Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1897

The autumn water is boundless and the heart is desolate.

Fang Xing certainly won\'t have this feeling. He just listened to Wang He chanting sour poems behind him, and felt that his mood was inexplicably bad.

At this time, he was already at sea, and the treasure ship under his feet was chopping forward.

After death, Wang he finally stopped trying to the great poet and whispered, "xinghebo, your majesty is going to be angry. Otherwise, how can you suddenly change your course."

Fang woke up and ignored him. Wang he continued to nag: "Zheng He\'s going to sea to comfort, but it must be Xuanwei when we come out! Your Majesty\'s attitude has suddenly changed. It seems that someone is causing trouble."

Zhu Zhanji didn\'t give Fang Xing time to find his roots, so he let him get together at home for an extra day, and then took Wu yuebu out.

Fang Xing thought a lot on the ship these days, and finally thought of the Empress Dowager.

It was Yu Jia\'s secret signal: Your Majesty went down to the Empress Dowager\'s palace and the two pregnant women. When he came back, his mood became worse, and then he gave this will.

Hu Shanxiang and sun naturally could not let Zhu Zhanji change his strategy, so there was only the Empress Dowager who could have a great impact on Zhu Zhanji.

What is it?

Fang woke up and wished he couldn\'t get back to the capital, then broke off Zhu Zhanji\'s head to see if the man had smoked.

The Empress Dowager is well versed in the way of blessing and misfortune and believes in cherishing blessing. Zhu Zhanji and Hu Shanxiang can be called filial piety. What else can she be dissatisfied with?


Fang woke up and looked back to see Wang He lowering his head and saying something. He asked, "are you going on a diet today?"

Wang he patted his belly and said sadly, "in the morning, we went to the kitchen and saw that the cook was making bacon. They threw the bacon into the pot and cooked it, and then... Vomit!"

Wang He retched. Fang woke up and said with a smile, "isn\'t it just that the raw maggots have been broken? It\'s no big deal. The maggots are also meat. Let\'s go."

Wang he shook his head and stayed on the deck.

The sea breeze was a little cold. The sailors on the deck began to change shifts. The changed sailors scolded and rested on the side. Two sailors were sent to get food.

A short and strong sailor sat on the deck and scolded: "the wind blows blind and disorderly. The ship is more and more difficult to operate. If we don\'t hurry up, when we arrive at Taiping port, we can only wait to eat the shit of father Zheng\'s fleet!"

A sailor lay casually on the deck and muttered on his side, "whatever, it\'s good for us to sail alone."

Fang Xing and Fu Xian have dinner together. Today\'s dishes include meat and pickled meat.

Fang Xing ate without changing his face. Fu Xian was even more devastated. No one cared about those holes.

"Uncle, as soon as we come out this time, the sea of Daming will be empty."

Zheng He took away the huge fleet, and Fu Xian\'s fleet, as the last defense force of the Ming sea, was also pulled out by Fang Xing.

At this time, there were only some small boats left in Daming, which could be said to be undefended.

Fu Xian casually wiped his beard and mouth with the back of his hand, burped, and then drank a bowl of bean sprout soup. Only then did he sigh with satisfaction.

Fang Xing slowly drank some astringent bean sprout soup. Seeing many people squatting on the ground for dinner, he got up and said, "let\'s go up."

As soon as they went out, their original position was occupied immediately.

A sailor picked up Fang Xing\'s unfinished bean sprout soup, dried it in two bites, and then hurriedly planed rice, just like a hungry ghost reincarnation.

The daily supply of the fleet is fixed, and with the interruption of shore supply, the supply will be further compressed, so food is precious.

On the vast sea, wasting food should be split by thunder.

So when Fang woke up and went to the deck, he heard a thunderbolt.


Fang woke up and shrunk his neck. Watching the fleet move forward slowly, he was a little anxious.

A gust of wind blew obliquely, and the treasure boat swung a few times.

Fu Xian helped Fang wake up and said carelessly, "don\'t worry, uncle. The wind won\'t blow for long."

The fleet tossed and turned for a while, and then resumed its course.


When the trees on the shore withered, the fleet finally saw Changle Taiping port.

An island split the wide sea into two parts. On the two channels on the left and right sides, several small boats rushed over.

The waves beat the bow, the sailors on the boat stood steady, and the flag kept shaking.

Fang Xing put down his telescope and said happily, "father Zheng, they haven\'t left yet."

The flag here kept shaking to show them the way, but the boat over there had to come.

"Which adult led the team?"

The boat made a beautiful curve in front of the fleet, and then a sergeant asked loudly.


The sergeant in the boat suddenly cheered and shouted, "please follow!"

"Why are they cheering?"

Wang he asked. Fu Xian said with a smile: "it\'s awesome to go to sea with father Zheng, but you can\'t find many opportunities to do it! Uncle is different..."

The fleet slowly followed into the channel and was taken all the way to the temporary parking place.

"Uncle, is it feasible for the fleet to stop here temporarily and resettle later when father Zheng comes back?"

Fang Xing has got down to the boat, and a sergeant of Zheng He\'s fleet is piloting.

Fang woke up and nodded, and the fleet immediately began to dock.

The boat moved forward slowly. When it saw the increase of folk houses on the shore, the sergeant pointed to the front left and said, "uncle, that\'s King Kong legs."

On the left front, a protruding hill on the bank looks like a collapsed bridge deck, extending into the water.

The sergeant explained: "when father-in-law Zheng moored here, two monsters made waves, father-in-law Zheng prayed, and then the gods suppressed..."

People who run the sea are the most superstitious, and many habits have been retained.

The boat slowly passed by the side of the King Kong leg. Fang woke up and looked like a foot.

Further on is Zheng He\'s camp. Fang woke up and landed. Wang Jinghong, who had long been informed, came to meet him.

"I\'ve seen xinghebo."

A line of eunuchs and generals behind him woke up and asked, "where\'s father Zheng?"

Wang JINGLUE said, "Grandpa Zheng went to Quanzhou..."

Fang Xing waved his hand. He didn\'t want to interfere in the later things.

When the party entered the camp, Fang woke up and saw the sergeants running lazily. He asked, "why don\'t you practice hard?"

Wang Jinghong said, "this gang of killers practiced in the morning. Now they are just afraid that they will go out to harm people, so they pull them out and run."

Hong Bao, who has always been silent, said, "Xinghe Bo, this is Daming. If a woman is harmed, the local officials will report it all the way, and everyone\'s face won\'t want it."

Fang woke up, nodded to him and asked, "how\'s father Hong recently?"

Hong Bao said with a strong smile, "it\'s still like that. Labor Xinghe is concerned."

Fang Xing nodded. Everyone entered a spacious room, and then Fang Xing explained his intention.

"There are many disputes between the DPRK and China over the development of overseas. Your majesty made a decision and asked Ben Bo to come. So... What is father Zheng\'s plan for this trip?"

This seems insipid, but those who know Fang Xingzi feel murderous.

As the envoy, Wang Jinghong said, "the original plan of Xinghe Bo was to comfort all the way and then send the messenger back. Of course, trade should also be stepped up. After all, as long as gold and silver, I\'m afraid there will be some differences with those small countries."

Fang Xingduan sat on his head, glanced at the people in the room and said categorically: "Daming has Daming rules and regulations. Those who obey are vassal countries. Those who do not obey... Those who are not clear are thieves!"