Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2010

Wrapped in tarpaulin, you can\'t stop the cold.

When the rain hit his head, Fang woke up and felt a buzzing in his head and had a headache.

At the top of the city, a lantern was lit. Under the shelter of an umbrella, an officer lay on the wall, looked carefully at Fang Xing\'s six people and shouted, "who are you waiting for?"

Xin Laoqi looked up and shouted, "Xing Hebo is here, open the door!"

The officer lying on the head of the city was almost scared to fall down. He stared at it carefully.

But under the rainstorm, the light emitted by the lantern was like a firefly, and several people under the city looked like dark messengers, motionless.

I can\'t see clearly!

"Uncle, I can\'t see clearly!"

The officer hesitated and opened the gate at night. He couldn\'t be the master of it.

Xin Laoqi shouted, "here are six people. You open the gate and verify it, or put down the hanging basket and let\'s go up."

The officer frowned and said, "Sir, the lower officer must report."

This is a normal procedure, blameless.

But Fang woke up, but he couldn\'t wait. He lifted the rain cloth and let the rain drench him. He said, "Chang Yu was assassinated. Ben Bo hurried back from the long mountain, but he couldn\'t care so much in an emergency. Open the door and Ben Bo will play a chapter to apologize!"

The officer couldn\'t see Fang\'s face clearly. He was hesitating.

If the following is not Fang Xing, what will be his consequences?

Moreover, the movement of opening the city gate is not small. Once the city is disturbed, will it cause chaos.

At the moment when Chang Yu was assassinated, Jinan City was already in a state of panic. If there was another one

It\'s raining all the time!

"Ignition handle!"

In the rainy night, Fang\'s voice came to the city. Then several servants began to block the rain with a rain cloth, and then the fire gradually lit up the rain cloth.

Xin Laoqi covered Fang Xing\'s head with a rain cloth, and then a servant put the lighted torch close to Fang Xing\'s face.

The torch crackled and burned, and the splashing of moisture and rain made the torch burn fiercely.

Sparks splashed on Fang Xing\'s face. He squinted at the head of the city and said, "Benbo Fang wakes up! Benbo will bear any consequences. Open the door!"

The officer almost put most of his body outside the wall, and two sergeants were holding his legs behind him.

He carefully identified it, waved and shouted, "it\'s uncle, open the gate!"

The door shaft of the city gate has not been lubricated for a long time. Even if you are careful to open the door, the creaking sound still spreads far away.

The officer came out and recognized Fang Xing\'s identity again. Then he bowed and said, "uncle, I\'m guilty."

"Don\'t talk about these useless things. Tell Ben Bo, is there martial law in the city?"

Fang Xing covered his head with a rain cloth again and asked.

The officer wiped the rain on his face and said with a bitter smile: "uncle, no! I heard that Lord Qian and Lord Jiang had a quarrel in the chief secretary\'s Yamen. Lord Qian wouldn\'t let Lord Jiang take over the chief secretary\'s business. Lord Jiang said that Lord Qian was ultra vires..."

Fang woke up and shouted, "watch the city gate. Unless it is ordered by Ben Bo, the city gate cannot be opened again tonight. Those who dare to attack the city gate will be innocent!"

Six cavalry rushed into the city gate. The officer stood outside the city, looked up and said with a bitter smile, "don\'t make a big deal! Cough, cough!"


Behind him was the sound of the city gate closing. The street in front was washed by the rain, and the line of sight was blurred.

The rain continues!

Six rode towards the chief secretary\'s Yamen.

The water in the river overflowed, leaving almost half a foot of water on the street.

The horse\'s hooves trampled by, and the water splashed everywhere!


The first Xin Laoqi suddenly reined in his horse. The servants rushed from both sides with tacit understanding, and then stopped the horse.

Fang woke up in the back. He didn\'t need Xin Laoqi to explain. He thought it was wrong.

He looked back at the direction of the wall. Now it was about two miles away.

Silence will infect, and the heavy rain falls to the ground, as if it had lost its voice.

There was a dead silence in the shops on both sides. I didn\'t even hear of coughing.

Xin Laoqi hung his eyes and listened. The other three masters pulled out their long knives and stared at the left and right sides.

Fang Xing didn\'t move. Under the heavy rain, bows and arrows couldn\'t be used, so he didn\'t need to move.

The rain slanted down from the rain cloth over his head, forming a water curtain in front of him.

Through the water curtain, Fang woke up and heard a sound.

Xin Laoqi in front suddenly looked up and roared up to the sky.


He also heard the footsteps trampling on the water!

Fang Wuli shouted, "at least more than 50 people! The knife protects the master and retreats to the city gate! Others snipe the enemy!"

The howling came a long way, but Fang woke up and believed that it would take at least a quarter of an hour to wait for reinforcements.

Since it is deliberate, it is naturally well planned.

Fang Xing smiled and shouted at the alley in front of the right: "no one wants to live tonight!"

This is an order to kill all these people!

This is also an attitude!

Old Xin turned back, looked anxious and said, "Sir, back!"

"I won\'t return!"

Fang Xing frowned and said, "old seven, when did you see me leave you and run away alone?"

The sound of trampling on the water suddenly accelerated, and a voice suddenly shouted, "kill!"

In the rain, the first thief rushed out of the alley. He waved a long knife and was stunned.

These people didn\'t turn around and run away?

Fang Xing has taken down the shotgun hung on the horse and drove the horse forward.

The crowd soon poured out. Old Xin looked at it, turned cold, and said, "watch your master!"

Fang Xing was stunned that Xin Laoqi had dismounted.

The crowd surged, and someone behind shouted, "kill him!"

Xin Laoqi, holding a long knife, didn\'t look back and shouted, "stop the master!"

Then he trotted forward.

The water on the street has accumulated to the depth of his ankle, and Xin Laoqi will splash a big canopy with every step.

He was so fast that Fang woke up too late to respond.

And the thieves who rushed over were even more surprised!

These people were all dressed in black. They looked like their clothes would get wet. It was clear that they had been hiding in a nearby house, waiting for this moment.

Their weapons are long knives, but long knives are standard weapons. Where can people have them?

More than 60 people!

One and more than 60 people!

Both sides are running towards each other!


Fang woke up and dismounted, but he couldn\'t move!

Fang Wu hugged him from behind. The knife and Fang Liu were watching behind. Yu Qian was nervous with a long knife in his hand.

"Let go of me!"


The two sides have collided.

More than 60 people drowned Xin Laoqi in an instant.


A thief shouted and split his pocket with a long knife.

This is not a Jianghu technique!

The so-called Jianghu is not just green skin

But these thieves... Can\'t be green skin!

This is a powerful knife!

If you dare to hide, you will lose the chance to deal with it!

And the people around are raising their knives one after another. The next moment, they can divide Xin Laoqi into corpses!


Xin Laoqi opened the knife of the leader, but didn\'t take the opportunity to kill him. Instead, he roared and hit the whole man.

Fang Xing\'s cheeks were trembling. His struggle stopped for a moment, and then a violent wave surged from his chest.

"I killed you!"

Struggling Fang Xingyan\'s eyes turned red. He vowed to kill Fang Wu.

How can he let Xin Laoqi rush alone!

"Old seven!"

He struggled to break away from Fang Wu\'s embrace, but this was the result of Fang Wu\'s fear of hurting him.

He picked up his shotgun and rushed up like a madman.

He didn\'t know whether it was rain or tears on his face. He knew that he couldn\'t watch Xin Laoqi be dismembered by random knives.

Is it a master servant?


Fang Xing thinks they are more like brothers!

"I will kill you all!"