Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 199

When Zhao Guozhang finally died in the prison of the Ministry of punishment, Fang Xing shook his head and forgot the man.

Back home, Fang woke up to see a box.

"What is this?"

Zhang Shuhui frowned and said, "a monk came this morning and threw down the box. He said he hoped Daming would understand the situation of king he Ning and recruit less troops."

"King hening?"

Fang woke up and patted his forehead. Then he suddenly realized, "it\'s the old Persian ghost of arutai!"

Arutai is not an authentic Mongolian, but a Mongolian Persian.

"Tut tut!"

After opening the box, looking at the gold and silver inside, Fang woke up with toothache and said, "people in arutai don\'t think I can change the predetermined strategy of Chaozhong, so..."

Xiaobai was surprised and said, "do other people get more benefits?"

Zhang Shuhui said in surprise, "what\'s the matter with Xiaobai today? She\'s becoming smarter!"

Xiaobai held her chest out proudly, but then she saw Zhang Shuhui\'s higher place and couldn\'t help but hang her head and be depressed.

Zhang Shuhui looked at the property and said worriedly, "husband, how do you deal with these things?"

"Of course, hand it in!"

Fang Xing sneered, "our family is not short of money, and maybe these gold and silver were plundered from Daming. They are covered with blood. Are those who want them not afraid of nightmares at night?"

Alutai took over the class of former Mengyuan, and used to harass Daming. Thinking of the people of the Ming Dynasty who were regarded as beheaded by cattle and sheep, Fang Xing decided to

Zhu Zhanji is here. Today he is in high spirits, because Zhu Di finally promised to take him to the northern expedition.

"Sister in law, where\'s brother Dehua?"

After meeting Zhang Shuhui, Zhu Zhanji asked.

Zhang Shuhui looked worried, pointed to the position of the study and said, "my husband has locked himself in the study since the morning. I don\'t know what he\'s stirring up."

"I guess I\'m making up a Book..."

Zhu Zhanji went to the study. After knocking on the door, he saw Fang Xing looking at the map.

"Brother Dehua, do you want to travel far?"

Now Zhu Zhanji\'s fanatical idea of unifying the world on the map has dissipated a lot, so he joked.

Fang woke up and waved to him. When he came over, he said, "do you find the current position of alutai? The whole situation of recuperation."

At present, arutai is in the southeast of Mongolian grassland, and has become a tripartite confrontation with wati and Daming.

But arutai\'s position is very flexible. It can be attacked and defended.

Zhu Zhanji\'s face coagulated and said, "someone once said that alutai is dormant."

"That\'s right!"

Fang Xing blurted out, "alutai is ambitious. How can he be willing to be behind others? He was just beaten by Daming and taught a lesson by Mahmud, so he was pretending to be a grandson."

Zhu Zhanji looked at Fang Xing in confusion. He didn\'t know what he was doing when he mentioned alutai at this time.

Fang Xing pointed to the back of the study door with a sneer.

"What\'s that?"

Zhu Zhanji saw only one box.

"Gold and silver!"

Fang woke up and opened the box, then turned back and said, "this was sent this morning."


Zhu Zhanji, in combination with Fang Xing\'s words just now, was acutely aware that someone was moving.

Fang Xing pointed to the southeast of Mongolia on the map.


"It\'s his man." Fang Xingshen said with a smile, "the people of arutai even want to bribe me in exchange for not sending troops to attack wati. Taishun, think about what\'s in here."

Zhu Zhanji sneered: "this is to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight! Waiting for my Daming and Mahmud to decide the outcome, it\'s best to lose both sides, so that he can see the unified grassland in arutai and covet the hope of my Daming."

"That\'s what I mean."

Zhu Zhanji said with a smile, "don\'t worry, brother Dehua. Grandpa Huang is still considering this matter. He is not only worried that alutai will shrink back, but also reluctant to consume the opportunity of Tatars. He is still hesitating!"

"This is a good chance to speak!"

Fang Xing\'s meaningful way.

As soon as Zhu Zhanji\'s face changed, he thought that even Fang woke up and received gold and silver. Aren\'t those officials who can speak

Fang Xingbu Dao said, "the more the opponent is unwilling to do, we have to force him or tempt him to do it. That\'s cutting communication!"

Zhu Zhanji coagulated for a moment, nodded and said, "brother Dehua, I know. I\'ll go back now."

Fang woke up and watched Zhu Zhanji grow taller. He knew that he had picked it out. As for who would be unlucky, he didn\'t know.

Even if he knew, Fang Xing thought that kind of person deserved it!