Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2011

Under the sky, in the rain!

A man\'s long knife was blocked, and the long knife was still in mid air. His look was still stunned.

But he believed that Xin Laoqi would die the next moment!

He believes it!

Countless long knives across the rain line!


Xin Laoqi slammed into it!

It\'s like a collision between two cars.

Xin Laoqi\'s is an ox cart, but his current thief is sitting on a Trojan horse.

Like a shell, the thief flew back.


The front was hit by this, knocked down several people, and suddenly there was chaos.

The long knives behind failed one after another after Xin Laoqi did not retreat but entered.

Xin Laoqi rushed forward a few steps and lowered his head.

Cut again with the long knife!

This time it\'s behind you!

The speed of this knife is so fast that there is no rain splash after cutting off the rain line.

The rain line continues to fall!

No one can imagine the speed of this knife!

The blood flashed, and then it was under the water pressure of the rain.

His head flew up with a look of amazement on his face.

Old Xin had calculated the angle when he pulled out the knife, but the last thief was one head higher than his companions, and the end of the knife was this man.

The long Sabre was just about to run out. He crossed the thief\'s arm, and then Xin Laoqi took it back.

The arm fell from the shoulder, but the tall thief was just stunned, then shouted wildly, and the long knife continued to cut off.

He is a brave man!

Xin Laoqi didn\'t give a knife. The other party lost an arm and his balance was disordered at the same time.

He just turned slightly to avoid the knife, then clenched his left hand and waved!

This is Fang Xing\'s crime!

Is there any royal law?

"According to the itinerary, Xinghe Bo is now outside Jinan City. If he decides to condemn him, he has nothing to say."

Qian Hui got up a little stiff and said, "but before that, I won\'t give in!"

Jiang xuze still said calmly: "Lord Qian, I\'m still that sentence. The first priority of Jinan City is to be stable and steady. We\'ll deal with it when xinghebo comes back."

Qian Hui just sneered.

Time passed. A quarter of an hour later, Jiang xuze got up and said, "that\'s it today. If Xinghe came back, let someone call me."

He walked away, but Qian Hui still sat.

This means that all officials are on standby.

The officials below sat numbly. Someone quietly turned his head and yawned, and then saw a small official running in madly.

"There was a cry of killing in the east of the city..."

In an instant, everyone, including Qian Hui, was pale