Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2009

Ma Liang rushed out of the gate with several confidants. The thieves behind him knew what was going on, so they all ran out.

Then they hit the cavalry cruising outside

The crossbow is aiming and the wings are encircling.

The Ming army in front approached with horses.

The long knife pointed to Ma Liang, and the hundred officials shouted, "get off the horse and kneel down within ten seconds, please come down!"

Ma Liang looked around and whispered, "don\'t worry, it\'s exile at most. Don\'t talk about those things..."

When they dismounted, the Ming army slowly forced them over, and then began to bind them.

Ma Liang is looking at his partner with sharp eyes.

We\'re all in a group. We can\'t run away without confessing.

"My Lord, he is Ma Liang!"


Order has been restored in the city, and groups of thieves have been closed down.

"Uncle, those are the local gentry."

Hiding in the people\'s home, Xiao Zhi followed Fang Xing and introduced the situation of Changshan city all the way.

Fang Xing\'s eyes swept over the group of respectful men and asked, "Why are you intact?"


This is a difficult question to answer, but someone came out.

"I\'ve seen uncle. When the thief conspired against us, the lower class took their servants here to guard. The thief saw that we were heavily guarded and didn\'t dare to do it."

"Uncle, we all sent servants before..."

We\'re a team!

Fang woke up and looked at these cautious faces and mouths, smiled and said, "it\'s hard!"

The people bowed down and said, "don\'t dare, uncle, it\'s hard. We just did our part."

Yu Qian looked at these people with complex eyes and shook his head slightly.

"Take it!"

Fang Xing pointed to the group and went to the county government.

The group was stunned, then angry, then desperate.

"Xinghebo, why is this?"

"Uncle, what have you done? If you contribute for the country, you will be taken. Which family\'s rule is this?"

"Oh, my God! Heaven and earth! Heaven and earth! This is reversing black and white!"


Yu Qian broke his drink and stopped the gentry who were wronged by the competition. He said with disgust, "you are the richest man in Changshan. Why do you rebel and don\'t attack you? Do you have deep morality and can subdue people without fighting?"

A gentry was cut back by the sergeant and shouted, "they have attacked! They have attacked!"


Yu Qian said angrily, "if they don\'t dare to attack this house, how can they have the courage to resist the officers and soldiers? They don\'t answer the preface, and wait for the bandit leader to be captured. It depends on what you say!"

He shook his head and walked away, leaving a pale behind him.


A gentry was dejected and said, "this is a rebellion! Rebellion... Regardless of evidence, only... Suspicion..."

The attitudes of all dynasties towards rebellion are generally similar: the chief villains and leaders are killed, and most of the remaining people are exiled to the worst places.

Thanks to the blessing of the Central Plains Dynasty, the choice of exile has never been a problem.

These people have no good fruit to eat.

"Where\'s shangru?"

In desperation, someone shouted, "my Lord, uncle, Shang Ru is the mastermind!"


The county government was in a mess. Xiao Zhiren looked familiar, so he called several familiar families, and then we worked together to clean up the county government.

"Uncle, Ma Liang and his accomplices are captured."

"I want a confession."

Fang Xing felt that this was a boring battle: a group of bewitched farmers, a group of sinister gentry, and a green skin leader who thought he had a destiny, so he couldn\'t wait for a farce like rebellion.


Fang Xing asks Xin Laoqi to give Xiao Zhi money and asks him to collect some yams.

"Let the brothers eat yam stew in the evening!"

The yam in Changshan is really right for Fang Xing\'s appetite. When he returns to Beijing, he is going to bring hundreds of kilograms to eat at home and send some to Zhu Zhanji. At least let him maintain it.

Why is this baby so stubborn?

Fang Xing was a little melancholy. He asked Duan to harass Zhu Zhanji every morning and let him get up and exercise. It started well, but then Zhu Zhanji relaxed again.

Thinking of the crying corn, Fang woke up with a sense of urgency and couldn\'t help it anymore.

"Let Fang Er go back to Beijing and go back immediately."

With Fang Xing\'s instructions, Fang two, one man and three horses set out under the protection of a general flag Department.

The sound of horse hoofs disappeared and then appeared again.

"Uncle, Lord Chang was assassinated and seriously injured!"

It was the Scouts of jubaoshanwei who stayed in Jinan City who came to report. They had killed several horses, and the distance from Jinan City to here was less than 100 kilometers.

"How is Jinan now?"

Fang Xing didn\'t care about Chang Yu\'s life and death. This is one of the necessary qualities of a general - the overall situation first!

The Scout said: "Jinan City is still calm at present. Jiang xuze has returned, but Qian Hui doesn\'t allow him to take over the chief secretary. They are making trouble, and the officials are uneasy."

Fang woke up and said, "Wu Yue took someone to clean up the mountain. I\'ll send someone to replace you immediately after I go back, and Yu Qian will stay."

This means to rush back to Jinan immediately. Yu Qian immediately said, "Xinghe Bo, this is a major matter. Please follow back."

The servants were already packing up. Fang Xing said, "it\'s not a big problem if you\'re here, but you change horses and people all the way. Are you sure you can hold it?"

When the army goes on a fast journey, it often changes horses without changing people. People who don\'t often ride long distances can\'t stand it.


The sky was shrouded in dark clouds, and the news of Chang Yu\'s assassination was depressing.

The chief secretary\'s Yamen was gloomy.

Chang Yu was assassinated when he went out. The assassin shot him in the chest with an arrow, and then ran away. He hasn\'t been caught yet.

Jiang xuze rushed to the chief secretary\'s Yamen as soon as he got the news, and immediately sent someone to find more than a dozen doctors with attainments in trauma.

This was a measure to appease the people. Then he sent people to protect officials of grade five and above, which further calmed the people.

"Lord Jiang, the situation in Jinan is mysterious. As an inspector, please avoid it!"

In the lobby, a group of political counsellors were at a loss watching the tension between Qian Hui and Jiang xuze.

It was getting dark and the two were still deadlocked.

Jiang xuze was a little intolerable and said, "I\'m the right chief envoy. When Lord Chang was assassinated, I naturally have to take over the important task. Lord Qian, you\'re messing around!"

Qian Hui just ignored. Jiang xuze said angrily, "you just follow the instructions and stretch your hand... It\'s too long!"

Qian Hui sneered: "the rank of a junior official is not as high as that of an adult, and his power can\'t control the chief secretary. But, Lord Jiang, why don\'t you agree with my suggestion? Sending sergeants to block the streets is an important task at this time!"

Jiang xuze pointed to him, shook his head and said, "Lord Chang was assassinated. At this time, people in Jinan were terrified and mobilized troops to blockade the city. If someone took the opportunity to lead, the whole city would be surprised. Should we suppress it?"

He looked at the officials below and said confidently: "those troops should lead without sending, this is the way to frighten the people! If all the blockades are sent, the people will be confused! They will be confused!"

Qian Hui sneered and said, "I won\'t tell you this. The sergeant sent to report has already arrived at Changshan. Xinghe Bo is a famous general of the dynasty. It\'s estimated that it\'s almost here now. We don\'t have to say anything. We\'ll reason when Xinghe Bo enters the city!"


When the rain poured in, Jiang xuze looked at the rain outside and sighed, "it\'s raining so hard, alas!"


In Jinan City, the sergeant guarding the city, wearing coir raincoat and Raincloth, squatted at the head of the city and trembled.

"How cold!"

The heavy rain in late autumn brought cooling and difficulties in observation.

"Here comes the cavalry!"