Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2015

Those confused sergeants also began to calm down gradually. Looking at Fang Xing\'s long knife still dripping blood, they reminded them of the previous means.


Fang Xing\'s eyes narrowed slightly and even smiled.

But the more you smile, the more frightening it is.

So as the footsteps approached, everyone was quiet.

As the distance gets closer, a dark array appears in front of everyone.

"It\'s Jubao mountain guard!"

After an exclamation, there was a little panic, and soon the queue in the camp took shape, and it was even more neat than at the beginning.

The array entered like a wall. Wu Yue came forward and told him, "uncle, our department should arrive at the right time."

Fang woke up and looked at the drenched soldiers and said, "it\'s hard, be on alert!"

The musket wrapped in tarpaulin was untied and loaded

Lu Feng looked at the corpses lying on the ground and said, "uncle, lower officials take people to suppress!"

There was definitely some coaxing just now, so Fang woke up, nodded and said, "Benbo is watching, within a quarter of an hour!"

Lu Feng was overjoyed and rushed over with his own soldiers.

"Who just booed and found out!"

He said murderously, "those who fail to report the information are guilty! Those who expose the information are meritorious!"

Then there was a farce. More than a dozen people were pulled out of the queue. Then they broke free and began to run away.

Stupid man!

The morning wind blew on his face and Fang woke up and raised his hand.

A team of sergeants rushed out of the array and circled from the left.

The two sergeants were chased to the edge of the camp. They climbed hard and finally turned it out before the pursuers came.

"Stand back!"

The team rushed outside shouted fiercely. The pursuers saw the posture of the row of guns and quickly retreated from the side.

The two men ran to the right in panic, but they didn\'t see that the small flag officer had raised his hand.


"Bang bang bang!"

Under close fire, the two were knocked to the ground.

The defect that lead bullets could not be immediately fatal broke out. The two people could not die for a time. The tragic howl was particularly penetrating against the dawn in the sky.

Fang Xing asked his men to come back overnight. This is a prepared retreat!

Lu Feng knew that once there was chaos in Jinan, this army would be the main force in fighting the rebellion.

At that time, there must be a river of blood in the city.

But why did he rush into the city?


Wang Shang is old and gets up early.

He already knew about the trouble last night. After washing, he drank porridge and covered his cheeks to breathe.

"My husband has a toothache?"

His old wife went to find asarum, and then Wang Shang bit the medicine under his teeth and hissed.

The little suckling dog was sniffing under the table, looking for food.

Several sons came with their grandchildren and greeted them one after another.

Wang Chang waved his hand and said, "go back respectively."

When his children turned around, Wang Chang remembered what happened last night and said, "don\'t go out today."

"Yes, father."

Wang Chang tried to finish the porridge, and then said to his old wife, "don\'t go out these days. It\'s enough for my husband to remember that the rice grain at home is enough for more than ten days."

His old wife said, "it\'s noisy outside. I happen to keep my body at home."

Wang Chang nodded, but he didn\'t hide it from his old wife: "there was a commotion in the city last night. That Xinghe Bo was hot-blooded and estimated that he was going to do it."


At this time, a voice came from outside. Wang Chang said helplessly, "what are you panicking about?"

His eldest son hurried in and said in some panic, "father, someone wants to see you."


Wang Chang closed his eyes as if he were nourishing himself.

"Father, it\'s Xinghe bo..."

Wang Chang sat upright, opened his eyes and said faintly, "open the door, please come in."

He is an elder and naturally does not need to be greeted.

Then he said to his old wife, "go and make tea, and then you have a rest."

His old wife said anxiously, "will he..."

Wang Chang shook his head. When his old wife went, he got up and went to the door.

Not going out to meet each other is determined by his age, but he must go down the steps, or he will insult Fang Xing\'s title.

When Fang Xing appeared, his youth was still beyond Wang Shang\'s expectation. The old Cangtou helped him down the steps. He arched his hands and said, "I\'ve seen Xinghe Bo."

Fang Xing arched his hand and said, "Mr. Bai Lian doesn\'t have to be polite. It\'s presumptuous for Fang to visit rashly."

Wang Chang nodded surprisingly. Then he turned sideways and said, "Xing Hebo, please come in."

Fang Xing shook his head and stretched out his hand to give way: "Sir, please."

The little milk dog barked a few times on the steps. Wang Chang bent over to fight. It was unwilling to run to the side.

When they entered, Wang Chang\'s old wife served tea and Fang woke up to thank him.

He took a sip of tea, put down his cup, smiled and said, "Fang was intercepted when he entered the city last night."

In a mindless sentence, Wang Shang understood Fang Xing\'s meaning. He said, "this generation can\'t be tolerated."

Fang Xing\'s smile grew stronger and said, "Fang came to Jinan not to kill or suppress, but only to... Want a truth!"

Wang Chang waved and the eldest son bowed away. Then he said, "what reason do you want?"

Fang Xing looked at the simple layout of the room and saw that the tea cup in his hand was just ordinary.

"Why should a scholar be more noble than the people!"

Fang woke up and stared at Wang Shang and said slowly, "Fang heard about you before he came. You are also dissatisfied with the current taxi style. Fang wants to ask... How to clean up the taxi style..."

The morning light caresses the courtyard slowly, as if it contains vitality.

"This is morning."

Wang Chang pointed to the outside and said, "there are young people, middle-aged people and all things. Confucianism flourished in the Han Dynasty and fluctuated several times. Civil servants were unified in the Song Dynasty. This is the peak, but it is also the beginning of decline. I read so many history books, and there were many fabrications and gold subsidies. I didn\'t like such modifications, so I abandoned them and just wanted to find the way in my heart."

"What way?"

"Nothing to do with the world, be alone!"

There was a silence.

The morning light gradually became like clouds and auspicious clouds, which reflected the yard after the rain with extra vitality.


Fang Xing pointed to several dilapidated flowers and trees in the yard and said, "at this time, it seems that they are almost defeated, but I think they are vibrant. Why?"

"Because we all know that when autumn comes and winter comes, vitality does not disappear, but lies dormant."

The alert color in Wang Chang\'s eyes dissipated, nodded and said, "there are ups and downs, and times change. Whether it\'s Confucianism or science, don\'t make a noise when it\'s time to hibernate, otherwise it\'s a great disaster."

At this time, Xin Laoqi came in and said in a deep voice, "Sir, Shen Shitou has found something."

"No hurry."

Fang woke up and nodded. After Xin Laoqi went out, he then said, "Confucianism has no inch to advance. It blindly focuses on the human nature of the people. Fang thought that human nature is private. No amount of teaching is only auxiliary. Law and supervision are the king."

Wang Chang nodded slightly, Fang Xing leaned slightly, and said seriously, "the era of scholars being gods should not continue. They are used to being high above, enjoying their success, and taking advantage of others. Sir, this is not the blessing of the Ming Dynasty..."

Wang Chang said with an expressionless face, "these are useless. It is said that I am rebellious and scold in all ways, and the students leave one by one. This is what you call human nature. I have heard of it for a long time, but I agree with it."

Fang Xing nodded his thanks.

Wang Shang laughed at himself, "you are a good man. You can\'t get rid of the registered residence of the military household or the pilot workshop of the independent factory." these are all things that old men are afraid of. Now your majesty and you dare to move the foundation of the scholars. When the old man dreams of returning to the midnight, he has been thinking carefully and horrified.