun looked at the back and disappeared in front of him. He was a little confused.

Things behind us... You know, Xingyuan never makes an exception!

Sun Xiang walked very fast and asked Fang Xing\'s whereabouts all the way.

When he stood panting outside the Imperial City, he saw that Fang Xing had beaten his horse in front and was ready to leave.


Fang woke up and pulled back. Seeing that it was Sun Xiang, he dismounted.

"Grandpa sun, is this looking for Fang?"

Sun Xiang\'s low-key and current affairs were highly appreciated by Zhu Zhanji, so Fang Xing felt that he should not have to worry about the days after leaving the East factory.

Sun Xiang was sweating and bowed his hands and said, "xinghebo, there is a good man who died in Samarkand. He has a son in his family..."

Then Sun Xiang told Fang Xing about the heroism of Wang Shi and others, and finally said, "Xinghe Bo, do you think it\'s ok? Here... Give our family a face!"

Sun Xiang asked for help!

Fang Xing looked solemn. When Sun Xiang was disappointed, he arched his hand and said, "I\'ll go and have a look."

The two returned to the East Hall. Zhao Chun and they were having dinner. Seeing that Sun Xiang really invited Fang Xing, they put down their chopsticks and said Wang Shi\'s last wish.

"All good men!"

Fang woke up and was used to life and death, but he still sighed.

Sun Xiang said, "we can only find a way to give more pensions to their families. We know that Xinghe Academy... Xinghe Bo, we didn\'t ask for people in the past. Today, please see that Wang Shi was still shouting the courage of Daming Wansheng before he died, please..."

Then he bowed down deeply.

Fang woke up and held him. He said, "no academy can compare with these good men who sacrificed their lives for the country. Grandpa sun, go to his house and have a look."


Wang Shi\'s home is very ordinary and his yard is very small.

After knocking on the door, Fang woke up and said, "I won\'t go in first."

Sun Xiang nodded with understanding.


A woman was asking questions, but Sun Xiang couldn\'t answer for a long time.

what did you say?

I\'m Sun Xiang from east hall. Have you come to tell me that Wang Shi died in the country?

Fang Xing walked over a few steps and turned his back to the gate.

Later, when the door opened, Sun Xiang simply reported his identity and was led in.

Before long, there was a howling and crying sound inside.

The cries of a woman and a child made the surrounding people come out. When they saw Fang Xing and two fans from the East Hall standing outside, someone even prepared to rush over and beat them.

"East factory work!"

A waist token solved the problem, and those neighbors immediately had some bad guesses.

"Wang Shi hasn\'t appeared for more than two years. Is this a crime?"

"I\'m not sure! Wang Shi looks very kind. He was found by the people of the East Hall. It can be seen that he has made a big deal outside."

"Ah! Pity the orphan and widowed mother!"

Fang Xing was dissatisfied with these words. A fan Zi came and whispered, "uncle, many people in our east hall have never revealed their identity, just for convenience."

Fang woke up and nodded. Then someone came out of the door and said, "Uncle sun, please."

The cry inside was lower. Fang woke up, closed his eyes, adjusted it, and then went into the courtyard.