Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2016

Wang Shang Jianming, what did you see in Daming?

What I experienced in Daming!


Wang Chang thought for a moment. His old wife had appeared outside the door several times. She just saw them sitting quietly and left.

For a long time, Wang Chang smiled bitterly and said, "that\'s all..."

Fang woke up and arched his hands and said, "thank you, sir. Later, Fang will let Yu Qian talk in detail."

He was surprised by the smooth progress of things, but Wang Chang didn\'t avoid this. He said directly: "I\'ve been embarrassed for a long time, and the children in my family have been implicated by me. I want to be ashamed. Xinghe Bo, I\'m Confucianism!"

He looked squarely at Fang awake. He said frankly that he was in a difficult life and wanted to work for rice. But in my bones, I was still depressed and wanted to rebound, so I just hit it off.

Fang Xing also said positively, "the Tao is different, but the aspirations are the same. Why can\'t we seek common ground while reserving differences?"

Wang Chang raised his hand and said with a smile, "just so, just so! I\'ll take it!"

Fang Xing bowed and said, "turn a pen into a knife, laugh and scold, sir."

Wang Chang got up to send them off. As they walked, they talked about the newspaper. When they reached the gate, Wang Chang\'s three sons also came to send them off.

It\'s polite.

Fang Xing said with a smile, "several senior brothers are beautiful and vigorous. When they can take over the mantle of Mr. Ben, we will wait and see!"

Wang Chang\'s three sons just bowed their hands, but they were not happy.

Fang Xing praised himself and said goodbye.

Just outside the door, I saw several big men confronting Fang Wu and others.

"Cao NIMA! This is Jinan. It\'s natural for the Wang family to pay off their debts. The emperor Lao Tzu has nothing to say when he comes!"

A big man scolded Fang Wu: "get out! Otherwise, I\'ll let you know what a fist is today!"

Another big man took a short knife from his arms and said, "don\'t think it\'s great if you can wear a knife. Everyone in Jinan knows this. The chief secretary and yamen dare not take care of it. What are you!"

The old man also said with a sneer: "today we\'re going to rip off the wall of his house. Who dares to stop it? Unless Xinghe comes, whoever blocks it will break his leg!"

Fang Wu was stunned, and the servants were a little surprised.

Fang Xing turned back and looked at the king\'s clothes in the door, with an intention of inquiry in his eyes.

Wang Shang didn\'t turn his head, blinked, and then said, "I... But I never owe anyone money. It\'s hard..."

A great sadness made Fang wake up and bow down: "you are the witness of this. Fang is ashamed! If it\'s convenient, this matter will be handled by Fang, okay?"

It is common to have different views on Confucianism.

But Wang Chang had scolded the scholar\'s atmosphere before, saying that he would rather live like a dog than hang out with those people!

So he was isolated, even the isolation of the people around him, but his students gradually left, mostly because he couldn\'t stand this isolation.

So he became a lonely fighter.

His family was also implicated. Only one son who was an official in a foreign country narrowly escaped, and the other three sons had to find another way out.