Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2014

"Stay inside and don\'t come out!"

In the camp, with a loud cry, torches were lit everywhere.

In the darkness, there is a torch not far away, alternating light and darkness.

In the mottled light and shadow, Yu Qian stood in the middle, facing the camp and said, "I don\'t interfere in the affairs of the army, but there is only one. No one in the camp is allowed to go out until xinghebo\'s military order comes. Violators... Step on my body!"

In the cold wind, his eyes are firm!

Lu Feng secretly admired the image of a civilian standing in the barracks with a long knife.

"Lord Yu, the officer will send someone to xinghebo now..."

Yu Qian shook his head and said, "Lord Lu doesn\'t need to test. If you are loyal to your duty, Xinghe Bo won\'t move you."

Lu Feng was embarrassed. Knowing that he could not think of fighting carefully, he said, "that\'s the best. I\'m naturally fearless."


The chief secretary\'s Yamen, Fang Xing and his party have turned here.

Fang Xing felt a little hot, but he didn\'t think it was necessarily a fever, so he drank some hot tea and asked, "how about Yu Qian?"

Fang Wu went out to ask, came back and said, "Sir, our people are right behind. Yu Qian has entered the camp. The camp is quiet."

Qian Hui breathed a sigh of relief, and then felt his body soft. He gasped and said, "xinghebo, the big deal is settled!"

"It\'s still early!"

Fang woke up and looked at Li Wei, who was still kneeling outside, and asked, "Li Wei, do you have any complaints?"

There was something wrong with this. Li Wei looked up and said, "uncle, I\'m just..."

Fang woke up and said expressionless, "are you just fascinated by women?"

Li Wei\'s face changed greatly, kowtowed and shouted, "uncle, I was confused for a moment and was cheated..."


Civil servants will not let go of the opportunity to despise martial artists.

Qian Hui\'s disdain did not receive Fang Xing\'s response. He got up and went to Li Wei. He said angrily, "before leaving, Ben Bo told you to look after Jinan city many times. Do you... Do you think Ben Bo\'s words are farting?"

Li Wei looked up and said in a mournful voice, "uncle, the lower official was hurt. The lower official thought there must be nothing in the city..."

Fang Xing sneered, "what were you doing when Chang Yu was assassinated? What were you doing when Ben Bo was intercepted?"

Li Wei bowed his head, Fang Xing resisted the impulse of kicking, turned and said, "you were happy at that time. Those two liang meat made you so fascinated. I wanted to castrate you and send you to the palace..."

"Uncle, I am willing to enter the palace, and I am willing to enter the palace..."

Fang Xing went to Qian Hui and said, "before dawn, Ben Bo will see order!"

This is not ready to send out the army for martial law. Qian Hui got up and bowed: "I understand that Jinan city must be in good order!"

Fang Xing nodded with satisfaction and said, "during Chang Yu\'s recovery, you will be in charge of all affairs and negotiate with your counsellors. If there is something difficult to solve, you can come to Ben Bo."

Qian Hui\'s eyes flashed with joy and bowed down to leave. He was going to organize the forces of the Yamen to stare at the people who might threaten Jinan City and warn them.

This is a rare experience and is likely to be the reason for his promotion in the future.

So he is very grateful!

Qian Hui went out. Fang Xing closed his eyes and said, "it\'s noisy tonight. I think the city must be uneasy. At the moment, almost all of them are awake. Let\'s go out."

Li Wei was overjoyed. Fang woke up and walked out of the door. Fang Wu and others followed. Two servants went up and controlled him at once.


Fang Wu then blocked his mouth with the prepared rotten cloth and dragged him out.

Those officials looked at it in silence. Fang Xing, who had walked more than ten steps, said, "move. Benbo should see a peaceful Jinan City before dawn, otherwise... You\'ll go overseas."

He strode out of the chief secretary, and the officials behind him chased out crazily.

"Summon everyone. Those who don\'t come will be dealt with as dereliction of duty!"

"Make those inside chiefs move and Ding Zhuang move. Who dares to rebel and kill innocent, great achievement!"

"Call people! Go!"


In a panic, the chief secretary\'s Yamen was in a mess, and everyone was forced out of their potential.

Li Wei was bound with his hands and sat on his horse. He was taken all the way to the military camp.

That\'s his camp!

He has always been in charge.

Fang Xing led several servants to rein in front of the camp. Xin Laoqi column immediately shouted, "Xing Hebo is here. Let\'s see him!"

Later, Lu Feng and Yu Qian appeared with fear on their faces.

"Uncle, I\'m guilty."

Lu Feng saw Li Wei tied up and trembled in his heart, worried that he would be awakened by Fang.

Fang woke up and said to Qian, "you\'re fine."

At this time, Yu Qian determined that Fang Xing was honing himself, so he arched his hand and said, "I\'m ashamed."

Fang woke up, turned his eyes, stared at Lu Feng and asked faintly, "can you get involved?"

Lu Feng was shocked and knelt down to defend.

Fang Xing stood in front of him. Xin Laoqi and others behind him held the handle of the knife, while the sergeants behind Lu Feng knelt down.

"Don\'t hide it, or even if you are meritorious, Ben Bo will make you guilty!"

Fang Xing held the handle of the knife, stepped back and shouted, "gather the soldiers!"

Lu Feng raised his hand, and then the drum sounded in the camp.

A group of sergeants came out of the barracks under the light of torches and began to gather behind the barracks gate.

No, the clothes are untidy. It looks ok.

When there was a dark queue in front of him, Fang woke up and said, "Jinan City is a good place, but the rainstorm tonight is not good!"

"Some people are colluding with each other, some people are obsessed and forget their responsibilities!"

Fang Xing waved back and shouted, "bring it up!"

Li Wei was dragged up and knelt on Fang Xing\'s right side. He looked up and said, "uncle, I know my sin! I know my sin!"

Fang woke up and stared ahead. Seeing some commotion, he said, "Benbo told Li Wei before going to Changshan, but where are you tonight?"

"Where are you tonight?"

This sentence directly suppressed the agitation.

Unless you really want to rebel, no one dares to do so under the crime of dereliction of duty.

Lufeng hung his head and said, "uncle, I\'m dereliction of duty!"

Fang Xing glances at Yu Qian. Yu Qian nods slightly. Fang xingyin kills the machine.


Li Wei looked up and suddenly had many wrinkles on his face. He said, "uncle, the officer has made a big mistake and is willing to accept the disposal."

Fang woke up, nodded, glanced at the silent soldiers and smiled.

Is he satisfied?

Li Wei was taken, and Lu Feng pleaded guilty. It was also the fish on the chopping board, which was only completed in a short time after he appeared. Are you satisfied.


Long knife out of scabbard, wave and cut!

"Uncle, spare your life..."

Li Wei never thought that Fang Xing would shoot himself, let alone that he would be beheaded in front of his command, so he wanted to play in shock, but not as fast as the long knife.

Fang woke up all night and experienced the interception. At the moment, the killing machine was boiling. He cut off Li Wei\'s neck with a knife.

The blood sprayed on the wet land and gradually dyed the place red.

There was a commotion in the queue, and someone even shouted, "kill!"

The army of peace, an untrained soldier!

The queue was in chaos. Lu Feng, who was also frightened, quickly turned back and shouted, "don\'t mess!"

But the chaos remains!

Fang Xing, raise your hand!

"Ho! Ho! Ho!"

Three fireworks took off and exploded!

Footsteps came gradually.

Lu Feng looked at the distance in amazement, and those chaotic soldiers looked at the distance.