Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 200

The political development curve of the Ming Dynasty was the same as that of other dynasties, especially in the control of the emperor.

From Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor\'s authority reached its peak.

When Zhu Di arrived, he had strong control, but he looked at the opinions of his important ministers.

——Except the northern expedition!

Zhu Di, who was almost sick of being wary of the grassland alien, was listening to Zhu Zhanji at this time.

A moment later, Zhu Di said in a deep voice, "how much does Fang wake up?"

Zhu Zhanji recalled, "there are about 300 Liang."

"Grandpa Huang, has someone come to refund the silver?"

Zhu Zhanji asked curiously, but he didn\'t see Zhu Di\'s blackening face.

"What a good minister!"

The eunuch\'s head dropped lower, as if the pattern on his thick soled shoes had survived, and he was absorbed in it.

Zhu Di was preparing to kill, but Fang Jiazhuang welcomed a guest from Fang Xing himself.

The visitor is tall, dark and dignified.

Fang Xing welcomed him outside the villa and bowed down and said, "it\'s a great honor for Duke Zheng to come."

It was Zheng He who came. He couldn\'t help but be shocked when he heard Fang Xing\'s address.

As a fourth grade eunuch, many people call him eunuch Zheng.

But Fang Xing actually called him Zheng Gong solemnly, just like a younger generation, with respect on his face.

"Dehua doesn\'t have to be polite."

Zheng He is, after all, a fierce soldier among eunuchs and an outstanding figure in the history of world navigation. Just a smile makes Fang wake up like a spring breeze.

After entering Fang\'s house and arriving at his study, Fang woke up and quickly asked someone to make tea.

"The best tea!"

Seeing Fang Xing\'s excited appearance, zheng he couldn\'t help laughing.

"I met the master. He said you were very interesting. Let me have a look."

Zheng He didn\'t say our family, but he claimed to be me.

Fang woke up and thought about half the salary. Then he remembered who the master was. He couldn\'t help but be ashamed and said, "since I met the master last time, I\'ve forgotten the empty mountain Buddha sound. I\'m ashamed!"

Zheng He was preached by Yao Guangxiao as a Bodhisattva. He is half a disciple.

"That\'s all! I\'ve been warned by the Bodhisattva, but I don\'t reduce my swords overseas. What\'s the sound of Buddha!"

Zheng He laughed.

Zheng He\'s character is firm and bright because of his career at sea, which makes Fang Xing admire.

After a few greetings, Zheng He said, "I heard your highness TAISUN say that you have some uniqueness in overseas business. Let\'s talk about it today."

Facing the sunshine of Zheng He, Fang Xing was not modest. He directly took out his hand-painted map, pointed to the piece in Southeast Asia and said, "please see Zheng Gong."

Zheng He squinted at the map and said, "yes, it seems you really mean something."

Zheng He had already drawn a relatively accurate chart after several voyages to the west, so he was not surprised to see it.

Fang Xing pointed to the place in Java and said, "Zheng Gong, there are a lot of spices in this place!"

Of course, there are many. Now Zhu Di likes to use the things brought by the expedition, especially spices.

"There are many. Every time the fleet goes, they will use my Daming\'s money or exchange things for things. They get a lot of spices."

Fang Xing\'s eyes flashed the evil light of colonialism, pointed to it and said, "Zheng Gong, if you control here, those guys who dislike the bad food will have to pay for spices!"

Zheng He was stunned.

When he was following Zhu Di, Zheng He and the eunuchs could not only read widely, but also be taught by teachers, so he was a learned man.

But Fang Xing\'s suggestion with a blood smell clashed with his education.

"Well... I\'m a great man. It\'s inevitable to do this..."

Fang Xing raised his eyebrows and said, "Zheng Gong, didn\'t the former Song Dynasty be benevolent and righteous? But what happened later?"

The history of the former Song Dynasty and the grassland alien can really write a large book, but it is full of blood and tears.

These blood and tears are from the Song Dynasty and the Han people.

As for the grassland alien, they are predators, destroyers, and finally conquerors.

The Song Dynasty armed with Confucianism was finally defeated and conquered by the grassland aliens armed with knives and guns.

Zheng He shook his head and said, "it\'s a good idea, but it\'s hard for your majesty to agree."

Zhu Di\'s urine is like this. He thinks that Daming is a Heavenly Kingdom, so he should live in harmony with his neighbors and use Daming\'s strength to inspire neighbors to respect Daming.

Fang Xing said helplessly, "but I Daming also need money and food!"

Zheng Hexin said sadly, "in Zhancheng, I saw those natives planting at will, and then three crops a year."

"Siam is also rich in rice!"

Fang Xing beat Siam\'s position with his knuckles and said angrily, "the Ming Dynasty was founded soon, and there were few people, so the land is enough for use. Can we wait a hundred years? Is it enough?"

Anyone who knows history will remember that the growth rate of the Han people\'s Dingkou is the fastest in the world.

Until Zheng He left, his attitude was still very firm refusal.

However, Fang Xing didn\'t think Zheng He was pedantic, but felt that he was very loyal.

On the eunuch who won Zhu Di\'s trust most in Daming, there is no one except Zheng He.

Zheng He holds the largest fleet in Chinese history, invincible vertically and horizontally. But he was the leader of the fleet from the beginning of going to sea to his death at sea.

This man is born to belong to the sea!

Fang Xing was not depressed. He knew that Confucianism still had the upper hand.

After finding masu, Fang Xing explained: "from now on, other contents can be added to the teaching."


Ma Su was a little surprised. In his opinion, Professor Fang Xing\'s things will be unfathomable only after you study them deeply.

But are you going to teach such advanced knowledge now?

Fang woke up, nodded and sighed, "it\'s time! It\'ll be late if it doesn\'t spread out again!"

Fang Xing used to influence the general trend with the idea of human profit seeking, but now it seems that he is still too naive.

"Since the peaceful evolution is not successful, let\'s take a drastic step!"

Fang Xing felt that it would take too long to wait for Zhu Zhanji to come to power, so he simply went both ways.

So the next day, when there was a bloody storm in the court because of arutai\'s bribery, Fang Xing had already opened a new class.

After a class, all the students were excited because Fang woke up and did the experiment today.

"It\'s like magic!"

The students were amazed when they saw that the iron wire could burn in a specific environment.

"It\'s beautiful to watch Mars splash!"

Zhu Zhanji thought this was Fang Xing\'s knowledge of pressing the bottom of the box, so he went to Fang Xing after class.

Fang Xing packed up the experimental equipment. When he saw Zhu Zhanji, he said, "I\'ve opened a new school, but I don\'t know whether I can carry the saliva of those old professors in the future."

Zhu Zhanji also had some doubts: "brother Dehua, I think it\'s enough!"

Even future monarchs find it difficult to shake the traditional forces, but Fang Xing is still full of confidence.

"I have confidence!"

If it\'s a big deal, take your family overseas to finish it.

The wheeled armored vehicles in the warehouse have long been cooked by Fang Xingkai!