Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 201

In fact, at the beginning, Fang Xing also thought of rebellion, but when he thought of the peace of mind today, there was no mass base for rebellion.

The second is that after the war, there will be no smoke for thousands of miles. The population who has just started to earn a living will be hit hard. If according to the records of previous dynasty changes, even if Fang Xing\'s rebellion is successful, with the remaining population and the Han people\'s attachment to their hometown, he will not see the day of large-scale expansion in his lifetime.

Since the hard ones don\'t work, the soft ones are the only ones.

"Let\'s kill with a soft knife and see who can kill who!"

Fang Xing, who successfully mediated his mood, went to the household department again.

Looking at these students with super serious learning attitude, Fang Xingzhen wants to bring them into his own camp.

But this is unrealistic!

Fang Xing now wants to teach some good disciples, and then spread this knowledge like a dandelion.

After the lecture, Fang Xing was preparing to go back, but he was stopped by Yao Ping.

"Teacher, I also want to learn something new from you."

Fang woke up stunned and asked, "are you not afraid..."

Yao Ping said firmly: "teachers and disciples think that heaven and earth are big and the truth is the greatest."

Well, the silly student Fang woke up and accepted it, but he warned: "the world is not the most reasonable, but whoever has a loud voice and a big fist makes sense!"

Zhu Zhanji, Ma Su, Yao Ping, and some servants will also come to the class. This is Fang Xing\'s "Dandelion".

"We want to use guns to expand the living space for our children and grandchildren. We want the sun to shine on the land of Daming forever..."

In class, Fang Xing waved his fist and spread hegemonic ideas.

"Every place where our Daming army stands is the territory of our Daming!"

Mathematics, geometry, physics

Fang Xing will teach whatever he feels necessary. If you forget something, try to review the knowledge and transfer it to the students.

Among them, Ma Su scored the best. According to Fang Xing\'s judgment, Ma Su basically went to junior high school and is still moving forward at an amazing speed.

So Fang Xing gradually showed Ma Su the high-level teaching materials to learn and understand by himself.

"If the teacher is away today, I\'ll take the place."

Ma Su looked at the five or six students below, but Zhu Zhanji was missing. Then he picked up the textbook and wrote down the topic on the blackboard.

——Relative action of force.

Zhu Zhanji was absent because he and Fang woke up and went to the thousand households\' office in Jubao mountain.

"Grandpa Huang has decided to march north, so we have to prepare here."

After Fang Xing came back from Jiaozhi, he has been avoiding entering the military camp. Zhu Zhanji specially asked Zhu Di for this.

But Zhu Di disdained: "when I command hundreds of thousands of troops, you are still a baby with that party. What taboo to talk about!"

Well, Fang Xing is relieved to know Zhu Di\'s attitude.

When the sentry saw Fang wake up, he saluted with a happy face and said, "Your Highness, Mr. Fang, the brothers are looking forward to you."

The soldiers\' view of likes and dislikes is very simple. Whoever can lead them to win the war and who can be considerate of them is the best leader in their hearts.

And Fang Xing started his fierce military training and led them to invincible at the intersection of toes, which has made them feel that they have exceeded their own standards.

"Beep, beep, beep!"

The whistle in the barracks kept changing, and the neat queue was changing with the whistle.

Suddenly, the left side of the queue stopped, and the sergeants were looking at the direction of the gate.

The commander\'s hundred families were furious and were about to go up with a big stick to beat, but when he turned to look, he was stunned.

"Mr. Fang?"

"It\'s Mr. Fang!"

Seeing Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji coming in together, these sergeants stopped and looked at this side with hot eyes.

Dong PI beat Zhu Zhanji some time ago, so he was very diligent. When he saw them, he immediately came forward to salute and then introduced his recent training.

"... the sergeants array skillfully, and the drill of flint gun gradually..."

Fang Xing listened with a smile and casually summoned a sergeant to practice in actual combat.

When the sergeant saw that Zhu Zhanji and Fang Xing were both there, he was excited. As a result, he was in a hurry when loading the medicine. He was so angry that Dong PI wanted to go in person.

After closing the medicine room, the sergeant\'s mood had stabilized. He aimed at the wooden target in front and pulled the trigger.

The flint was rubbed and a spark burst out.


The ignition powder was ignited and spread to the inside along the small hole, and the evenly made powder immediately began to expand.


Seeing that the shooting was over, Dong PI ran to carry the target.

At a distance of 50 meters, there is a bullet mark on the chest of the humanoid target.


Fang Xing patted the sergeant on the shoulder. Seeing his excitement, he smiled and said, "practice well. If you have a chance to go to the battlefield, use the enemy\'s body to prove your bravery."

The return of Xin Laoqi and others obviously raised the intensity of practice to a higher level.

Zhu Fang is teaching people to build a small stone throwing machine.

A pile of wood, under Zhu Fang\'s operation, was soon combined into a mini catapult.

"Master Zhu, such a small catapult can only be played by children!"

A craftsman could not help shaking his head when he saw the rough guy.

Zhu Fang smiled and put a pot with some bumps outside into her pocket.

"This is the lead."

Zhu Fang inserted the lead into the opening of the pottery pot and lit it.


After a track in the air, the pottery flew more than 100 steps, and then exploded.


"This is..."

"Isn\'t this a large grenade?"

"Yes," said Zhu Fang with a smile, "the thickness of the pottery pot is uneven when it is fired. It is also filled with some scrap iron. After it is blown open, the effect must be not bad."

"Isn\'t it bad? It\'s a sharp weapon!"

Think about the broken ceramic pieces and small scrap iron flying in the air when the earthenware cans burst in the middle of the enemy

"That\'s great!"

Zhu Zhanji and Fang Xing also saw this scene in the distance. He asked, "brother Dehua, is this thing ready to deal with the enemy\'s attack?"

Fang woke up and said, "yes, our number is too small. If we face a large number of cavalry, we can\'t completely stop the platoon."

Zhu Zhanji looked forward and murmured, "if there were hundreds of such catapults, it would make people blood hot."

"There will be."

Fang Xingding\'s way.

This simple pitching machine is easy to build, small in size, and can be disassembled and transported.

It\'s really a good helper to attack cities and seize land!

Two pairs of imperialist eyes looked at each other, and then they couldn\'t help laughing.

Fang Xing also wanted to build a copper gun, but it consumed the scarce copper resources of Daming, and the weight was unbearable.

So we have to use the stone throwing machine first, and then see if we can improve the quality of iron.